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Re: Ultimate Edition 2.3 Work in progress...

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 11:10 am
by DarkChild
JerryCornelius wrote:
darkchild666 wrote:TheeMahn as decided that he will have a new release base of Ultimate Edition 2.2, that will come with alot more enhancement/features/extras.

Thanks darkchild, was about to install 2.2. I'll wait for the new release. But then I've got the question 2.2 or wait for 2.3??
Aahh!, TheeMahn, too many choices for someone as indecisive as I !! :D

All in all, Ultimate Edition 2.2 is great, very nice distro, but the reality is, 2.3 will have all & much more than 2.2. So I would recommend you to just wait for Ultimate Edition 2.3. This release is going to cure cancer lol :lol: & did I mention that the new Ultamatix is included in this release? Yes it will!! Cure cancer I tell you :shock:

Re: Ultimate Edition 2.3 Work in progress...

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 11:47 am
by Clueless
darkchild666 wrote:This release is going to cure cancer lol :lol: & did I mention that the new Ultamatix is included in this release? Yes it will!! Cure cancer I tell you :shock:

Cheers, being a heavy smoker I'd best wait for 2.3!

Re: Ultimate Edition 2.3 Work in progress...

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 11:52 am
by kernelpanic!
hello ultimate-lovers,

just registered to this forum and wanted to say hello to you guys.

about half a year ago I entered the world of linux (couldn`t stand the "other operating system" any longer ;))
after testing many many distros I discovered that for me as a linux-starter ubuntu or ubuntu-based distros are the most comfortable ones.
so a few weeks ago I came across linux mint and ultimate edition, which turned out to be my favorites now.

reading the posts in this forum (any new version of ultimate? ;)) I always liked this special kind of humor here, so I just decided to join you guys in the forum. here I can feel - in the words of distrowatch - "getting the fun back to computing".

TheeMahn: the work you did to unite the usability of a toyota truck with the beauty of a ferrari is really amazing!
I`m sure you`re not from this planet, which explains your long absence from here. I`m convinced, you had to visit your home planet to gather some new ideas about next ultimate versions ... ok with me, as long as you come back to planet earth at least 2 times a year to pump up the new ubuntu-version to ultimate :D

unfortunately during boot-up I broke my Ultimate Edition 2.2 so I have to reinstall. On the other hand I`m curious about Ultimate Edition 2.3 (having K/X/Ubuntu in one distro is interesting) and I always preferred KDE over gnome slightly. So if I only knew if reinstalling 2.2 is worth the effort or should I just wait for Ultimate Edition 2.3? has anybody any ideas how long it will take to the official release? (looking at TheeMahn ;))
nice day to you all <BREW>

Re: Ultimate Edition 2.3 Work in progress...

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 12:01 pm
by DarkChild
kernelpanic! wrote:hello ultimate-lovers,

just registered to this forum and wanted to say hello to you guys.

about half a year ago I entered the world of linux (couldn`t stand the "other operating system" any longer ;))
after testing many many distros I discovered that for me as a linux-starter ubuntu or ubuntu-based distros are the most comfortable ones.
so a few weeks ago I came across linux mint and ultimate edition, which turned out to be my favorites now.

reading the posts in this forum (any new version of ultimate? ;)) I always liked this special kind of humor here, so I just decided to join you guys in the forum. here I can feel - in the words of distrowatch - "getting the fun back to computing".

TheeMahn: the work you did to unite the usability of a toyota truck with the beauty of a ferrari is really amazing!
I`m sure you`re not from this planet, which explains your long absence from here. I`m convinced, you had to visit your home planet to gather some new ideas about next ultimate versions ... ok with me, as long as you come back to planet earth at least 2 times a year to pump up the new ubuntu-version to ultimate :D

unfortunately during boot-up I broke my Ultimate Edition 2.2 so I have to reinstall. On the other hand I`m curious about Ultimate Edition 2.3 (having K/X/Ubuntu in one distro is interesting) and I always preferred KDE over gnome slightly. So if I only knew if reinstalling 2.2 is worth the effort or should I just wait for Ultimate Edition 2.3? has anybody any ideas how long it will take to the official release? (looking at TheeMahn ;))
nice day to you all <BREW>

kernelpanic!, try not to double post, as you have made an identical post already in the "Newbie's Corner forum" here: Which I already linked you to this thread!! Please read my two post that I've made above. They should answer all your questions!!

Re: Ultimate Edition 2.3 Work in progress...

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 8:01 pm
by MentalGiant
Well, I personally can't wait to see what he has done with XFCE. KDE is a little to busy for my taste, so Gnome always hits the sweet spot.

Btw, where can I download the gamers edition? :?: (Update: found the gamers edition on torrent, but there are no seeders period on the ones I found, so if any direct download possible, would be much appreciate it.) Been wanting to try that out, but haven't had any success locating any place to download it. Have both version of 2.2, x86 and x64 downloaded so far. Haven't tried the x64 yet, because I'm thinking about just waiting for the 2.3 x64 to be released.

Oh yeah, just wanted say, this forum is awesome. Just reading thru it, I pretty much found almost any solution that anybody would have problems with. And lot easier to find the solution to your problems. Very good information given, even for most newbies to understand (including myself, even though I have been off and on linux for years now).

I'm just hoping more game developers will take notice that people are converting to linux and start porting games over. I'm really getting tired of dual booting just to play my favorite games.

Re: Ultimate Edition 2.3 Work in progress...

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 11:58 pm
by DarkChild
MentalGiant wrote:Well, I personally can't wait to see what he has done with XFCE. KDE is a little to busy for my taste, so Gnome always hits the sweet spot.

Btw, where can I download the gamers edition? :?: (Update: found the gamers edition on torrent, but there are no seeders period on the ones I found, so if any direct download possible, would be much appreciate it.) Been wanting to try that out, but haven't had any success locating any place to download it. Have both version of 2.2, x86 and x64 downloaded so far. Haven't tried the x64 yet, because I'm thinking about just waiting for the 2.3 x64 to be released.

Oh yeah, just wanted say, this forum is awesome. Just reading thru it, I pretty much found almost any solution that anybody would have problems with. And lot easier to find the solution to your problems. Very good information given, even for most newbies to understand (including myself, even though I have been off and on linux for years now).

I'm just hoping more game developers will take notice that people are converting to linux and start porting games over. I'm really getting tired of dual booting just to play my favorite games.

Hello MentalGian. Look below for the Ultimate Edition Games Link as requested:

Ultimate Edition 2.0 Gamers:
Ultimate Edition 1.6 Gamers: ... gamers.iso

Re: Ultimate Edition 2.3 Work in progress...

PostPosted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 1:03 am
by MentalGiant
Thanks darkchild666. <BREW> <BREW>

Re: Ultimate Edition 2.3 Work in progress...

PostPosted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 9:22 am
by DarkChild
MentalGiant wrote:Thanks darkchild666. <BREW> <BREW>

Your welcome brother <BREW>

Re: Ultimate Edition 2.3 Work in progress...

PostPosted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 1:55 pm
by DarkChild
kammando wrote:Hey. Im new to Ubuntu and just wanted to say awesome. I did install Ulti 2.2 but seems like i should have waited for 2.3 to come out.
I assume 2.3 will have wine and all the good stuff in it? I use it to jam WOW and let me tell you omg so good...

Again keep up the great work your doing..
Is there a eta on when 2.3 might be out? Like this year? first of the year?

Hello & welcome to the world of Ultimate Edition kammando.

Thanks for all your positive feedbacks. We really appreciate them. Ultimate Edition 2.3 will have all the good stuff & much more. Sit tight & watch your TV, maybe you'll see/hear about Ultimate Edition 2.3 on the news lol. Just kidding, but seriously though Ultimate Edition 2.3 will be a dream come true!! A release date as not been set yet, but I can tell you that it will be release before the month ends.