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Re: Get Ultimate Edition 2.6.1 b4 the rest of the world.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:17 am
by onosendai58
geordiejohn wrote:thank you and can you please tell me if 2.6.1 is much different to 2.8 ?

Well, they are both great, but the themes are flat out beautiful, especially the default one. Plus, it feels snappier, Chromium opens in a flash, it boots up very quickly. It`s hard to explain, it`s like comparing the Sistine Chapel to the Mona Lisa. Both gorgeous, both created by a genius. Try it and see what you think. (From what I think I understand, this corrects bugs and such, plus has updates that didn`t quite get corrected in 2.8, but I could be wrong). Don`t get me wrong, I loves me my cutting-edge, but this feels cutting-edge even with an older kernel.

Re: Get Ultimate Edition 2.6.1 b4 the rest of the world.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:36 am
I couldn't have said it better myself ! <BREW> ;) :ugeek:

Re: Get Ultimate Edition 2.6.1 b4 the rest of the world.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:42 am
by onosendai58
JOHNNYG wrote:I couldn't have said it better myself ! <BREW> ;) :ugeek:

COOL! Thank you, John-Man, I didn`t want to give out bad info. :D (Btw, I just "friended" you, you`re such a cool, friendly guy).

Re: Get Ultimate Edition 2.6.1 b4 the rest of the world.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 12:57 pm
by geordiejohn
ok thank you i am going to try 2.6.1

Re: Get Ultimate Edition 2.6.1 b4 the rest of the world.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 1:02 pm
by onosendai58
geordiejohn wrote:ok thank you i am going to try 2.6.1

Your money back if you don`t love it! :lol:

Re: Get Ultimate Edition 2.6.1 b4 the rest of the world.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 1:35 pm
onosendai58 wrote:(Btw, I just "friended" you, you`re such a cool, friendly guy).

Thanks Man ! <BREW> Ditto ! ;)

Re: Get Ultimate Edition 2.6.1 b4 the rest of the world.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 6:34 pm
by AboveTheBULL
Greetings, everyone! Will there will be a Gamers build of 2.6.1 to replace the Gamers 2.6 currently on the site?

Re: Get Ultimate Edition 2.6.1 b4 the rest of the world.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 7:40 pm
by billhedrick
OK just had a kernal update, along with other stuff, and 2.6.1 no longer boots. The new kernal has some video issues, and the old one just hangs... Posting from 2.8 right now

Re: Get Ultimate Edition 2.6.1 b4 the rest of the world.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 8:30 pm
billhedrick wrote:OK just had a kernal update, along with other stuff, and 2.6.1 no longer boots. The new kernal has some video issues, and the old one just hangs... Posting from 2.8 right now

Sorry to hear that ! Are you running ATI or Nvidia !? For to "Squash Bugs" we need all the info you can give !!! :ugeek:

AboveTheBULL wrote:Greetings, everyone! Will there will be a Gamers build of 2.6.1 to replace the Gamers 2.6 currently on the site?

Hello and welcome AboveTheBULL ! <BREW> Glad to see you ! come on board ! :D
I have heard this kicked around by TheeMahn 8-) , But right now he is dealing with a severe Illness in his family, and this has (as you can imagine) Taken top priority ! Right now he is working on Ultimate Edition 2.9 which is "Maverick" with the "bugs" Squashed ! As Ultimate Edition 2.6.1 is Lucid LTS With "bugs" squashed ! Now Ultimate Edition 3.0 will be "Natty" BUT He will have to see what the final out come of 11.04 will be ! before he can wright anything in (Script) Stone! We all wonder if 11.04 will be another 9.04 ! :roll: :lol: :oops: Or will this be a real turning point ! .....????>>>> :?: :ugeek: I think we all hope for the best, but should be prepared for the worst ! In any event you can bet your last dollar that if it can be done, and done to the best it can be done (Whhheeew) TheeMahn 8-) Will deliver !! The best of what there is to offer ! Bar none ! Not being a "brown nose" or "fanboy", I just know what Thee 8-) is about, and he is about bringing the best to the people ! As far as Gamers goes he is all about a good face off ! You can be assured he WILL release another, but when, is up in the air right now !
Take care ! and post again and often !! <BREW> :D ;)

Re: Get Ultimate Edition 2.6.1 b4 the rest of the world.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 8:32 pm
by billhedrick
I am running an NVIDIA GeForce 8400 CS