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I Was Trying To Be Cool...

PostPosted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 1:39 pm
by Tib DLed a file, it went to the desktop, I figured I'd move it to my personal folder, and I figured I'd be cool and use the terminal.....then I decided I'd be super cool, and not type out the whole directory path, because I THOUGHT "/~" was a shortcut for the home folder?, I do a "sudo mv FileName /~"....poof, file disappears from the desktop, I think, YES! I'm so cool!....I open the personal/home folder for my user logon....and it's not there >_<, I have no idea where I sent the file :lol: .

Re: I Was Trying To Be Cool...

PostPosted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 6:58 pm
by vinca
well i guess it's a learning experience, here's what i'd do.

1) search the computer for that file with the "places>search for files" tool.

2) Download it again

3)learn that it is just plain ~ and not /~ !!!

Re: I Was Trying To Be Cool...

PostPosted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 8:38 pm
by Baphomet
/~, eh? It's not possible that a previously non-existent folder was created via the move command in folder... Wait, no in folder... Wait, no in... Wait...

<time passes>


Re: I Was Trying To Be Cool...

PostPosted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 8:50 pm
by Cab
The closest and coolest thing to that I've found is when you start typing a name of a file you can just type the first couple letters and hit tab and it will cycle thru if more than one name fits what you were typing. very handy when copying moving or even running a command

Re: I Was Trying To Be Cool...

PostPosted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 9:29 pm
by Tib
Yea, I love the tab auto-complete thing, I've also found that if you're trying to unzip a file, and you're using the wrong command for that file, it won't auto-finish the name of the file when you hit tab.
I wasn't worried about the file, since I'd just downloaded it....I was just completely confused, cause it moved the file to somewhere, but I couldn't open "/~" in the terminal, or in the file'll have to do a search for it, thanks Vinca!....I was unable to find the search feature after losing the file :lol: .

Re: I Was Trying To Be Cool...

PostPosted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 9:39 pm
by SaddleTramp
Tib wrote:Yea, I love the tab auto-complete thing, I've also found that if you're trying to unzip a file, and you're using the wrong command for that file, it won't auto-finish the name of the file when you hit tab.
I wasn't worried about the file, since I'd just downloaded it....I was just completely confused, cause it moved the file to somewhere, but I couldn't open "/~" in the terminal, or in the file'll have to do a search for it, thanks Vinca!....I was unable to find the search feature after losing the file :lol: .

:lol: I believe even "The Fonz" admitted there were times to not be "Too Cool"... ;) <BREW> 8-)

Re: I Was Trying To Be Cool...

PostPosted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 10:16 pm
by Tib
lol, you know us computer geeks....we can't resist the urge to feel that unforgettable sensation known as "cool" :lol: :lol: :lol: .

Re: I Was Trying To Be Cool...

PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 10:52 am
by DaddyX3
I know, "a day late and a dollar short", but I'm with Baph on this one. I would think that it would create a folder named "~" in the root directory( "/"). Is this the case?

Re: I Was Trying To Be Cool...

PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 12:13 pm
by vinca
DaddyX3 wrote:I know, "a day late and a dollar short", but I'm with Baph on this one. I would think that it would create a folder named "~" in the root directory( "/"). Is this the case?

nope. i recreated the issue, it didn't.

Re: I Was Trying To Be Cool...

PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 1:27 pm
by Baphomet
vinca wrote:
DaddyX3 wrote:I know, "a day late and a dollar short", but I'm with Baph on this one. I would think that it would create a folder named "~" in the root directory( "/"). Is this the case?

nope. i recreated the issue, it didn't.

I remember this one time, at band camp...

No seriously... (does not play an instrument. Really.)

You know, it's funny because when I did something similar in, I think it was Ultimate 1.6, a rift was created in the very fabric of space-time itself. TheeMahn said it was a bug, though, and promptly patched things up, but there for a time... <chuckle>

Wow, now THOSE were the days, huh? Boy howdy...

DaddyX3 wrote:I know, "a day late and a dollar short", but I'm with Baph on this one.

I'm betting, under Windows, that's exactly what would have happened (for whatever THAT'S worth (???)).
Not that I'm a betting man/pagan deity.

What disturbs me though... Is the thought that file seems to have been, well... Moved... Somewhere. Where did it go?
"Lost & Found"? I've never really trusted that folder...