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Why Use Ubuntu For This Distribution

PostPosted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 9:08 pm
by comsparks
I was wondering why people use Ubuntu as a guide to make their own distribution. The reason I ask is that when Ubuntu comes out with a new release and it has a lot of bugs in it then all the rest of the Distros will follow suit carrying the bugs along with it. Lets say the next release of Ubuntu has major problems with Nvidia and won't load properly then UEs new Distro will carry that problem. Why doesn't EU just start from scratch and use Debian and build from there adding the programs that it wants without carrying over problems Ubuntu created? Just asking and curious. Thank You.

Re: Why Use Ubuntu For This Distribution

PostPosted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 2:21 pm
by stanca
It's Themahn's choice in the end.All the admins and mods have discussed this option between Ubuntu and Debian Sid,but in the end Ubuntu has won yet.It's still much more user friendly especially for the new users and it has the best support,repos and features.I used to use for few months Debian Lenny 5.03 based off distros too,PhatDebian and Elive,and I can tell you need some skills and experience to get them set and full working,especially third-party repos,up-to-date apps and proper video drivers;dependencies hell.
Yeah,we know lately OpenGeu and CrunchBangLinux switched from Ubuntu to Debian base. ;) :)

Re: Why Use Ubuntu For This Distribution

PostPosted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 3:43 pm
by comsparks
Ok thanks I was just wondering. I have problems with the current release of Ubuntu and found the best version for me is the 9.04. It just seems to work great and every other distro after that slowly went down hill with various problems. Yes I too have used the current Debian and it does require knowledge to get things running smoothly. I've had very little problems with deb based distros unlike RPM based which put me in dependence hell so I chose to stay with deb. Again, thank you for the info.

Re: Why Use Ubuntu For This Distribution

PostPosted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 11:49 pm
by comsparks
Well it looks like Linux Mint went to Debian on their newest release. I can't wait for Ultimate Edition to follow suit.

Re: Why Use Ubuntu For This Distribution

PostPosted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 12:06 am
by ixnod
well, I can only hint that a debian release was "talked about" between your last post.

with that being said for ease of use and a smaller learning curve for theend user its going to be ubuntu based.
For straight up stability and a bit of a change of pace debian is awesome once you get your feet wet. that would mean that we would proly have to split the team, one for the debian version and one for ubuntu version :o

Re: Why Use Ubuntu For This Distribution

PostPosted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 12:41 pm
by comsparks
It looks like Ultimate Edition 2.8 is going to be based on Ubuntu 10.10. Since it's full of bugs and runs half the speed I won't be using Ultimate Edition any longer until it shifts to Debian. LMDE runs great and very fast. Shame, I really liked Ultimate Edition 2.2 (Ubuntu 9.04 was the last version that was worth anything IMO and since it's not going to be supported after Oct. 23 I have to find an alternate). I'll keep checking back throughout the years to see if or when Ultimate Edition makes the shift. Ciao!

Re: Why Use Ubuntu For This Distribution

PostPosted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 12:57 pm
All do respect, I think you are making a judgement before you have all the facts! as with any new buntu or debain there will be issues! but TheeMahn does his best to "Squash" as many bugs as he can, Which makes Ultimate Edition unique, unto itself, The reason Ubuntu is so popular is its ease of use to the "noobie" and debain has a much higher learning curve!
I think you would be ill-advised to knock something that has not even been presented yet! (IMHO) But thanks for your input!

Re: Why Use Ubuntu For This Distribution

PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2011 1:13 am
by pam
Ubuntu is probably the most versatile linux OS. this wasnt so 4-5 years until criticisms poured in and the guys at canonical got serious. No other Linux os provides such a broad spectrum and real issues to deal with. Today all linux's are focused towards stability and usability.
Its radically easy to use Ubuntu and makes perfect sense to use it as a base system. Ubuntu in many ways beats Macosx and windows and from hereon the guys at Ultimate Edition only make it more perfect.
Ubuntu does not have as many bugs.
The display driver problem was bug laden even for 64 bit ati drivers but with the release of version 11-5 recently most issues have been taken care of.

Re: Why Use Ubuntu For This Distribution

PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2011 1:21 am
by pam
You guys asking this question are being naive.
The so called bugs dont exist anymore as compared to 4 years ago. This applies to all the linux distributions.
Ubuntu 10.10 vs ubuntu 10.04 LTS doenst matter. All newer linuxes are stable

Re: Why Use Ubuntu For This Distribution

PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2011 10:01 am
by comsparks
WOW! I just got an email notification that took 7 months for you to respond to! Alright, way to go. I'm glad you all are on top of things there. I thought I had disabled the email notification. Yes I moved to Debian Squeeze and it runs circles around the other distributions that try and base their flavor of it on it. It seems that when, lets say, Ubuntu grabs it (Debian) and puts its spin on it, they end up screwing it all up and things just don't work out very well. Then Ultimate Edition comes along and grabs the current flavor of Ubuntu that is screwed up and tries to put its spin on it, they, (Ultimate Edition) then adds more problems to the mix. Hey you're going to have fans on any distribution out there no matter how horrible it is. I found that Squeeze is the best one for me and no longer have to deal with all the problems that Ubuntu and all the other wannabe copycats from it have to offer. At least Mint is trying to move from that scenario and offers an alternate purer form of it. It also shows they have less lazy people and possible more talented ones. Regardless, at least one good thing came out of this, you all brought to my attention that my email notification was still active.