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14.04, Upgrade or Not???? What works for an OS????

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14.04, Upgrade or Not???? What works for an OS????

Postby BBOSAK2143 » Tue Apr 29, 2014 3:52 pm

Yesterday tried something close to this topic and made a fatal error on it! This time hopefully will not get anyone at all upset. Basically much of this, I am trying to gain as much insight and also I look for others to learn from my experiences and everyone else's here. If I did not care for anyone here or anywhere, you would never see a post from me again!!! WIth that said, also remember this is only one person's opinion!

To the subject at hand! Yesterday, on my 13.10 I once again viewed the option of upgrading. So, once again I figured would see what was said from more/less the pre-upgrade information. I call it that, since Linux/Ubuntu is at least kind enough to let you know what the results will be, then give you the choice! Not going to mention the other OS's have been on, which that was not the case and you go through the upgrade and then find is all trashed! That is not the subject. Here the focus is the outcome and my own future plans. So, with the pre-upgrade account on everything, I found I was looking at the same results, every time this option is given!

I always find Gnome and Cinnamon are the first to either get fully removed or half re-assembled into something that is not worth a plug nickel!!! Having also installed the Mate desktop in this 13.10 of mine, I found the same would also hold true for that! Next, I find the entire upgrade would be downloading about 2.3gb's!!! Now that is basically about 3/4 of the entire OS as it stands at 3.9gb's on disk/flashdrive. Now, I mentioned this is not the first time I have seen this same type of outcome! I have seen it from 12.10 to 13.04, 13.04 to 13.10 and now this one! Is always the same! I have even done this upgrade a few times and what are the results????

I wind up with an OS that is a shadow of what is was and would have been better off just building from scratch! What I mean in that is either is a bit too complicated to fix to run properly or is completely useless! It never seems the outcome is good and personally am blaming myself as it seems to come from my crazy love of multiple desktops! Now I listed Gnome and Cinnamon since those are the desktops that take the largest hit first!!! In fact those 2 desktops are just wearing me out! In the past so many weeks, I have been doing my utmost to steer clear of those desktops! I have found myself getting deeply involved with the LXDE desktop, and most likely due to the past history I have with it! Has saved my neck a few times after making huge mistakes!!! Is one of the smallest desktops out there, but not in functionality!

In the past, I have also had KDE installed and even though is a large desktop for which, I can never seem to enjoy, it does usually handle upgrades fairly well!!! This is a lot more than I can ever say for Gnome or Cinnamon. I wisened up about KDE and please no one take offense! For me, I just do not like the looks of it and is impossible for me to find my programs. So, I figured "If I am not using it, why have it?" So, for this 13.10 I walked away from KDE but did the programs from KDE I liked the most! I did however install Mate instead which still kept the multiple desktop bit up there!

Now, I am looking at the size of these systems and know that all the desktops combined relatively take up close to half of the entire OS! Therefore, the upgrade size is huge!!! Now, say I was to just go with one or two desktops? I will bet one of my OS's would not even be 2 gigs total! I started asking myself recently, "Why do I need all these desktops?" The answer was because I am getting exactly what I want from any of them!!!! Next, I had to ask the question "Which desktop is dependable and can be eventually toned to the way I would want it?" The answer to that question is LXDE! Sure some of it is due to the elimination of Flashback in 3.12! The rest comes from all the upgrade hassles. Just read my posts and you will see the nightmares I went thru!

Now from some other rants and a little section, you can see have been working at getting the looks for it!!! This is not what this post is about though! This is only for some of us that build OS's to examine what it is that we want to see!!!! Basically, what I am really hoping to instill on everyone out there is if they are to create one of their own systems, do not over complicate things!!!! I am learning this all from the past year and a half or close to it!!!! I guess I am saying at points on all this building have been a real fool!!! I have never really examined what I am talking about right now!!!! So, I am hoping others out there will take heed from all this and it will save them some time!!

Now this next fact may get some people real mad, but is not meant to and only another opinion. To me I constantly notice these 04's come in and they are nice but need work! Just seems more like a beta test than the real thing! Now by the 10's they run like a dream!!!! Have seen it with 12.10 and now 13.10! Just run smooth as silk! So, am starting to kick myself for jumping the gun! When I say that, seems I have always been ready for that 04, but now am going to just wait! Not saying I will not study things, but I think I will just run the 10's and examine the 04's only! Sure, I know 14.04 is an LTS, but does it make a severe difference??? I mean think about it??? How many of us are there that actually run an OS longer than one year??? Hell, I am lucky to run one for more than 6 months, let alone over a year!

I am not talking about the OS's crashing and having to be replaced! I am talking about those of us excited to bring those new changes to our desktops!!! I mean, If I wanted to see the same desktop for 10 years, I would probably just go buy that one, right???? No THANKS! Been there done it and I constantly pray I will never be a slave to that OS again! I do however, think is best to just be one of the ones that waits til the .10's are out before building, but examine the new concepts in the .04's and how they are progressing to completion when finalized for the .10's. Also as I say, I am going to be doing a lot of rethinking what would be best for when 14.10 comes out for a new OS!!!! I sure have enjoyed the improvements that were made and the progression of learning I have experienced!!! Is absolutely priceless in my book! Anyway am really curious how others feel about the O4's, 10's and building OS's! Also, as have said, will be happy if any of what have discussed may help in some way! Best wishes to all and remember, I never mean to get anyone upset! I simply enjoy technology, its progression and sharing my opinions and ideas!
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Re: 14.04, Upgrade or Not???? What works for an OS????

Postby BBOSAK2143 » Wed Apr 30, 2014 9:12 am

Thanks is nice to see my themes used, enjoyed as they were intended to be! Was the whole idea behind the creation of them as to everyone can easily tailor those themes to their liking!!! The same will always hold true for every theme I create until I do not make them anymore! I was happy to find some errors I made as I never want to change the concept that a user can change the theme within 2 files! Even though this post was really supposed to be about how everyone feels about these upgrades and different ideas that will help all of us out, it never hurts to stray from it and look at things we like! I figured would also since you posted that pic, would take this opportunity to show what is starting to happen in the next phase of this theme creation of mine. The png's are all gone!!! Nothing to spoil seeing text coloring or just the text! Plus like I always say, am no artist and I can not even draw a stickman good on a piece of paper!!! Only way to be artistic for me is to use the script!

Many on here as have seen their artwork are awesome artists!!! The work that has been done for Ultimate's artwork pales all other OS's and many websites out there!!! Still, I guess we all shine where our talent exists. I just hope mine will exist in the creation of these themes some day! Anyway here is a pic and am hoping within this next month the entire series of themes I have created will be re-launched and working properly and looking exactly as they should! Remember this has just been changed to the new gtkrc, but is not adjusted fully! Below Black_Beauty_IV you will also see how Cyana_II is coming along which is further along! Both are on the LXDE desktop which I plan to use as the main desktop when I build my next OS, which will be when I can get 14.10!
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Re: 14.04, Upgrade or Not???? What works for an OS????

Postby BBOSAK2143 » Wed Apr 30, 2014 3:38 pm

That is the Mate desktop and these themes am working on will do the same gradient tricks pulled on this LXDE! Also building a new gtk-3.0 to go along with it! Still need that as programs work off of it! This is a major chore, but I am sick and tired of just accepting the looks and not getting the exact effect I want to have everywhere in the theme! It took me a good half hour to just get the location in the nemo pathbar to look exactly the way I want it! Even though, I am going to shy away from the Gnome desktop environment, it does not mean I am not going to make a theme that will not look and work right there also! Same goes for Mate. Sure I do like Mate, do not get me wrong, just feel more for LXDE at this time. Time changes things so you never know where I will land on desktops! Just think, I have had my fill of Gnome!

As I started out with this post, I made some complaints against upgrading, especially when Gnome is involved! Is one large desktop and to me never adjusts correctly when one moves up from say 13.04 to 13.10 or 13.10 to 14.04. Everytime I tried it, left that desktop practically trashed, so am walking away from it! I think if I do a basic distro with LXDE and XFCE along with all the great programs, will most likely come out way ahead! Face it, those 2 desktops just seem to fall in line all the time! Never have to worry about them on upgrades. There are also many programs that react the same way since their developers are swift enough to understand where Linux is headed and keep up the pace with them!

Problem seems to come in when people loose pace, fall behind and sort of loose interest in keeping their program going! Then we find those not able to be installed since the developer just blew off keeping it up to par! So for those of us that put these systems together we have to pay strong attention and detail to those facts and do our best to avoid problems by not installing these blown off programs! Also, as new ways of video enhancement change appearance, we also have to be aware and understand how to cope with those changes! I have fallen victim to that effect in this 13.10 that I put together. The changes, just tossed my themes to the wayside!!!! Great effects that were there, were no longer comprehended(displayed) properly, so I have to change many things!

Still, it is all worth the time and aggravation. I mean think about it???? Last OS I built could run for so many hours, then boom do something strange or crash! This 13.10 runs all day and night if I want it to and have come back to it fresh in the morning continuing my onslaught or work to it and it handled great! Of course most of it is due to the changes in overall programs in Linux!!! As have said before, "I owe all the greatness of this OS to those that have built all the great things it contains!" Is not me! I am no wiz at all!!!! I make tons of mistakes, but of course am not afraid to say it, either!!! Also am never afraid to give credit where it is due! I should have also said "I owe all I have done with this OS, to those that have taught me well, here!!!"

I will always be grateful for everyone here!!! Will never stop mentioning either! I also hope that any information I have posted also helps! There were posts that helped me get real far. I just hope some of mine will add to this greatness and help others get far! Well, am back to that gtk.css! Is going to be my best work yet! Also will be the smallest possible theme that can be made!!! When is totally finished, I am hoping it contains no png's or svg's anywhere!!! Going to even try what I can for the metacity! I want that stuff gone. Someone has got to do something crazy like this and well, I think am the perfect candidate for that!!!!
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