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Re: striders rants

PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 8:52 pm
by LeadFingers
The reason for that is, Ubuntu doesn't get real excited about updating to the latest drivers.
If you look at their track record, most of their drivers are old and only get updated when they absolutely have to, which makes no sense in the day & age of Envy and Hardware Drivers. How tough could it be to update Hardware Drivers and stick it in the repos.

Re: striders rants

PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 10:19 pm
by DaddyX3
I love a good rant/ rave section!!!
Here is my list of questions for Ubuntu:
1. Why is your USB support still in the stone ages??? They have known that there is a problem with USB transfer speeds for at least a year now and have not been able to fix it???? As a matter of fact, hard drive to hard drive transfer speeds are seriously lacking as well and this is the same problem as USB, so what gives?
2. Why are they trying to keep up with VISTA for absolute sluggishness???? This isn't a race to see who is slower! Ibex is a snail!
3. Why is it that you have to install a virgin copy of Ubuntu even after 6-months have gone by and you know there is a mess of updates that are immediately downloaded upon your first 'update' ??? Why can they not issue more than one build per release? Why are they stuck on the idea that if they made a new build with the updated software included on the cd it would be a bad thing???? I mean honestly, if you have a cd with all the defunct software that 'is' Ubuntu, why not re-do your work and include the 'repaired' software in the Ubuntu build instead of making everyone waste band-width?
4. Where is proper support for Windows Mobile devises!?!?!? They are not new, a ton of people have them - so why no support???? Try plugging your windows mobile devise into your machine and sit back and enjoy the frustration!?

btw ..... I LOVE UBUNTU ... hehehehe
Yes, I do know that its free ....
Yes, I do know that it has the best community on the planet ....
No, I don't understand the reasoning behind them leaving Hardy in the dust after ibex was released - makes no sense.

Questions for Micro$oft:
1. Why are you such money hungry, controling, freaks - that insist on screwing millions of people out of their hard earned cash just to turn around and make the people fix your software for you?
2. Why did you shove VISTA down everyones throught when XP had so much attention and so many years in development?
3. DRM!?!?!? Who are you? Big Brother to the planet!?!?!? What gives you the right?
4. Why are you not as cool as Ubuntu? You make much more money and revolutionized computers on a global scale, but yet .... your productivity pretty much blows! Your so fat and bloated and don't include something as functional to use as a 'cube' !?

btw .... M$ can suck eggs ....
Yes, it has to be used still
Yes, Linux community has to do more work on the 'Wine' project in order to actually become compitition with M$. Linux will never be a main streamer till you can run some of the big boy software (without issue).
Yes, I have to still use it just to sync my damn windows mobile devise.

Re: striders rants

PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 7:57 am
by deate
WOW! Didn't know ghosts could type :lol: :lol:

Re: striders rants

PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 11:44 am
by LeadFingers
Hey Daddy:

You forgot to mention the vast improvements made to Network Manager.
How much easier it is to edit.
How the Mozilla apps are less dependent on it.
How much easier it is to troubleshoot.

Re: striders rants

PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 3:15 pm
by tuxsax
LeadFingers wrote:Hey Daddy:

You forgot to mention the vast improvements made to Network Manager.
How much easier it is to edit.
How the Mozilla apps are less dependent on it.
How much easier it is to troubleshoot.

Are you intentionally kidding me and pouring some salt in my wounds???
The update to NM totally screwed my control over the network settings to a point I "apt-get remove --purge" it!
Now I go with the manual way, it's a static computer, with static settings, no need for all the useless "fireworks" where the PPTP VPN doesn't even work, while the ole hardy one did!

Re: striders rants

PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 3:59 pm
by LeadFingers
Ah come on Zivley, don't blame me!
We have a bold button, an Italics button and an underline button, but I just don't see the Heavy sarcasm button.

It's like Ubuntu picks an area in each release to totally screw up.
Like a magician waving his left hand, you don't notice what he's doing with his right.
Think about it for a moment:
In each release what was the most asked subject?
Fiesty... Install issues
Gutsy... Video issues
Hardy... Laptop installs
Intrepid... They've outdone themselves here and given us not one but two major issues... sound & connectivity.

Tell me I'm wrong!

ps: I'll have to ask Cab about the "heavy sarcasm" button.

Re: striders rants

PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 4:31 pm
by stanca
Last night I downloaded,burnt and tried a UE1.8 64bit,just to remember the "old good times".My webcam worked again,after 2 months.I'm really thinking to a new triple-booting again but this time winxp/uxmase/ue1.8 64.Just to have the best in one place. ;)

Re: striders rants

PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 4:59 pm
by LeadFingers
Call me a pessimist but I find it better to leapfrog releases.
I always have the last release and the newest in a duel boot, this way I don't miss any functionality while I get the new one set up. This also affords me the chance to bring the other one up to double check a particular question for some lost soul. It just so happened that I liked 1.8x64 so much that I installed 2.0 x64 over the top of 1.9. When I find one I like better, I'll wipe out the 1.8.

My stable media box will prolly get updated with each LTS. BUT I do keep it backed-up.

Re: striders rants

PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 5:21 pm
by pch.shot
I see it has all come down to this Linux Bashing. Give me a break!!!
Just be thankful that with Linux you actually can fix something if you know how.
Here is my solution for all Windows users:
A few shots of TinyMe Linux(they update once a year) running XP inside Virtualbox on a PIII(600 meg cpu and 320 megs of p100 ram).
If something works don't try and "fix it". Leave it alone.
In an effort to advance we have come to the conclusion that we will regress at an advanced pace!!!

Re: striders rants

PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 1:37 pm
by pch.shot
I can be up and running Ultimate in an hour starting from scratch. Windows takes me the better part of a whole day(and I hate it). This little distro(TinyMe) I am using on my PIII takes 15 minutes. Puppy Linux is 10 minutes.
Just stop buying hardware that is not supported by LInux(take a LInux live disc on your purchase runs). It will save you a lot of grief in the long run.