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Help needed - chown command-SOLVED

PostPosted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 10:45 am
by drewstew
Appreciate some help please. I repartitioned my hard drive to have a 100gb partition solely for music and film, which I aim to share on my home network. Called it Media. The partition mounted at /media/Media, but files were inaccessible. So I had to make myself owner. In comes "chown", and this is where I obviously made a mistake. I wanted to assign ownership at user level, but used sudo - exact string I used was:
"sudo chown -R andy:andy /media/Media"
Now when I try to mount the partition, I'm told that only root can mount it. I have a feeling it was the use of sudo that did for me.
I've read the chown manual, but have found everything but how to change ownership from root to user!

Added: I've worked it out - the problem was in the fstab file - permissions showing were 0 0 Changed to 0 2 and now works perfectly.