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Little Things

PostPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 7:57 am
by LeadFingers
The following is several things to little for their own guide but handy to know.
I hope to add more as time goes by.
If you have a Little Thing you would like to add, post it below and I will be happy to add it & give you credit


Creating custom sounds for events

Create the sound you want... (.wav is best for this)
Open /user/share/sounds as administrator (for more on this see sudo-nautilus below)
put your sound file in /usr/share/sounds
open System/Preferences/Sounds
go to the event you want it to play in
hit the little arrow
select your sound
pat yourself on the back


Did you try the tweaking guide and now Hal won't start
Here's how bpollen fixed it
Code: Select all
sudo gedit /etc/init.d/rc


Save the file and reboot.

How TheeMahn fixed it
Code: Select all
sudo /usr/sbin/hald --daemon=yes


By linbetwin @

HOW-TO: Install Yahoo! Messenger for Linux 32bit
1) Install libssl0.9.6 through Synaptic or
Code: Select all
sudo apt-get install libssl0.9.6

2) Download this file from

3) In a terminal, write:
Code: Select all
sudo dpkg -i /path/ymessenger_1.0.4_1_i386.deb

replacing path with the path to where you downloaded the file.

4) Run /usr/bin/ymessenger and follow the few simple instructions for setting up Yahoo! Messenger. An icon will be placed on your desktop.

Pidgin or Kopete can also be used for various Messaging and are installed by default.


By Cynical @

How-To: Create a list of installed packages

I found out how to do this recently and thought it might be helpful to some people. To output this information to a file in your home directory you would use,
Code: Select all
dpkg --get-selections > installed-software

And if you wanted to use the list to reinstall this software on a fresh ubuntu setup,
Code: Select all
dpkg --set-selections < installed-software

followed by
Code: Select all


By Gamelian @

To get rid of unnecessary packages resulting from installing and uninstalling stuff.
Code: Select all
sudo apt-get autoremove

and apt will generate a list of orphaned packages and give you the option to remove them.


By our very own DaddyX3

How-To: Network printer
I have a Canon Printer (ip4300) that I have as my network printer. All I had to do is the following on my computer that is not directly hooked up to the printer / but rather through the LAN:
System>>Administration>>Printing -- Basic Server Settings I have Show printers by other systems ticked, Share published printers connected to this system ticked, Allow remote administration ticked then I clicked Apply .Then I clicked on the New Printer icon and clicked on Windows Printer via Samba and clicked on the Browse button to locate my printer on my "MSHOME" network. It showed up just fine and works great :D
A few notes: I don't use Windows, so Windows Printer via Samba selection is just the closest thing I could find as an option - thanks for supplying that TheeMahn!!! (Samba)


By vinca

To install anything in a .bin format
i've installed many a .bin:
Code: Select all
cd /where the software is

Code: Select all
chmod +x software.bin

Code: Select all

.bin is a universal linux installer, so good that google uses it ;)


Several Nautilus Goodies

1) sudo nautilus
In synaptic install nautilus-gksu
You can open folders & files as Administrator or root, from the right click menu

2) Nautilus Image
In Synaptic Install nautilus-image-converter
You can change image size from the right click menu.

3) Nautilus Terminal
In Synaptic Install nautilus-open-terminal
You can open a terminal in any folder from the right click menu.

4) Nautilus Audio Convert
In Synaptic Install nautilus-script-audio-convert
Synaptic wrote:audio convert is a script that converts between WAV, Ogg, MP3, MPC, FLAC, APE,
AAC, and WMA files. It has an easy-to-use interface that makes it possible to
fill in the tags for a few formats, copy the tags from input files into the
new files, and choose the quality of compression.

5) Nautilus Share
In Synaptic Install nautilus-share
Synaptic wrote:Nautilus Share allows you to quickly share a folder from
the GNOME Nautilus file manager without requiring root access.


6) Nautilus Wallpaper
In Synaptic Install nautilus-wallpaper
You can set your wallpaper from the right click menu


Ultimate Edition Automatic login
For those with systems that only have one user account and don't want to type their name & password each time they boot.
System/Administration/Login Window
Select the fileTab Security
Tick Enable Automatic Login
Hit the arrow next to Users
Select the user account to be enabled
Hit Close button

Next time you boot, you should skip the login window and go directly to your desktop


Fixing a Printer after an Update.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 4:23 pm
by LeadFingers
This was originally posted by Angel

Had an update the other night and now my HP F2180 all in one won't print keeps saying it may not connected, the scanner works fine and all settings for cupsys are correct but just can't get the printer to work.

By reinstalling the drivers I was able to get the printer all up and running again.

Following website has ppd's for various models of printers.

Choose your printer from the drop down box and download the ppd appropriate for your printer.
When installing the printer instead of choosing a driver choose to install with ppd.
Works like a charm

Can't take credit for this find, a very smart young man help me with this....THANK YOU Sir. ;) :D

Getting the Newest Stable packages

PostPosted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 12:29 am
by LeadFingers
From a post by Zero Prime

Ever noticed that the Ubuntu repo's don't always have the newest packages?
If you want the latest Stable packages, all you need to do is add the Medibuntu repo.
In a terminal type
Code: Select all
sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list

or edit /etc/apt/sources.list
Code: Select all
sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

and add this line to the bottom of the list
deb hardy free non-free

Save your changes, and exit

Then add the key.
Code: Select all
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get update

Now you should have the latest & greatest Stable packages available with Synaptic or Apt.