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Linx OS Uninstaller the dual boot destoyer????

PostPosted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 8:25 pm
by BBOSAK2143
On Shawn's computer, I did this to dump Windows, used the OS Uninstaller, then formatted with gparted and loaded no problem. Hers is still up and going, yes still with my OS(Xavius) not overly joyed as moving from Windows to Linux or anything is a hard step for someone that has been using the same OS as long as she has. Of course that is not the issue here at all!

If anyone remembers Xavius is my 3rd and I experimented with a 4th system that went south! Xavius is on the single OS laptop drive and my main PC along with Shawn's. The trainwreck was still on the laptop. So today, I figured would be nice to put it in place of the trainwreck and have a dual boot with Windows. You never know maybe one of these years, laptop will come into play with a job! So just want to be prepared! So, I used the OS uninstaller from Xavius, then figured would do gparted format the ubuntu side of the dual boot then install Xavius! Well, to my surprise OS uninstaller seems to pretty much toast partitions and leave Linux thinking there is no other system on the drive. Now, there still is!

See, if I shut down the laptop from the Xavius USB installer, then turn it back on boots straight to Windows, yet Linux no longer recognizes the partition information. What is incredible is the dual partition is recognized by the file manager, but not by gparted! I can open my computer and see both partitions, yet can do nothing when it comes to just formatting the one. So those of you thinking that may be an option with a dual boot to simply use the OS unistaller, am here to say forget that way! I really will not loose a lot if I format the entire drive at this point, since I pretty much devastated Windows 7 anyway!

I hate to say when it comes to Windows, seems the simplest way to destroy that OS is simply install an anti-virus program! I know am going to get flack for this, but am going to say the honest truth and swear am doing so! Now, in the past I have run Windows without an anti-virus program for 6 or 7 months, not f/t but a decent spread and had zero hassles. Then, I installed an anti-virus, next thing I know Explorer has a mind of its own and things are not working even half as well! Most anti-virus developers for some reason believe everything but their program is a virus! Oh how I wish they would understand that is not the case!!!

Anyway, am not here to cry about Windows, am here to cry about this OS Uninstaller and the misery it causes if one were to use it in a dual boot scenario. As I have listed about with the anti-virus program developers and feeling the same is holding true for those that create this OS Uninstaller. Seems they have forgotten the fact, some people have dual boot systems that contain Windows and Linux or maybe 2 different Linux OS's. Is unknown in that scenario of 2 Linux systems how would work and sort of imagine may not be a problem, but with present result am afraid to find out! It now leaves me reluctant to use that option again! To be honest, have had that program all 3 OS's and on Shawn's was the first time I decided to give it a try! Imagine that, after close to a year letting a program waste its space on a drive, then now decided to give it a go? Seems in Linux we get many of these package deals and to be honest, do we always use them all???

So just to find out if someone else has had a similar experience with this OS Uninstaller I have written this! You know me a always curious and wanting to know the way out of a trap, when there is a way! Of course as am writing this am trying all sorts of ways to beat it! If I can not beat it within another 10 minutes, will close with it not happening. When we look in Gparted we see the ole warning triangle which depicts a problem. The problem is there are overlapping partitions! So since thus far, could not solve with Linux, let's take out that Win7 disk and partition and format that secondary drive for the dual boot and format. So that is done now we head back to the usb drive with our OS on it and go for the install, presto is now showing Windows 7 on another section of that partitioned hard drive. So has been successfully restored with option 1. I had a second option I would try, but long as this has worked, we know what to do! As we know there is more experience with this scenario with our more advanced staff here, so am curious about other ways out of this mess as am sure others are!!!