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Ipod anyone???

PostPosted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 8:23 am
by BBOSAK2143
I bought an Ipod used and am getting to think way too abused! So far I have not had any luck getting it to mass load my music collection from my Zune. When I say mass load I mean just as I loaded the zune. I just let it sync with all the music files in my collection. Load time was around 4 hours for a collection of 92gb. Now I formatted this Ipod with Itunes on Win7. I have tried loading it with Rhythmbox 2 times. First time it got to 492songs/8914songs. The second time it took from 9am til 6pm to get 12gb/92gb errored out and when I disconnected and rebooted the Ipod, it claimed there were no songs on it at all!!!! File browser showed it had in fact put the music on the Ipod. Ipod and Rhythmbox both denied what file browser had!!!! I am getting to think this one is sheer garbage as in shot! I have a hard time believing Ipod would work like junk when it has been out so many years! I also did try Itunes at which point it gave up after 7 songs/8914! Am giving it one last shot in Clementine as gtkpod seems to much of a project. I am not going to sit here adding 8914 songs to a repository for it!!!!! I guess I was crazy to think gtkpod could load an entire library as easily as Rhythmbox or Clementine!!!! Anyway am new to these Ipods and sure would like to know from someone that really knows what to do for these things!!! Thanks in advance!

Re: Ipod anyone???

PostPosted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 9:21 am
by tanmay.01
Amarok or banshee(i prefer) should do the job.

But give this a look => Yamipod

Re: Ipod anyone???

PostPosted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 5:55 pm
by BBOSAK2143
Thanks for advice on those programs. Just tried Amarok. Freezes when loading the library. Banshee loaded the library and will have to check it to loading the Ipod. Personally, I think it is shot! Not positive as have found some wma files on my Zune, how? Do not know as I had remembered copying all music as 320kps mp3! So is a weird one there. Will have to go through those as am positive Ipods do not play wma files!!!! So could be the main cause of my problems, but will have to wait a bit as tests are here for school!!!! Really appreciate the advice and soon as time permits will let you know how it goes!

Re: Ipod anyone???

PostPosted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 8:36 am
by BBOSAK2143
Just to update, is no good! Ipod is shot! No matter what way is loaded or try to load only takes about 200songs/8000. Is no programs fault as unit is making crackly sounds. Any songs that go on there do not play, so is most likely a shot hard drive inside! Appreciate all the advice and to me looks like Banshee is a great choice. Least it does show the user what is happening!!!! Many programs do not! Guess I will be stuck using the Zune til is croaks!!!! Just can not afford to spend anymore of this grant! Guess you just can not buy a used Ipod less it is from someone you know!!! To much dishonesty out there and just happy I am not like that!!! As I tried the Itunes program also, will state Banshee has more of a resemblance to it than the others, but does not look like Itunes. Just a nice program that actually shows the user what the progress is in layman's terms. Does not work with my Zune, but then again nothing but its original program gets a bleep out of it! Just hoping one day someone will make one of these devices that is not solely dependent on the software. Sansa fuze was great in that aspect! All I ever had to do was just move the MP3's to it and presto would work!!!! Just wish others would get to this size as my collection is large(92gb) and is very difficult to mess with these programs without spending loads of time! Sure saves time in the long run, but initially is a real pain!!!! Also, I did find 200 songs that were in the wrong format, which I promptly converted and retried the programs, so I know is a definite this Ipod is toast. Just get the butter out for it!!!!!

Re: Ipod anyone???

PostPosted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 2:22 pm
by Xanayoshi
It can take 200?

You need to reset the ipod I think.

I would probably go about it differently.(Probably give it away, but first)

I wouldn't say it is broken if it is playing music. I have had a broken ipod and they generally don't do that. Generally a broken ipod does nothing.

Since you have a Windows computer. Maybe just go ahead and download Itunes packages, and deal with it that way, instead of trying to figure out what is going wrong from an experimental angle. Another thing is why are you so insistent on just shoving thousands of songs at it at once? There is no way to really accurately tell if something went wrong especially if you are GUI dependant.
I would reset it, see if it needs any new software. Hook it up, and let it do its thing. It is built to do that. Literally. This is why they are popular. Also Justin Long.

What kind of ipod is it?

You may need to jailbreak(root) the little bastard.

Re: Ipod anyone???

PostPosted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 6:21 pm
by BBOSAK2143
Yes I used Itunes to load it in Windows 7 on the 500gb. I also said none of the songs that went on it played. It simply error-ed out at 200. To me seemed like Ipod kind of falls asleep! Songs show as there, but when clicked on just keeps skipping to the next song. Has been reset 4 times now and do not think anything will do it any good! Can not win them all! I paid a hundred for this used Ipod and guess is just to abused! I was curious about them that is why I tried one, but to me is just another pain as my Zune is! To get so sophisticated with the loading process just seems to be very aggravating to me! As stated, wish Sansa would push up to a 120-160 gig! I would jump on it in a second!!!! Easy deal, just simply move the files over, no red tape of programs! I will say am very agitated since what happens is all of these programs will take a simple disk and make a project out of it! I mean some disks are collaborations with different artists, so it then sets up a dozen folders for one disk! Gets hard to find things that way! Then say my Zune is going to give up. Now unless, I have the Zune program on my computer to grab the songs off it I am out of luck!!! Same goes for these Ipods! So worried about protecting the music against copy protection they fail to see what us users really need and want! There have been several instances where I purchased a new disk, then went to load my Zune. It then claimed all the songs were on there. Next thing I know am driving down the road going to listen to it and I only have 10/15!!!! Is a real tipper! I have also had it do 2/15, 14/15, etc! Lot of times takes 2x to load it, not good at all! When I had the Sansa, was a simple transfer and done! That is what I would love to see again! You know that Sansa has never failed yet! The ole lady has been using it for near 4 years now with no hassles whatsoever. Very well built unit! I was under the impression, Sansa was to up their micro sd's to 128 by this point, but so far tops is 64 gig. Just not large enough to house 92gb's worth of music I have! I absolutely refuse to reduce any mp3 lower than 320kps!!!! Sounds tinny like an old AM pocket radio! Learned it the hard way, when I got excited about making MP3 disks. Tossed them since they sound like absolute junk! Anyway as I say, originally I did not know someway somehow wma's were on the Zune! When I found that, thought it was the cause of Ipod not loading! Is not as has been tried in 4 different programs including Itunes and never gets to anything playable! So I got ripped off on this one! Probably cost more to fix then I paid for it! Just thought as they are a reputable place selling used items, it would be good. Guess I am wrong!

Re: Ipod anyone???

PostPosted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 6:35 pm
by Xanayoshi
The .wma's were probably those stupid songs that come with Windows.

To be fair, I like the XP one that plays when you are installing, but that's not what I am referring to.

I clearly remember those things finding there way on a few mp3 players including my ipod due to itunes software being little more than a virus at the time and being seriously invasive.


Re: Ipod anyone???

PostPosted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 11:51 am
by BBOSAK2143
They were all my songs, but apparently(one of the many reasons I now prefer Linux!) media player decided my choice of Mp3 was not what my real intentions were!!! So it just converted to wma. Do not ask me how as this only occurred for 6 disks out of hundreds!!!! So they are converted now as I want them compatible with any unit I would put them on! I always delete the yuppy music that comes with media player, sorry is garbled nothing to me! I read on this one page describing Linux, Mac and Windows. Maybe was on the biased side, but tend to agree. The site claims Linux as the finished product, Mac a beta and Windows on the alpha side!!! Absolutely love that description as seems very accurate! Sorry Mac and Windows users is just after years of messing with computers, I can understand why it is all depicted that way! Both are very narrow minded about their devices and never seem to consider anyone else in the picture besides themselves. To them they are the masters of computing and everyone else is nothing! Sorry, I just do not buy into that anymore! All systems have their purpose and should consider others and break through that halo around their heads! Users need dependability, not long drawn out sales ads on TV and Internet! Will stick with my above statements and add if better units(large capacity Mp3 players) are constructed that have zero restrictions, it is my firm belief more users would use them! Ditto on their systems also!!! Now with an economy that is hanging by a thread, why these companies continue constructing things users will not purchase is beyond me!!!!

Re: Ipod anyone???

PostPosted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 3:26 pm
by Micro
I've used gtkpod successfully awhile back on Debian, but only to help my sister and a friend combine music. I dont own anything Apple for many of reasons, but thats another story. ;) Hope you make some progress BBoss...

Re: Ipod anyone???

PostPosted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 8:17 pm
by BBOSAK2143
Will not be with that one as got taken by that place! Oh well, win some and then loose some! Anyone know how to fix these things when they clackity clack and do not play music???? Probably costs more than is worth, right? You know I set that 500gb on Windows, but to be totally honest ticks me to use it! I always get more accurate response from my own creation and the topper is am no pro and have mistakes in there! So what does that say about Windows? I will leave that for everyone here to decide that one! Am afraid at this point might get flagrant on a response to a question of such! Check the following rant, will be decent about it, but at present I have steam coming out of my ears and my face is as red as my Marlboro shirt!!!! GTKPOD works as long as the Ipod works! See there is a huge difference between Linux and these other GREAT systems! Simple, Linux tells you the truth! Others beat around the bush!!!! I dare someone to prove me wrong on that one!!!!!