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Compiz and Themes

PostPosted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 12:36 pm
by TheGrandFinale2001
I think I figured out what's causing the problem, but I don't know what the solution is. With 2.8 and compiz enabled, sometimes when I log out and then log back in my themes would be shot to hell in a sense. It almost looks like my was in root, like the plain icons and controls as if I was browsing everything in root. And nothing I did to try and change the appearance would work until I restarted the whole system, then it would be back to normal. But if I log out and back it would do the same thing. Now I disabled compiz and tried this and so far my themes and everything have not change no matter how many times I log in and out. So I'm just wondering why and how compiz is doing this and how to fix it? And if compiz isn't causing the problem then what possibly could? It's not a huge deal just really, really annoying lol

Re: Compiz and Themes

PostPosted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 3:16 pm
by blakefreak
Happened to me as well.
It was one of the kernel updates after I installed nvidia drivers.
For some reason you have to go through all updates before installing graphics drivers or else there are unusual bugs that pop up.

Re: Compiz and Themes

PostPosted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 10:01 pm
by TheGrandFinale2001
Wow, and that's exactly what I've been doing. Installing graphics first before everything else lol. I'm gonna try the opposite this time, I will let you know how it goes. Thank you

Re: Compiz and Themes

PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 10:12 am
by TheGrandFinale2001
Man, I had high hopes for this. But with no luck. I reinstalled 2.8; updated everything without touching the graphics but it's still acting up. I really thought this would work too. If you think of something I did wrong please tell me, I'm open to anything

Re: Compiz and Themes

PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 8:30 pm
by dougal
Have you tried running without the nVidia drivers?
I have read that some machines just will not run Linux nVidia drivers to any great extent.
I have an ATI card and it runs great with the drivers that came installed with Ultimate Edition 2.8. I enabled the ATI driver and the odd graphic glitch showed up but, nothing serious. On the whole I could run the system very well with or without the ATI driver enabled but, because of the slight glitch with the Bootsplash screen and the odd video played from the DVD drive running into trouble with dropped frames and stuttering, I prefer not to run the ATI driver and the system runs very smoothly with no dropped video frames and I also use my laptop form photo editing large files which takes a bit of power and I have no problems.
Ripping DVDs too is no problem without the ATI driver enabled.

Try living without the nVidia driver to see how things go and also make sure you have your compiz settings set correctly to work in conjunction with your theme manager as I have found this to give the odd problem.

If you still have problems there are others on the forum that know a lot more than I that I feel sure will be willing to help further.

Good luck.

Re: Compiz and Themes

PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 11:26 am
by TheGrandFinale2001
dougal wrote:Have you tried running without the nVidia drivers?
I have read that some machines just will not run Linux nVidia drivers to any great extent.
I have an ATI card and it runs great with the drivers that came installed with Ultimate Edition 2.8. I enabled the ATI driver and the odd graphic glitch showed up but, nothing serious. On the whole I could run the system very well with or without the ATI driver enabled but, because of the slight glitch with the Bootsplash screen and the odd video played from the DVD drive running into trouble with dropped frames and stuttering, I prefer not to run the ATI driver and the system runs very smoothly with no dropped video frames and I also use my laptop form photo editing large files which takes a bit of power and I have no problems.
Ripping DVDs too is no problem without the ATI driver enabled.

Try living without the nVidia driver to see how things go and also make sure you have your compiz settings set correctly to work in conjunction with your theme manager as I have found this to give the odd problem.

If you still have problems there are others on the forum that know a lot more than I that I feel sure will be willing to help further.

Good luck.

I actually have tried without the driver, and everything worked without any problems. That was pretty much last solution because without it compiz doesn't work and I don't have all that eye candy I love so much. Or can you run compiz without it? I wasn't sure that you could. Do you know of a work around to have compiz work without any drivers?

Re: Compiz and Themes

PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 11:28 am
by TheGrandFinale2001
Also do you think it something to do with the fact I'm running x64?

Re: Compiz and Themes

PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:28 am
by deviltalk
Method2001 wrote:Also do you think it something to do with the fact I'm running x64

nope does not matter. if it was an older system i'd suggest what i saw on the other forum.
install the nvidia driver from safe mode. then reset.
if that does not work.... have you tried compiz fusion icon. i use it to restart my window manager, and to control themes (to a degree) also look at the programs you have for themes, and make sure you do not have multiple programs trying to control the themes, they will fight and its not pretty, you need to choose.
i'm using ubuntu tweak for my desktop, (different pictures each desktop) but cant have icons. i use emerald theme to control the windows theme, but there are other gtk+ gnome programs in 2.8 that also do the same you need to look into that.

good luck.