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Total systems crashing

PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 4:14 am
by carling
Over this passed couple of months I am getting a total systems crash caused by compiz All this started after some updates, it is something to do with precise from what I can make out, I have reinstalled the system 3 times done the updates sent off the crash reports

it starts by losing the minimize and maximize bar which in a sense don't bother me that much But now other things are going wrong, If I close a page down using the control keys the systems crashes, or if I'm copying and pasting from one page to another it won't do it, and freezes up. sorry to have to say this I'm going to have to dump 3.4 which will be very sickening for me to say the least :vil2_golf :vil2_hockey :vil2_golf I can say I'm far from pleased Tonight I have just lost over an hours work because the system crashed on me

Re: Total systems crashing

PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 6:01 pm
by chris47
I have been experiencing the same thing.. I think it is time to try something else..

Re: Total systems crashing

PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 6:50 pm
by chris47
I'm still using ultimate 3.4 and will give it some to, until certain issues are addressed. The being a LTS version, my hope is the developers will address these current issue with compiz crashing after updates..

Re: Total systems crashing

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 1:40 pm
by BBOSAK2143
Just a long shot, but is your Java up to date? Currently on 7 and Ultimate Edition was made when version 6 was dominant. Some of those changes have seemed to affect systems very much! All the updates that have come out in the past month, left me with an improvement to Compiz! For the first time ever using it my user name no longer disappears on saved logins!!! Usually would switch out of it, but I see no hassles with it presently! Might still turn it off when using snapshot since the compiz actions are captured and is hard to read what I saved! Will admit I do toggle on and off with it whenever a problem arises! In the past was handbrake but seems to have cleared up now also! Any other distro that uses compiz will also set you with troubles if you have them on Ultimate Edition. Sure would not want to leave this boat(Ultimate Edition) for a disaster distribution! I hope one of us helps you well as I would not wish that on anyone to leave a distro as great as Ultimate Edition!!!! Am sold 100% on Ultimate and will forever give my best wishes to these developers, they need to be commended! If I was more computer literate than I am, I would get to the core of the problem. For now I took a stab in the dark as recent events for myself lead me to believe this is a major solution for most Linux distributions. Take care and I wish you the best!!!