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are the grub and the splash screens locked?

PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2011 10:25 pm
by ninhalo5
I'm just trying to figure out if the grub and splash screens are locked somehow in 2.9.

I'm trying to make my graphical changes and absolutely nothing will change.
I generally use a graphic image on my grub screen but it won't take in 2.9 I've tried installing burg no go I've tried using Thee's image script to build splash screens (Plymouth, usplash, xsplash) none of them work. I'm actually getting aggravated, I've never had these issues with any of the other builds 2.8 and lower and I've been fighting with this for over 2 hours now there are no errors listed when making my changes.. I'm at a loss

Re: are the grub and the splash screens locked?

PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2011 11:16 pm
by pclinuxguru

Re: are the grub and the splash screens locked?

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 10:12 am
by ninhalo5
Thank you for the link... though I'm still having a fit.
I copied/pasted the term code for plymouth and got this
$ sudo update-alternatives -- config default.plymouth
[sudo] password for jeff:
update-alternatives: unknown option `--'

what confuses me about the bootsplash is when I'm trying to create my own bootsplash UE2.9 tells me xsplash is in place and that I need to remove the current splash. (current xsplash folder is my new images) Well I try that and nothing seems to change, I still have the 2.9 with fireworks logo on boot.
I think I'm just going to revert back to 2.8 where these issues don't exist and everything can be changed, and burg works. I'm at a total loss, the only screen I can change graphically is the background. No grub, no plymouth, no login no sense. I've rewrote the plymouth scripts to point to the images I want and still the default 2.9 even after updating initramfs comes up on boot.
What used to be a simple task is now more difficult than answering the meaning of life question :lol:

Re: are the grub and the splash screens locked?

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 10:49 am
by pclinuxguru
You have tinkered and messed up your install.

Did it my self playing once. Fresh install and the codes listed will work.

Re: are the grub and the splash screens locked?

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 11:32 am
by ninhalo5
Hmm, not really sure how the install would be messed up, I mean everything works as it did 2 days ago... though in Linux just about anything is possible. To verify Plymouth is the default splash manager in 2.9 correct? even though when I try to add a plymouth theme it tells me there is a conflict with xsplash? and if that is the case I've read that Plymouth is now fully integrated in Ubuntu and cannot be uninstalled, is it possible to re-install Plymouth and start from new?
I'd like to try to figure this out before reinstalling 2.8 or 2.9 or I'll never learn, though a reinstall is not a big deal my 2.9 is a fresh install anyhow.


Re: are the grub and the splash screens locked?

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 11:42 am
by pclinuxguru
As I recall, messed up Plymouth via back-end update.

But your statement that with Linux anything is possible.

yes and no, all about knowing.

Far easier to frack up windows then Linux.

Tinkering and trying is where things go bad. People are the problem not the OS.

But this is also how we learn. I did learn how to fix this very same problem once.

open synaptic and type in Plymouth. Install new Plymouth screens listed. This starts the list over.

Now just download and install the ultimate edition none branded Plymouth boot splash and install and set via codes listed.

Re: are the grub and the splash screens locked?

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 12:36 pm
by ninhalo5
Gúrú Linux ríomhaire wrote:
Far easier to frack up windows then Linux.

Yes Windoze does that all on it's own :D Install it runs ok, install updates... every window you can open now says (Not Responding) I really do loathe microsux and their miserable virus laden excuse of an OS.

Anyhow with that said :lol: I reinstalled plymouth and was able to change my plymouth wallpapers. It still wouldn't accept the new folder I added but this time when I changed the images inside of an already there theme it updated, without the opening animation (bar)
I also managed to get my log in page to update via Ubuntu tweek... now I forget but there is a manager type thing that holds the box where I can change the colour surrounding the log in /password... any idea what that is? or possibly what folder the images are hidden in?

now it's time for me to go battle grub and burg to figure out why my graphical setup is refusing to load..

Thanks Gúrú for your help.

Re: are the grub and the splash screens locked?

PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 10:52 am
by pclinuxguru
What you seek to change login box colors and style etc.

It in fact sets all new defaults for mouse , colors , controls , themes etc.

Code: Select all
sudo cp /usr/share/applications/gnome-appearance-properties.desktop /usr/share/gdm/autostart/LoginWindow

Restart and set as desired at login

Code: Select all
sudo unlink /usr/share/gdm/autostart/LoginWindow/gnome-appearance-properties.desktop

restart and your finished