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Top Panel Overlapping Window Title Bar

PostPosted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 6:18 pm
by Zaileion
Notice the top panel is overlapping thw title bar of the maximized windows. also notice the title bar is overlapping the pictures window which is overlapping 4 monitors. Primary being the one with the panel...
Mint Mate on Ultimate Edition 3.5.2.

Re: Top Panel Overlapping Window Title Bar

PostPosted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 11:54 pm
by pam
On your primary monitor(quadrant 1), the firefox title is being overlapped by the gnome-panel.
To resize or move firefox do the following:
Press ALT+spacebar.
A small popup window will appear at the top left.
Now you can do anything; move, resize, maximize etc etc.

Try unlocking your panel or check the properties/settings of the panel, it maybe set to overlap the windows; check with gnome-tweak tool.

Re: Top Panel Overlapping Window Title Bar

PostPosted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 3:19 am
by Zaileion
tried all that even before i posted this. Because the monitors are stached the windows ignore the panel. if i adjust the primary monitor to one of the top mionitors it fuctions correctly. Unfortunitely i cannot leave it that way. there has to be a way to fix it, i had it fixed in older versions... have no idea how tho.. it was just luckly Googling...

Re: Top Panel Overlapping Window Title Bar

PostPosted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 3:17 pm
by Zaileion
Any further suggestions?

if you check the attached picture above you will see the "pictures" folder is overlapped with the top panel. Thats 4 monitors staked on top of each other 2 on 2. the bottom right monitor is primary thus the panels. but for some reason the top panel is rendered like a widget that has been set to stay on top of everything, and is locked in position. Weird..

Might be the AMD Catalyst Control Center and Compiz combined causing the issue.

I know if i setup the monitors all in a single line left to right the issue is resolved. its only when i set them like they are in real life with 2 on top and 2 on bottom. Also if i set the panels on either of the top monitors the issue becomes resolved. The overlay issue only occurs with multiple monitors where either one or more monitors is staked on top, and either bottom monitor is set as the primary.

There are a ton of posts regarding this issue on the Internet.

Unity does this but it merges the top panel with the title bar and there is no overlay like the picture above, perhapse tats a Gnome think not rendering the top panel correctly...