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dual booting ultimate edition 3.2 with windows 7

PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 1:35 am
by RD_Bettschen
I am starting to get on the band wagon with getting a better system, I FIX COMPUTERS FOR THE LAST 10 YEARS MOSTLY WINDOWS ONES, never messed with Linex and didn’t know a lot about it, some but like I said never really got into it, was busy with my work on windows repair! Then a bud of mine told me about Ubuntu, it is awesome I loved the desktop 11.10 so much. Another told me about the ultimate 3.2 edition and had to look at it! I LOVED THAT EVEN MORE! (Well on his computer it was!!)
Well now I run into this, I’m still learning a lot on this thing did not realize there is so much more to this than meets the eye! Holy momma! So I downloaded an ISO of ultimate-edition-3.2-x86 and thought boot this from the boot menu very straight forward, nope! More and more crap that just doesn’t want to work!
So my question is this: How in the heck do you install ultimate-edition-3.2-x86 on my Toshiba without wiping out all of windows 7? I need win7 for some of the other programs I work with, I have an apple that I can use and another, but don’t want to be dragging all that crap around, so Do I need wubi, it would be a lot easier, but just want to know more! Thanks all!

Re: dual booting ultimate edition 3.2 with windows 7

PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 2:59 pm
by RD_Bettschen
yes thanks I did that already everything is in backup! now what? please help me with some real know how to explanations!

Re: dual booting ultimate edition 3.2 with windows 7

PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 5:17 pm
by billhedrick
the link in his post has how toos, and step by step directions

Re: dual booting ultimate edition 3.2 with windows 7

PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:09 pm
by Billie Cowie
Hello RD_Bettschen,
You should be able to " install alongside " other operating systems, such as Windows7.
However if you have tried to install from an iso/liveDVD and not been shown an option of installing alongside then your Windows7 has been set up to take over the whole hard drive.The iso needs space to work with, unfortunately Windows is designed to take over the whole hard-drive, even though it doesn't need any more than a fraction of it to operate.What you should get when you first start to install is a message that says something like , " there are other operating systems detected on this computer-do you want to install alongside--- erase hard disk and install Ultimate Edition or other ?".
If all you get are the latter two then you need to use Windows Disk-utility to free up some space on your hard-drive or gParted ( included on the live DVD/iso ) to do the same.Ultimate edition needs a separate partition from Windows as it does not use NTFS ( Although it can read NTFS )
If you have freed up some space on your hard-drive then you should see all three installation options available when you next try to install. This stumped me when I first tried to install Linux. The sad fact is that Microsoft doesn't want you to install anything you haven't bought from them. I found the solution by doing what you have done and going on to a Linux forum.There should be no need to pre-format the empty partition-that should occur automatically when you then install alongside Windows7.
In closing, two things, first 3.2 is not necessarily the best choice if you haven't used Ultimate Edition before. 3.2 is "experimental",( i.e. it is not as stable as other versions ) and as such, is better suited to experienced linux users. I would personally recommend Ultimate Edition 2.9 or 3.0.1.( Available from the forum links, or direct from " sourceforge" )
Any other problems-get back in touch. Someone will be able to get you up and running. :P

Re: dual booting ultimate edition 3.2 with windows 7

PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 12:15 am
by RD_Bettschen
Hello Billie Cowie,

when you stated the quote below, I wanted to say a couple things:

((((((((( I would personally recommend Ultimate Edition 2.9 or 3.0.1, If all you get are the latter two then you need to use Windows Disk-utility to free up some space on your hard-drive or g Parted ( included on the live DVD/iso ) ))))) I didn't know that the ultimate 3.2 is experimental, thanks for the heads up! :-D
is that mean then it may or may not work well? just curious.
anyway what the heck is a live CD does that mean that you have to leave it in or what? sorry just dont know some about this!

Re: dual booting ultimate edition 3.2 with windows 7

PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 2:11 am
by RD_Bettschen

DANG WISH i WOULD HAVE BEEN ,MESSING WITH THIS MORE THEN WINDOWS, I LIKE WINDOWS BUT TOO MANY DANG PROBLEMS WITH THEM, SEEN GOOD PEOPLE RUIN A COMPUTER CAUSE OF NOT READING AND NOT KNOWING WHAT THEY WERE DOING! anyway sorry for the caps my finger hit it and didnt want to retype it!! I know really lazy but thats my attitude right now tired and just winding down, but wanted to thank you all for the help! :vil2_joker :vil2_joker :D

Re: dual booting ultimate edition 3.2 with windows 7

PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 6:26 am
by Billie Cowie
Hell Again RD_Bettschen,
As Blackwolf said 3.2 might not work as well as it does on your friends computer but the others should be fine.
A live CD/DVD is found on the Linux magazine covers. Usually these have several Linux Distros to try out " live" from the DVD, without you having to install them directly to your hard-drive. There are 300+ Linux distro's to choose from and you can find descriptions of most of these on Distrowatch.
Most can be downloaded as iso's from their own websites. After download you just burn them to CD/DVD and they are then " live" DVD's. With Windows you need to install directly to hard disk, but with Linux most( but not all ) can be ran directly from the DVD to give you a taste before choosing whether to install or not.
While we are on this topic-you did burn the downloaded iso-file to DVD, right?Ultimate Edition won't fit on a CD, the file is too big.
So, to recap, for a successful install.
Free up some disk-space on your hard-drive by shrinking/resizing the Windows7 partition after making sure all your files are backed up as a precaution against data-loss.
Download your chosen iso and burn to DVD.
Check your BIOS settings and adjust if needed - first boot option should be CD/DVD drive.
For best results make sure you are connected to the Internet.
Ultimate Edition should recognise your Internet connection immediately, though it may ask if you want to connect when you are using it as a " live" DVD.
Reboot and place U.E.DVD in DVD drive and install should start.
Be patient here as there is a lot on the disc and sometimes you may see a black screen until it is properly loaded.
First thing you should see is a Peter Anvin copyright followed by a lot of scrolling text- just wait and let the distro do it's work.
When you are prompted , providing you have made some space on your hard-drive you should be given the option to install alongside Windows7 and from there just follow the prompts.Should take between 20-40 minutes to install from this point. Remember, Ultimate Edition has a LOT of software preinstalled, virtually everything you should ever need in fact and a lot more are available for free download.
O.K. so basically a live DVD just allows you to test-drive the OS without the need for installation.
Once an iso is burnt to disk your DVD is a " live" DVD and you can test-drive it.If you have a problem burning live DVD's for whatever reasons then you can order any flavour of Linux distro -including every version of Ultimate Edition from This should cost you about £ 5.00 including a donation.
Hope this helps and you are soon up and running and enjoying everything Linux has to offer..
Anything else you need to know - just ask.

Re: dual booting ultimate edition 3.2 with windows 7

PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 2:19 pm
by VirtualNexus
What I do is FIRST go into windows and defrag. Then Restart with any linux live cd or dvd or a gparted live cd to open gparted and resize the windows NTFS partition (not too small) (sda1) to make a new unused space partition 'to the right side' of the NTFS ( at least 10 or 20 gb size but leave 1 to 4 gb to create a swap partition using the 'space after' new partition, create a NEW partition in the unused space that will be called sda2,Then finally create a swap partition that will be shown as sda3 with the remaining "unused" space.
Now you can install any linux or run a live CD first. I prefer Ultimate Edition 3.01 as it is the best OS I've seen. Ultimate Edition 3.2 simply did not work or install for me at all and I have no use whatsoever for gnome 3 or kde! Gnome 3 reminds me of windows constantly changing the playing field and complicating what is already a working system and introducing more unwanted incompatibility. If it ain't broke, don't fix it! If you tried to install 3.2 and it broke, then reformat that partition with gparted and install a new OS.
Sometimes if the bootloader does not show windows on restart, you'll need to run a Puppy Linux live cd to open the grub4dos bootloader installer/editor from 'system' , which can be edited from there to weed out un needed lines and choose default which OS loads first. Ultimate Edition does not have this installed, that I know of, but there might be some utility for it.
I have Ultimate Edition 2.8 installed on my notebook on a 8 gb SDHC flash card and it really works good. I have a bunch of SD cards with all the best OS's, I simply pick from the pile which one I feel like using.

You can resize an NTFS partition with gparted without defraging first, but when windows starts, it takes forever for it to "refile" the 'orphaned' files. Defragging first will save time in the long run and is safer.

BTW, I wish Ultimate Edition came with the grub4 dos bootloader editor, it sure would make things a lot easier. It seems like the easiest one to use.