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PostPosted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 7:57 pm
by onslaught
hi all.
maybe its not the write place to post, but i didn't find a similar place...
i am new in Linux OS (few months) and very new in ultimate edition.
can someone tell me if there is a place to post generic questions like: driver problems, misunderstandings and that kind of staff.( how to torrent ultimate edition )
thanks and sorry for this "mess" post

Re: post

PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 12:17 am
by deate
onslaught wrote:hi all.
maybe its not the write place to post, but i didn't find a similar place...
i am new in Linux OS (few months) and very new in ultimate edition.
can someone tell me if there is a place to post generic questions like: driver problems, misunderstandings and that kind of staff.( how to torrent ultimate edition )
thanks and sorry for this "mess" post

It's best to post your questions in the forum of the distribution you are using...say for instance you're using the new 2.0 version and have driver questions, that would be the place to post, hardware the hardware section, and general questions under general discussions..and welcome :D

Re: Please post suggestions here.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 5:22 pm
by supersath
I would say the only app that 2.0 gamers needs is S.C.O.U.R.G.E I love the game and it's not there!!!

Re: Please post suggestions here.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 7:55 am
by win2linconvert
Forgive me if this suggestion has already been made but I'm tired and too lazy to ready every last post. Not trying to cause more work for TheeMahn, but I recently remembered a project from a few years ago and thought it might be something TheeMahn would be interested in using to enhance Ultimate Edition. The best part about it is no one else is using it, that I could find anyway. It's the Looking Glass 3D or LG3D project. You know, the Java 3D desktop project from a few years ago. The project is no longer being developed according to the web site, but I think I remember TheeMahn saying he took up the ultamatix project after it had been abandoned also. Anyway, it just seemed like something that would fit nicely into the Ultimate Edition realm and be one more thing that sets Ultimate Edition far apart from the rest of the buntu/Linux pack. Just and idea. Hope you like.


Re: Please post suggestions here.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:37 pm
by tylerdurdin
O.K. I realize that building and maintaining the Ultimate Edition beast is like a full time job, having said that my wife is constantly asking me for other crap on top of working so I wanted to throw this to your workload. I love Ultimate Edition and have been running it for the last two years or so, here it comes...... is it possible that between all you Dev type guys that you could build a rom for a Android phone or possibly modify an existing one. Thee only reason I ask is that I know it would be a Fn smash hit. With all the roms out there they all lack the polish and beauty and Ultimate Edition has on a normal basis. You would not have to do anything with apps for they are done for you, basically you would be making the baddest application launcher /Home screen with a UI that is not a spin off like every other UI on android. I know this is not you guys gig, but it could be, You guys could slam up one these quick launch it on the XDA forum and rule android too. I know I make it sound easier than it is, but it would be incredible to see your stuff on andriod phones not to mention, you could just package a UI up for the android market and sell it for five bucks. $5.00 X even say 1,000,000 android users (which we know is way more than that,but its a good number for guys who want a customized phone like myself) = A LOT :o of money for you guys. I dont want to waste any more of your time but I needed to dream a little.


Re: Please post suggestions here.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:41 pm
by tylerdurdin
BTW if you do make a rom or even a UI, I have a samsung Captivate, :mrgreen: so a rom for that phone first would be great :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: