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Authentication window

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Authentication window

Postby dougal » Mon Jan 02, 2012 7:14 pm

Whenever I have to authenticate any change or install, etc the authentication 'System Policy Prevents' box remains after I have entered my credentials. Everything progresses in the background and everything is okay when I click the close button of the authentication box.
Any ideas what is causing this and how I can cure it please. It is becoming a real irritation...


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Re: Authentication window

Postby dougal » Tue Jan 03, 2012 3:42 am

Thanks BW, I'll come back to this later. I have another issue to contend with on another laptop - AWN has not started automatically and clicking the entry in Accessories does nothing. I will have a go at reinstalling it to see what happens - ho, hum.

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Re: Authentication window

Postby dougal » Tue Jan 03, 2012 6:37 pm

A reinstall of AWN has cured the problem. Now back to the authentication thing, nope the adjusting of my user settings, changing the password, trying the Login with password, all failed to do anything to get rid of the failure to authenticate window that keeps appearing.
I have to report that un-checking the auto login didn't actually allow me to get the password at Login back.
I may have to take drastic action and re-install 2.9, oh my God... I haven't had to do this for a while now. Okay I have actually done it not long ago but, not because of any problems, I just wanted to tidy up the whole computer. 2.9 was back up and running with VBox and about 7 other Distros and so on within a few days without any faults.
I just wonder if waiting all this time with the 11.04 Upgrade persistent within Synaptic has maybe allowed an update to be done on one of the system files and has screwed things up that way.
I should know for sure once I re-install just trying to avoid having to do that again.
Do you know if the VBox virtual drives can be copied and recopied back to the system after a fresh install ro if they have to manually be set-up again. I think I have seen somewhere that they can be copied.

Thanks again for the help and pointers.

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Re: Authentication window

Postby dougal » Wed Jan 04, 2012 8:05 pm

A fresh install was the easiest way to go for now. I installed 2.6.3 LTS for a change to see what differences there may be between this and old faithful 2.9.
The Startup Disk Creator took just 6 minutes to flash the ISO to USB stick then approximately 15 minutes to install the system and another 15 minutes (coz I like playing with how things look) to get my system looking the same as my other laptop.
Updates carried out, AWN panel initiated, Firefox prettied up the way I like it.
All OK.
So what's next... well tomorrow I'll have to try the VirtualBox VMs to see if simply copying them back will work. This 2.6.3 system is only 32 bit and the last system was 64 bit. Fingers crossed but, I have a sneaky suspicion I may either have to reinstall with the 64 bit version of 2.6.3 (it does come in 64 bit doesn't it?) or reinstall VirtualBox and set-up the virtual machines again.
Fun or what...

At least the problem with the 'Authentication Failure' MessageBox has gone. ;)

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