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Re: USB speakers (automatic would be great)

PostPosted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 5:46 pm
by slingshotsuicide
No prob, I'm not ticked or anything. The answer will present itself eventually, and this has gone in a direction I find amusing and stimulating. I have another friend of like mind that I'm going to send here for his amusement as well. Besides, the title of the thread still makes it a place for the solution to turn up.

Re: USB speakers (automatic would be great)

PostPosted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 8:59 pm
by calypso
Well, I dunno from mack daddy halogens but a bouncy ball bounces up and down in the ship and the same bouncy ball appears to bounce at an angle from outside, so the only way that it could go twice as fast is if the observer was moving the opposite direction at the same speed, but the only way that you are going to get someone to be outside the ship going the opposite direction is if they forgot to eat some peanuts while they were chugalluging their beer and are having to DESPERATELY get back to the bureau of planning to determine if the offramp follows a parabolic curve.

If that is correct then when one is precisely the square root of the distance down the ramp that the cruiser is approaching the earth, then yes............. he would see the ball bouncing twice as fast..........however, this is all open to speculation if the ship is being piloted by a cat that thinks he's being shoved through a privately owned solar telescope instead of piloting the ship............

And yes............ I DO keep lint! :D


Re: USB speakers (automatic would be great)

PostPosted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 9:32 pm
by calypso
Please let me commend you for your timely reminder. The cat must be notified at once about the fly, especially in that not only will it alter the trajectory of the fundibulum but it will also produce a microscopic buckling of the outer skin which has the distinct possibility of breaching the said structure. I would suggest that we contact the commander of the port watch to see if he has put some bubblegum on his bedpost and we could use that to seal the breach!

Whew! I had NOT considered that! 8-)


Re: USB speakers (automatic would be great)

PostPosted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 9:51 pm
by pch.shot
Glad to see everybody is amused and stimulated. Personally, I would hook my computer up to a real stereo and throw out the usb speakers(I bought a pair once just to see how crappy they were and then I threw them out). It was worth the 20 bucks just for the education. They reminded me of a TV set from the 50s( not low fidelity but below fidelity). I listen to a lot of music and have been a pro musician for almost 40 years so I'm a bit fussy about sound. Call me kooky, but I demand the best sound quality or I will do without(silence is better).

Re: USB speakers (automatic would be great)

PostPosted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 10:32 pm
by calypso
Hi Slingshot...

ahem....please forgive me for participating in a hijack of the thread.

As to the speakers, personally I've never used USB speakers, so I have no recommendations for them. I would second Strider on the speakers... when I first got into computers I had to build junkers from parts and a fellow showed me his very high end computer system, desk, you name it and it had absolutely marvellous sound behind some cloth in shelves and I inquired as to the speakers and he was running, basically what I run. Some time later I was in a very high end computer store and asked about speakers and was taken to a "kiosk" to listen to speakers and they were some kind of teensy things and a big base below the desk. The base/midrange sounded good but the upper range was ...well...lacking.... and the guy said something like as long as you have the bass on the floor then the setup sounds "good" to most folks .... which is how the other guy had his bass...

So....... A couple of years ago a second hand computer store was going out of business and I bought a bunch of the about 6 inch wide by 8 inch high midrange/tweeters and the big clunky bass boxes by Labtech, Gateway and Cambridge...

I run them....... uhhhh loud.. :lol: ...... and after they go bad in about 6 months I go get a couple of other from the gaaarrraagghhh . right now I have a Labtech bass and a Gateway and a Cambridge by the monitor.... and the FEW geeky friends that also have a relationship with somebody else .... that come over for a brewsky say they sound fine, and the the six pack cost more than the speakers! :D

Unfortunately they are your normal 9mm jack and usb...


Re: USB speakers (automatic would be great)

PostPosted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 12:10 am
by pch.shot
Best bookshelf stereo speakers for your money are Wharefdale. Made in China with British know how!
Here are mine:
I bought mine for 300 bucks Canadian 3 years ago and only blew up one. When I took it back to the store(Bay-Bloor Audio in Toronto) the guy was in shock. I was the first to do so. That's what Since I Been Loving You by Led Zeppelin at 200 watts rms will do!!! Sometimes I like my music at concert level in a 10 foot square room!!! The speakers are rated at 100 watts each so I thought I would test them out!! Needless to say, if your speakers are rated at 100 watts don't run them past 80!!
p.s. I have never heard any speakers specifically made for a computer that don't sound like crap. There is nothing better than a good sound card hooked up to a stereo with real wood speakers!! Plastic just does not cut it!!! My stereo cost a grand and it's a cheap one(sounds not bad). If you ever get to Toronto check out Bay-Bloor audio. They have listening rooms with $20,000 stereos and big screen TV's already set up. I could easily drop 100 grand in there if I had the money!!

Re: USB speakers (automatic would be great)

PostPosted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 12:19 am
by calypso
I humbly bow to your volumness, don't know as my gateways and cambridges will get "quite" that loud! :D


Re: USB speakers (automatic would be great)

PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 12:46 pm
by slingshotsuicide
I personally have always used my Aiwa oversized bookshelf for my desktop rigs, and if I wanted to use my laptop to play for a party or whatever, that would be the way I'd go. I forget the actual wattage, but the sub is all wood, and front L and R are wood and plastic. Surely nothing compared to some, but having lived in apartments most of my adult life, I find it to be more than sufficient. I even have a 20' extension cable for the stereo for connectivity from master control (my Lazy Boy). However, my latest edition (currently 50lb 4mo old rottie named Loki presents a distinct problem with x-room cabling. :lol: The other minor problem is that it's kind of bad form to dominate the living room where the TV may be on and the gf may want to hear something on her laptop.
BTW: No prob with the hijack, but I appreciate the sentiment Calypso