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I should have been debunked!

PostPosted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 7:36 pm
by BBOSAK2143
After I sat on this forum and said "But Mate can't be installed with Gnome 3!" everyone just let me say this and now I come to find out is not true! That 14.04 was ticking me when it comes to this new 3.12 Gnome and its BS. So, I thought maybe I could just add Mate in let is dump Gnome 3.12 and be good to go! First off, not working with Trusty yet as Mates repo is not set for it yet. So, I went back to my 13.10 image of which one I could spare to mess with.

I figured if Gnome got tossed, what the hell! Just an image running in vbox! Another one of my many experiments as to learn things! To my surprise Gnome did not get tossed! It stayed there so, I figured lets put that image together and see what we have? Booted to the regular crap Gnome desktop, logged out fast and boom right to Mate! Now my first impression on Mate is very high and can see why TheeMahn likes it as much as he does!

You know, it's nice to have a good looking desktop, but when it comes to the point everything revolves around that desktop it becomes a problem! This is what I finally see with Gnome. Has taken me over a year to figure that out, guess I am a slow learner!!!! Mate to me is a hell of a lot prettier than I remember back in the days of using Mint 13. Now probably everyone is going to say, "Dinosaurs roamed the earth back then!" Sure I know it has been some time, but when it comes to Mate has taken a hell of a turn for the better!

Another impression on Mate is it does not carry a semi-trailer behind it! Is simple enough but complicated enough to handle the job! Only thing right now find ugly is the calendar but am sure, I can spend a bit of time to fix that! TheeMahn, am kicking myself severely on this as I sure wish I would have stuck to your directions the first time around with "Build with Me!" You had the right idea, and I went south with my stupid belief in Gnome 3! Well, that is coming to an end!

I am wore out with this bottom panel in Gnome! That lousy thing can not hold its transparency for more than 5 minutes! Just a way over rated desktop with nothing but bloat, all show no go! GDM is fine, but after that is dust! Right now on current, Mate is close to installed! Will do a follow up post shortly on that desktop and post a few pics!

Re: I should have been debunked!

PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 8:59 am
by BBOSAK2143
Now the icons have to go! Way too old and cheap looking. So far does not look as if there is any way to change that easily, but the rest with a little work can look very sweet. What I am really liking in the 3 categories on the left. Applications, Places and System. To me this is something Gnome should have thought about doing to keep Flashback a little less cluttered and usable! Of course since Flashback is to be gone anyway that will no longer matter!

Now if there is someway to get a little gtk3.0 integration into this Mate desktop, I can see it as being a very beautiful desktop! As I talked about the bottom taskbar/menu tray in Gnome Flashback that if you change to transparent, it ends in about 5 minutes which is very pathetic. Mate however, does not seem to have that terrible effect and holds its transparency!

This is definitely awesome as I always thought since I had tried once before to install Mate alongside of Gnome it could not happen! To find out it can, I can now work with Mate a bit to see if I can pretty things up to the way I would like to see my desktop! For some, what I like is not at all appealing but for me, that is the way I want to see it! At present am not even sure how to set up Compiz automatically for a Mate Desktop, but will get there! I have seen that Compiz does work nice in this environment and does not seem to have any after effects or weakness!

Due to the size of Mate being fairly small, will also save loads of space, considering a normal full install of Gnome has to be somewhere around a gig. Mate somewhere around 400 megs which is almost 1/3 of the size of Gnome. Face it 600 megs is a lot of space and can be better used to accommodate nice programs! I am curious if that Flashback project will ever get going, but am prepared in the even it does not! As I say, will start messing in this area a bit. Getting wore on the OS's a bit, least for a few weeks or so! What I have with 14.04 is a little shody with Gnome 3.10 but not unusable. With 3.12 is not usable and I do not see it as ever being usable

Is not the fact I am ticked that Flashback is gone on there, is the fact GDM is working terrible and lags! It is amazing the difference between 3.10 and 3.12 in that respect! Actually should say pathetic! Still, also might be the fact 14.04 is basically still beta as is 3.12. Still, with the amount of time left before both are to be tossed to the public, I have extreme doubts that either will be greatly improved from their present state! I still remember when Gnome first hit 3 and was a disaster area! Sure they recovered, but can they do it again? Also how many will tolerate it? How long will recovery take? For those of us as myself, maybe it just will not matter if they ever recover!

Anyway as promised here is what I am looking at for Mate on my desktop. Also am currently typing on the Mate desktop environment. Also have to add, have to figure how to change the fonts on all programs and browsers as sorry, nothing but URW Chancerly L Bold Italic works for me! Below is pic