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Wow, well that's a disparity.

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Wow, well that's a disparity.

Postby Xanayoshi » Thu Apr 17, 2014 3:48 pm


I need 32 and 64 but apparently I am the only one that needs a 32, it is the one on the left.

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Re: Wow, well that's a disparity.

Postby BBOSAK2143 » Sun Apr 20, 2014 7:06 pm

You know, even though 14.04 is supposed to be supported for a few years, still have my reservations on it! To me it seems like all these 04's are just a prequel to the real deal that happens when it hits 10! I mean think about it, 12.04 was a hassle, 12.10 was sweet and so on! Sure will work on the version had going with the Gnome 3.10 desktop but am going to kick the 3.12 to the curb! Since, I finally got somewhere with gtk-2.0 am really thinking by 14.10 will just use Mate, XFCE, LXDE and Cinnamon for next OS! Loss of Flashback just erks me big time and am just going to can Gnome! KDE, sorry I never have luck with it! Moves a little slow for me. Maybe if I had the hardware upped would be alright, but for about a year now, KDE drags on this hardware so just giving up on it til I build a new computer!

Most of the things available for 14.04 are on my current 13.10 build so do not really see an overall gain for it, still will finish the one I have going, but not so sure if it will get installed as am very happy with this 13.10! That of course is unbelievable as usually I am always ready for the next one, but of course there have always been gains and now that there is no gain, why bother? See, the Pipelight stuff was talking about that was improved, wound up being implemented into 13.10! So now on install is a dream! Sure one has to wait a few minutes to use their browser the first time, but is the cost of preinstalled software has to engage and implement before it can be used!

Am hoping if you find a gain will let me know as love knowing the improvements. I try my best to list what is happening when I can but of course when it comes to being real proficient, you have got that far under your belt compared to me! I can see from this 13.10, the strain on hardware is less then the previous OS's and is great to see this kind of performance! Sure my building skills have improved a bit, but to be completely honest nowhere near a real developer! Previous OS's shut down here and there, mostly due to video and usb. Now, I see absolutely nothing! I run all day and part of the night and only time it shuts down or reboots is by my command and not its own! Now that is not due to me being more proficient in building, is due to the massive improvement since 13.04! Will brag on Linux developers as they know how hardware runs and effectively write programs and systems to work with hardware and not against!!!!

Sure I have bitched about Wayland, but truth being is a vast improvement when some stupid little video will not shut your computer down! Have been there, as you know have the integrated graphics, and at points it presents problems! Is very amazing Linux development understands that fully and works to help and not try and force us to get new machines! Some of us just can not afford to buy, buy, buy! Anyway as you are so accurate and great in your descriptions am looking forward to when you implement 14.04 as I know you will give us all great insight!
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