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Super-User/Root privileges default for Nautilus

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Super-User/Root privileges default for Nautilus

Postby Zaileion » Wed Jan 25, 2012 5:11 pm

want to give root and/or super-user privileges to nautilus by default, and make nautilus ALWAYS and AUTOMATICALLY open with super-user privileges . i am just about 6 months into using Linux, and i love to dig into the OS and make lots of changes, and install and remove software, and do a whole bunch of other stuff that requires root in nautilus, including break my OS. i read all over the internet to find out how to have nautilus automatically open with superuser privileges. i was successful once in the past, where i found a website that had instructions how to do so, but i cannot find it again.

Example: when i click on "places" in the panel menu than any choice such as Documents, or Downloads it should open nautilus with the ability for me to do whatever i want. period.

Someone, please tell me how to have nautilus automatically open as root, and if possible not require a password. i made my password just the parentheses button, so its not so bad, but not being able to use the default nautilus is a real pain in the behind. if there was one thing i would change in any Linux OS i would say to get rid of the stupid password requirement when nautilus automatically opens, or at least it should prompt me to enter a password if i want to.... I know everyone says its dangerous, or can cause major problems.. I Don't Care!! Windows or MAC don't have a password anytime i want to modify an file or install something, and there up and running all over the world. for a new user, who is bent on in-depth understanding of Linux, its sooo ridiculous to have to manually open nautilus with the terminal, or right click a desktop icon icon and open as admin/root.

for example, if i download something, and i just double click it from the Firefox download window, i cannot do anything other than view the file no copy/paste, or install, or anything that requires root password, so i have to open a terminal, type the command "gksu nautilus" navigate to the downloads folder, and so on... after someone does this a thousand times it gets really time consuming, and ultimately annoying.

please don't respond with doing this is dangerous, or anything of the sort, if you can tell me how to do this than i would be VERY happy to hear from you. In fact i would Love to hear from you, as you will be saving me hours and hours over the coarse of the next year. But please don't go on about how it can be dangerous or cause major problems... Danger is a person pointing a gun at me, bypassing a password requirement is not "dangerous" and i will re-install my OS a hundred times, so its not dangerous to my system either since i will be deleting and re-installing it soon anyway... I understand this is a public forum, and by posting here i invite anyone to respond, i am just asking that repliers please answer the question, not give me reasons why its not a good idea... i have been trying to solve this issue for some time now, and cannot find any answer...

Google has answers on how to create an icon or menu item for nautilus with root, but no where can i find an explanation how to make it automatic or default.

I have posted on several other sites, and everyone tells me its dangerous, or gives me some other indirect answer followed by why i do not want to do what i am asking. Please just answer my question, as i am dumbfounded as to why no one will answer the question. My PC, my security, my issues, i don't need anyone to police how I use my computer.

I hope this post is not derogatory, I'm just getting frustrated with the fact that i cannot find an answer, nor can i find anyone that has the know how, to answer the question.

here is a single example in detail:
Click "Menu"
Click "Computer"
Click "File System"
than navigate to /etc/apt
than double click sources.list
make changes than try to save...
you cannot save cause no super-user privileges when i clicked on "computer" in step 2 above...
(please don't respond with how to open sources.list as root, i know how to do that. this is just an example of what i mean by Nautilus automatically open with super-user access.)


Ultimate Edition Suggestion:
If Ultimate Edition were to make there OS have this feature, i know it would catapult Ultimate Edition to the front of the line, i have had discussions with a few of people, and there are thousands and thousands of posts asking this exact question all over the internet, yet no answers. all i get is "its dangerous". Anytime i open Nautilus it should prompt me with the option to insert password, and i should be able to turn this feature on and off and should also be able to insert the password once and never have to enter it again.

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Thank You Greatly in advance for anyone who provides the real answer.

To the person who actually answers the question: you are AWESOME!!!!

If the site admin's or anyone else feels as though the risk of posting this answer is to great, please send email to [email protected], i just created this email address for this exact situation.

Ultimate Edition Admin's: I am posting this question on the Ultimate Edition forum because i figured you were the only ones that could actually answer my question. I have spent endless hours on the internet looking for the answer, i have called all the PC shops in my area (no one knows Linux) no luck, I've posted on other Linux forums and i always get either some smart A$$ response, or someone trying to protect me from the risk telling me its a bad idea or dangerous. i just want to know how to do this... that's it, nothing more, nothing less... you folks helped me in the past, and hopefully the tight knight family can help me once again!!!
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Re: Super-User/Root privileges default for Nautilus

Postby Hawks-SOAD » Wed Jan 25, 2012 6:33 pm

right click on the menu, go to accessories click new, give it a name like Super Nautlius, in the command part put in "gksudo nautlius" click save, now when ever you open nautilus using that shortcut it will ask for your password and open Nautilus in super user mode.
thats the only way i can think of good luck :D
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Re: Super-User/Root privileges default for Nautilus

Postby Zaileion » Wed Jan 25, 2012 8:46 pm

Is there no way to elevate user privilege defaults on certain things, and not others. For example Nautilus... I'm new to Linux, but that seems limited to me. i cant believe that no one else sees the constant switching to root, a pain. The file browser is, what seems to me, useless without the root privilege. All you can do is view or "read" the files, nothing else... I have to manually open nautilus frequently, i am attempting to learn this OS, and the only way to do so is make changes... I just could not believe there was no way to independently elevate certain privileges.
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Re: Super-User/Root privileges default for Nautilus

Postby Zaileion » Wed Jan 25, 2012 9:10 pm

I'm constantly installing and removing different applications, constantly downloading and changing icons, pictures, themes, desktop apps, tweaks and so on... i find it fascinating and enjoy, very much, the tweaking and editing of different things. this causes me to constantly have to manually open nautilus with root privileges and navigate to the specific folders, instead of simply clicking on the folder right from the menu, there are literally thousands and thousands of different applications, and there all free. i love trying them out, and deciding which one is best. this feature is one of the primary reasons i switched to Linux, the software is endless, and the ability to teak your OS in any way you see fit is completely available. How awesome is that? Anyway, this is all dependent on the user providing root privileges by opening some type of root access. I must type my password 20 to 100 times an evening depending how motivated i am, and if i log in to gnome with root privileges, any changes i make are not there when i log into my normal user...

I understand the risk, i really don't care, cause when i break the system i will just re-install. not that i want to do that frequently, but i have my hard drive partitioned so its not a really big deal... I guess the ability is not possible, so i thank everyone for help.

Its just a pain for me... such a pain, i couldn't believe no one else had the same issue...
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Re: Super-User/Root privileges default for Nautilus

Postby Hawks-SOAD » Thu Jan 26, 2012 8:51 am

Running as root at all times is pretty risky, your computer could be turned into a zombie for ddos attacks etc and its not really about breaking your install, hackers could also use your computer to download illegal files from the internet and guess who will come aknocking at your door :D , but
In my opinion just install files and move files etc using the terminal for a list of commands once you get used to it you will not go back and i guarantee that <BREW>
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