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Removing a kernel update

PostPosted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 6:13 pm
by rhjeepdriver
A couple of days ago I had a notification for updates. I installed all updates like I normally do.
Waited until next day to reboot computer. Upon rebooting, I noticed my desktop looked a little different.
Top and bottom panels are grey instead of black, right click menus are grey instead of black.
Several other minor changes also. I think in the updates that I installed was a kernel update.
I think this is what changed things. If I go to Synaptic what should I look for ?
I want to revert to the previous version.
Since this has happened, I can't get new updates either. I check for updates and it fails.
It says to check my connection. I will try to include a screenshot of the kernel versions.

I guess I lost the Gnomish Dark theme and in my sysyem settings, the theme changed to Ambience (default)
from Adwaita. Changing back to Adwaita does not remedy the problem.

Re: Removing a kernel update

PostPosted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 6:18 am
by rhjeepdriver
Apologies, I am running Ultimate Edition 3.4. ASRock 880GM-LE FX motherboard, AMD 965 Black Edition CPU.
Basically after installing available updates my desktop changed slightly.
In the top panel, changed to a triangle and when I try to check for updates it fails.
I am not exactly clear as to what should be removed to revert to the previous kernel.

Re: Removing a kernel update

PostPosted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 10:44 am
by pam
No use trying to update. It practically upgrades the system. It changes the entire OS.
Stick only to upgrading to the latest kernel and web browser manually.
If you want to use the latest then download the latest Ultimate Edition.