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Not wise to move your present Gnome to newer 3.8

PostPosted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 8:39 pm
by BBOSAK2143
This is one move that is better left behind until 13.10 comes out! Believe me if you try the move Gnome in its selfishness leaves a trail of dust with your programs just so it can install itself! Big boo to them on that as is not so nice! Did a little experimenting with it today and watched as half the programs I had installed got wiped out! I had nothing to loose as I had already planned to move to my new TB drive, so I went for it! Classic came up with nothing in the taskbar. Of course they also bogarted 3.8 and gave me 3.7 instead! Only way to get a totally successful install of 3.8 is most likely to uninstall all traces of your present Gnome install, something I do not suggest! May be alright to do something like that in UB(Ubuntu Builder) but on a fully functional OS, not advised! Sure some of the effects looked decent as it seems Gnome will now work even closer with compiz. Was quicker responding, but Cinnamon users be prepared as will uninstall it ASAP! 13.04(Ubuntu Raring) comes stock with 3.6 since 3.8 was not completed in time for the release. I was trying to find a min-remix of 13.04 but thus far had no luck! Someone can leave a link would be greatly appreciated! Lot of work going on here with setting up these HD's. Have the old one(500gb) running Windows and the new TB drive runs my OS which at present is totally functional!!! Was never into the dual boot scenario as I tend to walk away from my computer! Is easy enough to set in bios to just switch when is needed!!!! Have the Zune and the Ipod that are just royal pains and need their programs since they are outdated in Linux! All they do on Linux is just crash since they are first generation! Anyway to my point, the move to Gnome 3.8 is very complicated as Gnome has all kinds of parts all over the place!!! If you are to attempt this nightmare be sure to totally uninstall Gnome or you will get stuck with 3.7 and that is a bust! That was basically testing ground for 3.8! Just hope this helps all to avoid trouble. You know me when I can take a chance, provided I have backup will do! Just want to help others save a bit of time!!!!

Re: Not wise to move your present Gnome to newer 3.8

PostPosted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 9:21 pm
by ryanvade

Re: Not wise to move your present Gnome to newer 3.8

PostPosted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 8:47 am
by BBOSAK2143
Yes matched that to a t Ryanvade!!! As I said figured nothing to loose as wanted the home computer set up this way! Not a hot shot, never will be so guess here and there have to use Windows. Might also help with finding some cures in the reg for Wine! Not thoroughly impressed with Gnome 3.8 as have no definite information on some issues being cured! Will stick with the combo I have as looks nice and works great! Still would love to find a 13.04 mini, am really addicted to assembling OS's! More fun than any game or puzzle have ever done!!!! Only found a Raring at the size of almost 800mb and has 3.6 and Ubuntu one junk in there!!! Need one from the ground floor. Dis-assembly is a drag!!!! Still have all you on here for all the enjoyment I am getting out of learning!!!! Honestly feel at times I learn much more here than I do in school! Have a month more to get my AAS , then off to find a job! When am going good somewhere and get the time will be able to put more into Linux! Is more enjoyable to have an OS you like as I always say! Less language is heard here when I am on my OS vs Windows. Laptop will stay as is with Windows in Vbox. Just not keen on the dual boot! Been there and something always seems to go wrong after a few weeks or so! Is nice how Home CP is , My Os can see Windows but does not happen the other way around! Simple enough to go in the Bios and just switch HDs, nothing complicated! Am just tired of messing with Ole lady's CP! Always huffs and puffs and just has to do something on it, when I need it for a few minutes, only! Now can just boot into it on mine!!! No more hassles! Will not use it much, only when is necessary. In fact still have it in Vbox for doing my homework!

Re: Not wise to move your present Gnome to newer 3.8

PostPosted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 11:26 am
by Xanayoshi

13.04 has not been released.

While Unity is built from Gnome and Compiz, a 13.04 raring ringtail ubuntu beta does not come with Gnome.

Re: Not wise to move your present Gnome to newer 3.8

PostPosted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 1:43 pm
by Xanayoshi
In regards to the 3.8 dilemna.

13.04 Ubuntu(Unity)is compatible with Gnome 3.6

Gnome 3.8 and Cinnamon are also incompatible.

So really it's not an issue unless you just really love Gnome. However it is a pain because people like myself, will be more interested in the Classic side of this, as it has caused so much controversy, and how well it integrates into systems. It would only stand to reason that Classic will be flawed due to the lack of commitment. The biggest issue is why Gnome is so horrible and why the developers forgot that humans were the ones using it.

Re: Not wise to move your present Gnome to newer 3.8

PostPosted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 1:02 pm
by BBOSAK2143
Hit the nail on the head! They are tough to work with! I even tried to put it on 13.04 and not having luck! Keep saying if they do not want to work with anything, "Why don't they just make their own OS! Of course we know that answer, because they can not make programs that work! Not knocking all their programs, but have to admit, KDE has them beat with programs! Still no mini on 13.04 that I have seen! Downloaded the other and is a major hassle, so far can't get anything to go right with it! Need a mini to start from scratch and maybe can make another one like this one I use! Just figured might be more up beat for this new laptop! Like present setup and believe me, will not leave until something better is created! Anyway love the comment as is exactly what I think! Just do not like to write it so much as get afraid will get someone mad on here! Love it here and do not want to get anyone mad!!

Re: Not wise to move your present Gnome to newer 3.8

PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 10:23 pm
by masta
thanx for yhe input. I have been running 3.8.5 from ubuntu ppa only
had problem with nautilus so far. Ultimate Edition 3.5 64 bit and mate 1.6.1 also E17.
I will read the topics and investigate. I enjoy your refreshing posts.

Re: Not wise to move your present Gnome to newer 3.8

PostPosted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 11:40 am
by Xanayoshi
masta wrote:thanx for yhe input. I have been running 3.8.5 from ubuntu ppa only
had problem with nautilus so far. Ultimate Edition 3.5 64 bit and mate 1.6.1 also E17.
I will read the topics and investigate. I enjoy your refreshing posts.

Do you mean you are running the 3.8.5 kernel?

3.8 Gnome as an environment I highly suspect would cause more than nautilus not to function.

Re: Not wise to move your present Gnome to newer 3.8

PostPosted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 1:45 pm
by Xanayoshi
Here's a bad analogy.

Linux=Happy Days

Who really cares about the cast of Happy Days, so we will call them respectively Unity, Cinnamon, and Mate.

Happy Days works with Fonzie pretty well and Fonzie used to be cool (gnome2)

Fonzie is older now and has lost touch, so he throws on his biker leather (gnome classic) but he just can't quite be as cool as he used to be.

The rest of the cast still needs Fonzie around, because Happy Days won't quite be the same without the Fonz, but he is too busy trying to be unique and cool to really help the others out, even though he needs them to even be considered cool.

So right now the show is going on without the current Fonz.

Re: Not wise to move your present Gnome to newer 3.8

PostPosted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 4:00 pm
by BBOSAK2143
As always, Love it Xan! To me Gnome is more like Ralph Malph!!! Just like he took Fonz's place! Would say KDE is Fonzi! Personally, I would not be caught with just all Gnome stuff! Desktop is almost too much, but am a real sucker for looks! Like the Mac effect and all the touches of this theme/color scheme, placement of menu and items. Can move easily through the system to find things easier than any other OS, so is very enjoyable! Even though I now run 2 HDs 1TB with my Linux, 500gb with Win 7, the latter is just less desirable! When I get some more time will work on this 13.10 image I have and see if I can get it fixed with Gnome 3.8. For now will probably just get an image of Gnome 3.8 as I did with 3.6 to scope it out see the functions and what has been done for it! Will not blame Gnome for all errors as I make plenty myself!!!! Just presently, have not figured what I did wrong on this 13.10 am building. Will get back to it in a few weeks or when a mini-iso comes up. Going to have to backtrack things and takes time! Time I do not have til I finish school!!! Linux image 3.8.5, yeah suspect we will see kernel 4.2 by the end of the year!!!! Linus keeps rockin in the the good stuff!!! Will bet TheeMahn is working away with a 3.6 Ultimate Edition that is going to knock our socks off! Have not seen any words from him for a bit, so you know has to be something real huge brewing!!!! Am looking forward to that!!!!!