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Re: Mad Scientist at Work!

PostPosted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 2:01 pm
by BBOSAK2143
Well, had nothing but issues with what was installed for Gnome on this Trusty, so I took the gamble of moving forward to 3.11 desktop which is supposed to be what Gnome is evolving to! Thus far is looking as if Flashback will not be in 3.12 which is the only reason I ever used Gnome. I absolutely hate regular Gnome and Classic especially since the user has no control over that bottom taskbar/message tray! It is totally BS to be force into using black and white text! Pure Windows!!!

Have looked a bit on the net, but not much information except for a little chit chat between a Gnome developer and someone else. This developer claims Flashback is just too much work to do and will just ride on the Glory of Gnome and Gnome Classic! Sounds as if they do not want users anymore, if you ask me! First they implement this Wayland junk that destroys the way our themes work. Now, they are going to take their best looking desktop and toss it for garbage! To be honest in that case will just go to Mate and Cinnamon and they can stick 3.12 and up!

I tried the staging parts which seem to function, but as said no install for Flashback, which leads me to form a guess that is just will not be available in 3.12 which in plain words is BS! So far logout on these staging parts is not happening so well at all! Takes forever and when I tried to switch to Classic it just hung! Not good! Will take another look at things, but looks as if this trip is going nowhere! Starting to wonder how Haiku is doing, maybe they are doing better than Linux???? Least with these new changes coming up, not at all impressed!

One of the many reasons I left Windows was having a choice with how I want my desktop and computer to function. For years Windows told me how I want it. Then, I moved to Linux and found I could have many different choices. Now that hand is pulling back those choices, so believe me is very frustrating and disappointing! I believe in Freedom of Choice, not "This is what we have, don't like it too bad!" Upper controls in the left corner and no more choice of themes using those upper metacity's from any of my themes! They plain out and out decided us users should not have control on what we see! This is surely a head in the direction of Windows!!!! I sure though Linux and Gnome were above that kind of thought!!!