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Working FocusWriter...

Working FocusWriter...

Postby DeeDon » Sat Nov 10, 2012 2:17 pm

I could post only: "FocusWriter needs more features.. I need to make 4-eyes on a smooth powerful background pix.. How's it done?"...

..and leave it at that, short and precise for good folks who don't like to read lengthy deep posts.. but how does one make a short deep post..?


Caution & disclaimer: This is a lengthy deep post, which will likely modify your present focus and trajectory.. so if you suffer over-load migraines, please don't read it.. If you do get a headache, simply recite some love dogma, and the headache will dissipate in seconds...

I could roll with it, keying what ever comes to mind, and just see what happens.. So I'll do both.. I already did the short version, and now I'll do the big one...


I'm trying to make the FocusWriter background-pix be a little cosmicly unusual, for writing cosmicly unusual notes, for a cosmicly unusual children's book, intended to guide mindful-kids into opening their minds to the reality that be, in this reality-stifling culture, in assisting new-humanity to over-ride the great life-stifling highly restrictive global-delusions they are born into and boxed in, given that their pocket electronic communications devices are essentially becoming their minds, resulting in human-minds becoming depleted and vanishing.. Proof: I'm hearing a lot of young folks saying: "this device is my life"..
When the battery fails, they are totally lost and switched Off.. These pocket electronics have essentially become their minds, and they are doing only mindless trivia with it.. and that frightens me.. I fear for humanity.. is why I've devised a skin-graft PC, which could become peoples synthetic-minds one day... Ultimate Edition writers, in conjunction with SL-OS writers, might one day be hired to write the OS for this skin-graft PC, if I ever gets it funded...

I wish I knew how to add these screen-shot images that I have on the desktop to this post.. It's said: "a pix says a thousand words".. But these pix are copy-written pix of her majesty Angelina Jolie, so it's likely that I am not permitted to add them to this post without written permission.. I don't have time to get written permission...
One curious-one, standing behind me, reading over my shoulder, asks "Why Angelina Jolie pix?"..

.."Because her majesty seems to have all women in her Being.. She seems to be representative of literally Everything female in humanity.. And because I sat 8-feet in front of a wild female grizzly-bear in the forest, scanning its mind, and found eleven female personality layers in the bear, over the fifth bump, when there are only seven female personality layers in human females.. I get a sense that her majesty Angelina Jolie holds more than eleven female personality layers.. is why I see her majesty as the president of America, and as the empress and hat of the matriarchy, is why I choose this pix as a prime FocusWriter background, to write evolved reality.." But I edit-out the mole which distorts my focus... ... /1024x768/

Anyway.. make a keen powerful human-face, of your choice, be desktop's background.. Make FocusWriter's background be the same image.. Pull FocusWriter window with mouse till pix shows four-eyes.. and you'll see the problems I'm running into in trying to make a balanced smooth powerful pix with four eyes, without having to go into pix editors to rework the pix.. I'm not That good with Gimp yet, and I don't have the time to learn and fiddle with Gimp right now.. There's just too much on my plate.. Seems I needs a building & staff...

Seems FocusWriter needs a few more background manipulating features, to enable the user to fine-tune manipulate background images as needed, to make writing in FocusWriter be a cosmic-mind experience...
"Cosmic FocusWriter OS".. has a nice ring to it....
Couldn't find a reasonable FocusWriter forum...

I'm hoping one day soon there will be a "Ultimate Edition FocusWriter" Linux Distro OS, full of strange "magical" tricks & features for the ultimate creative writer.. I'd send a link to all the world's writer's guilds, who would in-turn make all the world's best writers aware of it.. and the world would get better books and movies, the reason I send all my new themes to the world's writer's guilds.. They ask: "Please write it up and present it in first person, so our writers can easily get a good feel for the emotions you are illustrating in product", is why I do.. is why we're getting better movies... :vil2_pipe
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Re: Working FocusWriter...

Postby pam » Sat Nov 10, 2012 11:46 pm

Hi DeeDon

Never ever heard of it but to me it seems focuswriter is one of the best open source apps you can get..
Its a pretty simple but radical program!!!

Nice write up and thank you for sharing
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