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The Ultimate Guide for the rest of us


Postby Billie Cowie » Tue May 01, 2012 7:15 pm

Hello evanjones246,
couldn't see a post-reply option in F.A.Q. so I decided to make a new post to answer your question.
Firestarter may already be installed on your system.
Check by starting up Synaptic Packet Manager. Go to system>Administration>Synaptic Package Manager.
Enter password when prompted, then go to left-hand column > System Administration>Universal.
If it is there and ticked it is installed.
If not ticked mark for installation and download.Synaptic will put everything in the correct place.

If it's installed already another way to find it is via System>Administration>Firewall Configuration
This will open Firestarter so you can set it up as you like.

If you still can't find it then open a terminal and type at the prompt," sudo apt-get install firestarter " ( minus italics ), hit enter, and it should then download and install along with any required packages, or it will inform you the package is already installed.
Any problems get back to the forum but to this post and not to F.A.Q.

If you or anyone else are still concerned about virus in linux then an occasional check with Clamav ( should also be already installed ) should ease your mind.You can also use Clamav to check Software-DVD's for viruses but since most Linux DVD's are from the Linux Community or via Magazine Cover-disks it really should not be needed..
This may be overkill but if you want to check for rootkits,
Open a terminal and type " sudo rkhunter checkall "
This will check your system for rootkits but it's unlikely you will ever need to use it if you watch your Windows e-mails and don't open any attachments from people you don't know.Any Viruses you may run into are most likely from unrecognised software repositories or Windows e-mails i.e. Hotmail transmitted via attachments, so it's actually safer all round to use Webmail ( in any OS ) rather than E-mail anyway.I hope this helps to clarify the safety of Linux and stop people worrying over-much. :P
All that I am or seem is but a dream within a dream.
Billie Cowie
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Re: Firestarte - rkhunter

Postby Billie Cowie » Wed May 02, 2012 5:23 am

The command sudo rkhunter checkall does not seem to work in all edition-releases. Probable syntax error!
All that I am or seem is but a dream within a dream.
Billie Cowie
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Re: Firestarter

Postby Billie Cowie » Wed May 02, 2012 7:37 pm

Corrected syntax r.e. rkhunter
First make sure rkhunter is installed.
Go to Synaptic Packet Manager and type rkhunter in box. If it isn't ticked , mark for installation and apply.It will then download.
If you ever think you need to use it, open terminal and type " sudu rkhunter --check " ( minus italics ) and hit enter.
Touch wood-you will never need it! :P
All that I am or seem is but a dream within a dream.
Billie Cowie
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