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Network shares off Samba/Microsoft Exchange

PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 6:46 am
by dougal
Recently our IT department has decided to change all paths to Network Shares to 'streamline' things...
Well now my Ultimate Edition can't connect to the shares.
Because the IT department is primarily Windows driven they are taking their time to help (or plain ignoring my requests).
I have hopefully attached a screenshot of settings that almost work
This is the closest I get to a clean looking path to the Share - if I leave out the Domain name.
I have always been told to leave out the 'Share' TextBox input and I have not needed it in the past.
With the information provided I should only have to give my Domain password to connect.
Has anyone any ideas? Are there any Network gurus out there?
I have a feeling that the Share TextBox now needs information but, what? The full path to the folder perhaps (without including the actual folder). I have also tried the full path including the folder in the 'Folder' TextBox but, still get an error message.
A typical error message is

I look forward to any comments.
Thanks in advance, your ever friendly...

Re: Network shares off Samba/Microsoft Exchange

PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 8:59 am
by dougal
Well I have attached and added the first file so here goes:

Re: Network shares off Samba/Microsoft Exchange

PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 9:02 am
by dougal
Wow, neat. Okay I'll add the second one now too. Trust me not to see the 'Upload attachment' tab before. It makes things so easy. How do we get our images to look beter in the post?

Re: Network shares off Samba/Microsoft Exchange

PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 9:03 am
by dougal
Never mind, I can see we have limited space in the post window. I'll try something later to experiment with.

Thanks for any help you can now give with the Network shares problem. <BREW>