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Re: Out of scan range resolution > 1024x 768

PostPosted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 7:32 am
by drama
did some more research. im 99.9% positive its caused by that damn usplash package. this has caused more ppl grief than i care to count. they royally screwed it up somewhere between fiesty final & gusty beta. thas when the problem first showed up. or was reported rather. one last thing i would try. when you get to the screen with install,safe mode,ect ect. hit the f6 key. at the end of the line you will notice it says "quiet splash". change splash to nosplash (you will have to manually type this of course). jus delete it & add that. then hit enter. i didnt know about this work around. i only knew of totally removing them. just found this one myself. give this a try. then get back to me with your results.

p.s. everyone i kno of has ended up w/ that out of scan range or refresh not supported error at first. i sure hope they have it fixed b4 hardy goes final. as of right now its still broken for some ppl.

Re: Out of scan range resolution > 1024x 768

PostPosted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 10:13 pm
by Delicroix
i still get that out of range

Re: Out of scan range resolution > 1024x 768

PostPosted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 11:18 pm
by drama

ok lets try sum a lil different here. this is the last thing i can possibly think of. hit f6 like we have in the past. remove quiet splash. this time put vga=771

now if you still get the out of scan range warning dont fret i have an idea for this too. do the following

ctrl alt f2

cant remember for sure it might be f1. its been awhile. basically what we want to get to is a shell/consol. this is a black screen with some lettering. will say ubuntu we offer no warrenty blah blah. so if you dont see that after running the above combo try it with f1.

now if it asks you to login type ubuntu. leave the password blank as there is none.
now we wanna make sure all instances of gdm are killed so run the following

Code: Select all
sudo killall gdm

now we will reconfigure xorg. run the following

Code: Select all
sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg

now we should be in the reconfig utility. b4 i explain what to do i want to guide you around a little bit. your mouse does NOT work here. so we will use the keyboard. arrow keys scroll of course. tab goes between the various areas (back, ok, as well as any "context" boxes). enter (this is self-explainitory). any place i tell you to place or remove an x you use spacebar for that not the enter key.

ok now to get the job done.

first it will ask if you want to auto detect. choose yes.

next comes driver. id scroll down to "vesa" highlight that then hit enter.

accept the defaults through the rest of the config utility until you get to monitor resolutions.

now this is the tricky part. since i dont know what monitor you have i cant advise on a multitude of resolutions. however 1024x768 is almost certain to be supported so choose that. place an "x" next to it. remember we use spacebar to do this. remove all the rest of teh "x's" aside from that one. then hit enter.

next is sync rates. i would choose advanced this way it will auto detect them.

now accept the defaults all the way to the end of the program.

now comes the moment of truth. we will try to restart the xserver. run teh following

Code: Select all
sudo gdm

if that doesnt do anything try

Code: Select all
sudo gdm start

you may need to try these last commands a few times. sometimes it says failed the first time or 2.

let me kno if this does the trick. cheers :-)


Re: Out of scan range resolution > 1024x 768

PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 12:02 am
by Delicroix
Ok so i did what you told me and it works 100%, and you do get that range thing when you do that vga=77 but i follow your sudo thing and it all works fine,. i set it up to
10x something

Re: Out of scan range resolution > 1024x 768

PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 12:13 am
by drama
good to hear we got it straightened out. now after you install you may or may not get that out of scan range error again. but it shouldnt last very long. prob 30secs tops then it should load the rest of the way. a quick note tho. since you are using the vesa driver. you wont have any video acceleration and compiz wont work. im not farmilar w/ nvidia (i use ati) so i cant help there. however 90% of our forum members use nvidia so perhaps one of them will come along and help you out in that area.

cheers :-)


Re: Out of scan range resolution > 1024x 768

PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 5:44 am
by LeadFingers
There is a reason for doing your install in a set order.

Due to the nature of the upgrade,
any drivers you installed will be wiped out and you will have to reinstall them.
Because of this it is HIGHLY recommended you do your install in this order...

1) Put in the Ultimate Edition Live DVD and let it load completely.
2) DO NOT install drivers, Flash, or Adobe
(since it's a live session they will be wiped out in the install process)
3) Hit the install button answer the questions and let it reboot.
4) 1st thing, make sure you're hooked up to the Internet,
then check the boxes to download and install Flash & Adobe.
DO NOT install video drivers at this point, since they will be wiped out by the Upgrade.
5) After Flash & Adobe are installed, hit the upgrade Icon on your desktop.
(and babysit the process)
During the process windows will pop up that require a response from you.
Some of these windows like to hide behind other windows,
so from time to time you need to move the windows around to see if the upgrade is waiting on you.
Be patient, this takes time.
If it seems to be stopped, move the windows around & wait some more.
You will know when it's done.
6) After the upgrade process is complete, reboot & install your video drivers with "Envy".

The Upgrade process is very important,
it solves several possible issues and makes it possible to install your video drivers !
So don't skip the upgrade step

Be sure to get the latest version of envy from His site
You want Envy Legacy
Download it to your desktop
installs with a double click

make sure your hooked up to the net
open Envy (Applications/System tools/Envy)
Select "Install Nvidia drivers"
Envy should detect your card, install the correct driver & reboot.
if this brings you to your desktop, you're done

If this doesn't bring you back to your desktop
from a terminal type
Code: Select all
sudo envy-t

This will start the envy GUI
this time select "install the Driver Manually"
Select Version 169.12
Envy should install the correct driver & reboot.
if this brings you to your desktop, you're done

If this doesn't bring you back to your desktop
from a terminal type
Code: Select all
sudo envy --uninstall-all

Reboot & post here

Re: Out of scan range resolution > 1024x 768

PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 5:55 pm
by TheeMahn
This will be addressed in Ultimate Edition 1.7 X64 + meaning 1.8 as well it will include dkms, no I will not explain what it is I have done so many other places, these problems will vanish, it was no error on my dept. That is all I am or should need to say.


Re: Out of scan range resolution > 1024x 768

PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 8:15 pm
by deate
I know I should keep my mouth shut when I don't know what I'm talking about...but...I know Thee Mahn has fixed this problem...but...where I found the soultion that got rid of the pesky pop up box over the status bar on the splash screen was" Start Up Manager" set resolution there, and the problem went away, however this was on an installed OS, not a virtual machine, don't know if that matters.

Re: Out of scan range resolution > 1024x 768

PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 8:23 pm
by TheeMahn
deate wrote:I know I should keep my mouth shut when I don't know what I'm talking about...but...I know Thee Mahn has fixed this problem...but...where I found the soultion that got rid of the pesky pop up box over the status bar on the splash screen was" Start Up Manager" set resolution there, and the problem went away, however this was on an installed OS, not a virtual machine, don't know if that matters.

Well you actually may be correct, I do not run Ultimate Edition in a virtual machine, perhaps I have overstepped my boundaries, perhaps you are right. We shall see.

Re: Out of scan range resolution > 1024x 768

PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 8:43 pm
by deate
TheeMahn wrote:
deate wrote:I know I should keep my mouth shut when I don't know what I'm talking about...but...I know Thee Mahn has fixed this problem...but...where I found the soultion that got rid of the pesky pop up box over the status bar on the splash screen was" Start Up Manager" set resolution there, and the problem went away, however this was on an installed OS, not a virtual machine, don't know if that matters.

Well you actually may be correct, I do not run Ultimate Edition in a virtual machine, perhaps I have overstepped my boundaries, perhaps you are right. We shall see.

OK. To continue my ignorance, say you were always running off the live CD, wouldn't that problem continue to exist unless you edited the ISO before you burned it? Just curious :?