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Ultimate Edition 3.0 installation

PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:57 pm
by Klaatu2
I already have a dual boot system with Windoze 7 and Mint 10. I like what I see with Ultimate Edition 3.0 and want to install it to the hard drive. My question: Will installing affect the dual boot system or overwrite any parts of the existing OSs? Will the installer simply add a line to the boot file so that I would then have three options to choose from when I boot?

Thanks in advance for your assistance? BTW, I am generally a noob when it comes to Linux; simple explanations are good!

Re: Ultimate Edition 3.0 installation

PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:36 pm
by Admin-Amir
Hello Klaatu2 .

I will say install it on the Mint and Delete the Mint (Not upgrade).
And yes the installation at the end of the process do the - install - Grub + update Grub.

Re: Ultimate Edition 3.0 installation

PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:22 pm
by Klaatu2
Hi Admin-Amir:

Thanks for responding so quickly. I would like to keep both the Win 7 and Mint 10 systems intact; I need Win 7 for programs such as iTunes and I really want to keep Mint at least until I am comfortable with Ultimate Edition 3.0. Is that possible or is it a necessity to remove my Mint 10 OS? Thanks again.

Re: Ultimate Edition 3.0 installation

PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:16 pm
by Admin-Amir
Hello Klaatu2.

Let me share with you my point of view on the Linux issue here.
U.E/MINT/Ubuntu and so on are in the base the same.
it it deb/apt/aptitude/terminal work the same (only repo's change here).
Now about U.E & Mint - well on the U.E all work from the box + you have all the software install in Advanced for you.
on MINT you need to do all the work by yourself .

So I as your supporter +Builder of systems can say that the U.E is something Different from MINT .
what can you lose here? well nothing for real I will say.

So this is your machine ,and you do what is the best ofr you,
I just try to point you to the part that you do not lose here nothing with the part of the Delete of MINT.

The next issue will be the order of the kernels in the boot.
MINT has there kernel and U.E work with there kernel,
As far that I remember the mint kernel is lower then U.E and slower then Ultimate Edition

First know the info then you can do what you like.
just share with you the issues.


Re: Ultimate Edition 3.0 installation

PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:53 am
by billhedrick
Boot into Mint, and choose your partition editor, resize one of your partitions so that you have at least a 30 GB new partition, boot into the live disk, and do the install, but when it comes to where to install, choose other (or let me decide) again away from machine so I can't say what the exact wording is. You will get a list of all your partitions, choose your new free partition, set it to format and to be used, and finish the install, watch it carefully to make sure the install is going on the correct partition. You might need to format it first, but I don't think so. I realize the above could be more detailed, but I am doing this from memory. When you finish, reboot, and you should have 3 options in grub

Re: Ultimate Edition 3.0 installation

PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:44 am
by dave
billhedrick wrote:Boot into Mint, and choose your partition editor, resize one of your partitions so that you have at least a 30 GB new partition, boot into the live disk, and do the install, but when it comes to where to install, choose other (or let me decide) again away from machine so I can't say what the exact wording is. You will get a list of all your partitions, choose your new free partition, set it to format and to be used, and finish the install, watch it carefully to make sure the install is going on the correct partition. You might need to format it first, but I don't think so. I realize the above could be more detailed, but I am doing this from memory. When you finish, reboot, and you should have 3 options in grub

Thats the way I did it and it worked fine

Re: Ultimate Edition 3.0 installation

PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 1:51 pm
by billhedrick
yea, while as a Ultimate Edition guy, I would like to see everyone ditch everything else for Ultimate Edition, I realize you have to play with various distros before you settle. Also people's tastes and needs differ. You can - if you have enough Hard Drive space, install a dozen(!) different distros using that method, 3 is enough for me tho.

Re: Ultimate Edition 3.0 installation

PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:25 pm
by dave
I usually run Debian for stability
And run mint in various versions

I downloaded and installed 3.0 and so far Im liking it a lot

as long as it doesn't go to gnome 3 or unity it will stay installed

Re: Ultimate Edition 3.0 installation

PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:26 pm
by onosendai58
I think I actually had seven distros installed on a 160 gig HDD, lol.

Re: Ultimate Edition 3.0 installation

PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:57 pm
by Billie Cowie
Hello Klaatu2,
I think what you really want to know is can you safely triple-boot with Windows7, Linux mint and Ultimate Edition choosing between each at start-up, If so, the answer is yes!
U. E. will safely resize your existing partitions for you by installing alongside. You don't need to do it manually.
I have four Linux distros on one HD and two on another-no problems.
Only thing you need to know is that on installing Ultimate Edition it will become the first OS to boot in GRUB unless you manually change the MBR.Whatever Distro is last to install becomes the first in the boot-order.
On the other hand, I agree with Admin-Amir, once you try Ultimate Edition you probably won't want to bother with Linux-Mint anyway, so it can be safely deleted either before or after installing Ultimate Edition Bottom line is you can keep Linux-mint if you want to and you are NOT going to lose any files or anything. My advice is until you are more comfortable with both using Linux and the pros and cons of file-compatibility is to choose triple-boot. Just let the Ultimate Edition installer do the work for you, though bear in mind Ultimate Edition has a lot more programs than Linux Mint so will take longer to install.Once it's installed however everything will be fine. I was once in your position, hesitant about deleting Windows, but within six months of discovering Linux it was gone -permanently . Good luck, and just hold on to Windows for a while till everything feels " right". :P