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Re: Chromium w/ Aura

PostPosted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 9:04 am
by BBOSAK2143
Should have asked this and forgot to. How about Pipelight, ever use that? Am getting to think that is what caused the problem, that Chromium just was not up to date with that. See that Pipelight integrates with every browser. I have to use it since I have to use Jet to file reports for the demo job I do. In fact as am writing this am getting it to go to that site for yesterday's job.

Every job seems to want MS for something, so have to just compensate with the right tools. Chromium is not the best when it comes to Pipelight. With 13.04 I was able to use it, but most times would dump, so I would just use FIrefox. Since I assembled this OS with Pipelight, I guess it really presented a problem to Chromium. When I would go to use Chromium would just freeze then the little wait or kill pages thing would come up. This version does not happen and works decent. Konqueror being a KDE product and we all know they are always prepared, does very well too with Pipelight. Opera, beyond belief as is quicker than Firefox when it comes to this task have to do. Still, since have not figured the bookmarks with it yet, have not set it to that permanently. All, the pages have to hit I use bookmark intensely these days!

Here, comes another update and this time of Google Chrome. Have both! Believe me still like Google very much! When I could just browse and not worry about different tasks, I use them. I guess we all have different uses for each browser and utility we all have! That 14.04 was messing with, has improved on the install of Pipelight and when the system installs is less aggravating! It was hell on this 13.10! As have said, sometimes these developers do not take into account those of us that do not have a fast connection! See, what was happening is during install, while the system is picking up updates and translation packs, Pipelight is trying to download and install Adobe for all the Wine needs!

On 14.04 they moved past that and have Adobe downloaded and ready to install with the system. That was very very swift and brilliant as to stop aggravating users as myself with a slower connection! 14.04 is coming along, but still needs a bit more right now. Had to face it, is beta! In a month will bet is singing and outperforming 13.10. For nw am just going to leave it on hold! Am going to wait til the final details roll out so will work on the money! Sticking with this 13.10 because as you have also said, runs great and performance is incredibly better than past systems!

Still believe these OS's need a little conflict somewhere as I still have one and this thing beats the pants off of every one of the ones have built to date! Has a couple files in LibreOffice that just do not agree with the rest of the OS, but seems to be no hassle! This is the first OS have not seen a black screen yet! Every OS have had on this computer til now has black screened or blue screen, the case with Windows! Am enjoying that fact as have a small electrical bug with USB on this motherboard! Somehow 13.10 is able to compensate for it, do not know how, but it does and boy do I appreciate that fact!


PostPosted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 1:40 pm
by Xanayoshi
That's what pipelight does. It needs Wine to function.

I know it's crazy..buuuut

If your job depends on Windows software it is probably better to use Windows.

If you have an internet connection that is slow you should maybe not take on projects involving every desktop. Stop overhauling your entire system as well. Every time you update/upgrade, you are going to need dependencies for everything and it is all your fault. Stop using betas, this just guarantees fails and so many updates. Constant constant updates. Running beta you can easily run through a gigabyte a week. Before release(like now), you can expect that to triple. Every single overhaul at this point can also break your system depending on what you have installed. There is no accounting for your software because it simply does not matter. Having a slow internet connection makes it so much worse because you will be tempted to use more internet because you are bored, waiting for your system to update.

If you have a data cap you are definitely working against yourself in every way possible. Don't worry about the latest Gnome. If we have learned anything about Gnome lately is that we should not depend on Gnome. Ubuntu is certainly not much better. They have goals and for the most part it is to get off of the desktop. You might notice this is counterproductive for many other goals in the Linux community.

Re: Pipelight

PostPosted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 5:50 pm
by BBOSAK2143
Yes takes Wine to run Pipelight, knew that long ago! The whole point is not Pipelight or Wine is the fact the flashplugin-installer is trying to install while updates to the system are coming and the system is installing! Now that idea is really not so good! Now on a running OS, it will work and go by pretty quickly. With one that is just installing, not good at all. Least for 13.10 and under.

Luckily Ubuntu Developers have seen past this nightmare, since 14.04 does not install Pipelight multi instead it just installs the Silverlight extension, which some of us need for our jobs. Even if I were to have MS installed, I would still have to install Silverlight and even then is a hassle! Have been there before, so I know that! Now, the reason for the hassle? Adobe servers plain suck! Today through virtualbox my wife downloaded Adobe Reader and it sat there spinning for about 10 minutes which was the same result I had on Win7 on my laptop some months ago!!!

So now, Ubuntu Developers have seen this disaster and now have integrated those Adobe needs into this Silverlight extension for running on Linux. I say "Bravo, job well done!" Sure you will still have to activate your Silverlight agreement through command line, but still it does help simplify things as everything is there and installed! So while those of us on Linux, find out we need Silverlight for our jobs, boom done in a few lines of command!!! Meanwhile, all the Windows users get to wait 10 minutes while the goodies download!

Mostly anything I do on my Linux system is good enough for a Windows system when it come to work wise! So, why worry about having Windows? When, I started using Linux, that was my goal, to ween myself off of Windows. Now, I pretty much have succeeded in that fact! Oh sure, I have spent countless hours messing with building systems and learning all this, but I came out of it with quite a bit of knowledge so is worth it! I still have ions to go with knowledge of Linux, but all have learned is not in vain!

I get to use the OS I want to and everything happens the way I want it to! Another great thing as I can see a lot of people have seen posts of mine, is they get to learn what works and what doesn't. A lot of topics I pick on are usually those that are avoided on the net! Why, I do not know! Some people may be out there saying "Ha, Ha, I knew that!" They then laugh at me like I am some fool most likely! While others are out there like myself wanting to understand how to do things and make things function. I am glad, I can point a few things out when possible! I am not going to sit here and laugh at anyone! When I see a circumstance I was in, I will jump in to lend a hand! People did it for me and I will always do that for others!

The most informative site on the net still remains with Ultimate! There is no better place for information on Linux! So, in turn whatever I can add to help, will do my best! Still am just hoping to keep this place with the highest amount of information anywhere!