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Re: Desktop issues please post here.

PostPosted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 7:38 am
by deate
Ok, this might be way out of line, since I don't have access to 2.6 or 2.7, but is there still a "start up manager"? I know in 2.5 I had to deal with gnome-do, and all I did was to uncheck it from the start up programs???It was still there, but never bothered me!

Re: Desktop issues please post here.

PostPosted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 8:16 am
by deate
Blackwolf wrote:
deate wrote:Ok, this might be way out of line, since I don't have access to 2.6 or 2.7, but is there still a "start up manager"? I know in 2.5 I had to deal with gnome-do, and all I did was to uncheck it from the start up programs???It was still there, but never bothered me!

Not out of line at all deate !!

Its there...but now...System>Preferences>Start up Applications..

But I think he has been "Tweaking" thus the no desktop boot scenario.... ;)

I think you're right, he was tweaking... but if I'm not mistaken, it was tweaking to get rid of gnome-do...if that's the case, what I would do (since I also have limited smarts about linux!) would be a fresh install, then just remove genome-do from the start up programs????That's if this was his only issue. sometimes it's easier to start over, than to try to un-do the things you've messed up :lol:

Re: Desktop issues please post here.

PostPosted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 1:30 pm
by khadafeeee
That was from a fresh install,I re-installed 2.7 and went to the gnome-dos option settings and unticked start on login,it worked,no problems again......i installed XBMC,started it,and those same 3 errors came back,so i don't think in was a gnome-do issue if it wasn't even running at the time,idk...could be there any way to recover from this in like lets say a safe mode of some sorts?

Re: Desktop issues please post here.

PostPosted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 7:12 pm
by deate
khadafeeee wrote:That was from a fresh install,I re-installed 2.7 and went to the gnome-dos option settings and unticked start on login,it worked,no problems again......i installed XBMC,started it,and those same 3 errors came back,so i don't think in was a gnome-do issue if it wasn't even running at the time,idk...could be there any way to recover from this in like lets say a safe mode of some sorts?

I don't know anything about XBMC, hang in there, someone will come by with help for this I'm sure

Re: Desktop issues please post here.

PostPosted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 7:22 pm
by Admin-Amir

Re: Desktop issues please post here.

PostPosted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 10:01 pm
by 2hot6ft2
Blackwolf wrote:It sounds like somehow you have deleted your home folder.....I would suggest a reinstall, might be the best option....

It's a fairly common problem apparently. Home is still there but the permissions might be messed up.
Blackwolf wrote:Unless 2hot6ft2 can suggest otherwise ? :)

lmao2.gif (27.77 KiB) Viewed 6913 times
Very funny Blackwolf.... :lol:
There are lots of people with the same issue and a lot of ideas on it.

It fixed itself for one person. I like that solution but I guess we wont get that lucky. ;)

Have you enabled auto login ?
If so when you get to the desktop try disabling it
System > Administration > Login Screen
If you can't disable it that way go to
Places > Home folder
Then right click > scripts > Browse as root
and browse to
right click on custom.conf and rename it to custom.conf.backup
Reboot, that will remove the auto login
You can always go back and rename it back if it doesn't help and if it fixes it you can go back and delete it.
That worked for at least one person. If the file doesn't exist then on to the next option.

That's the best option I've seen yet but here's another one that worked for others. It involves chowning your home folder and contents.
Perhaps you had to add a password for the XBMC database (MySQL or sqlite) and it borked the permissions.

XBMC is pretty cool if you have a media server setup.
Some say to delete ICEauthority, DON'T, it doesn't auto create a new one.

Hopefully one of those will help and if not we'll keep looking.

Re: Desktop issues please post here.[SOLVED]

PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 12:39 am
by Budsandsuds
Hi I was wondering how do you get that sidebar that's on the screen shot?I'm still new with this ubuntu.Any help would be great.Thank you

Re: Desktop issues please post here.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 11:31 am
by Admin-Amir
Hello Budsandsuds.

Are you asking on the conky?
well look in your Home folder you have there .sh file,right click on it and mark the executed box.
Then double click on the .sh file run it terminal.
After the fast process will end Restart your machine - it will be there when you back to your Desktop.
The other option will be to run
Code: Select all
in terminal then you will have it.

Re: Desktop issues please post here.[SOLVED]

PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 1:06 pm
by Budsandsuds
Hi Its works great.Thank you very much.

Re: Desktop issues please post here.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 3:06 pm
by syntaxerr
Hello Board,

Although I am really enjoying this Distro so far its the best version of Linux I've ever used. But I had a minor issue that Ive encountered. This issue focuses on the customization of the mouse cursor although there appear to be many other types of cursor to choose from I cannot change the default gold cursor. :?