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Ubuntu builder switch on me?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 4:22 pm
by BBOSAK2143
I had everything in for 64bit now iso is coming out with the i386! Lost on this one. If you have an idea, please let me know if am able to switch it back somehow would really appreciate it!

Re: Ubuntu builder switch on me?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 6:03 pm
by Micro
If i remember correctly i386 is an older intel 32bit chip architecture. Are you trying to build a 64bit machine on a machine with a 32bit processor?

Re: Ubuntu builder switch on me?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 10:28 pm
by BBOSAK2143
No it just named it that way. Is still getting 64bit files, so can't figure very strange. Still batteries not included! Missing things and have no idea how to get them. Go in the home folder and is empty, no setting for Gnome to take control of the desktop, so compiz has control which is not good at the moment! Just a real disaster area. Not a good one for a first build! Programs aren't crashing, but nothing is starting on boot. So have files missing to the max, small ones but where to find, who knows!!! If you have any ideas will greatly appreciate it! For today am done!!! Take care and thanks for all your help always!!

Re: Ubuntu builder switch on me?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 11:28 pm
by pam
Code: Select all
uname -m


in hidden files

Re: Ubuntu builder switch on me?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 9:58 am
by BBOSAK2143
Did that one and is still 64 bit but is being named wrong when the iso creates? On the strange side, but nothing have done for the last month has been at a rapid pace so problems can occur! Am a little out of my league on all this as normally, takes close to a BA to get where I am close to! Am grateful have learned all I have but am still lacking! Am going to keep making attempts though, cause I can not accept failure! Classes resume next week for me and I believe if I start out early, enter the computer lab, I can continue my work on the side! I think I learned enough about the parts needed, but unfortunately the ones I received were faulty! Sure I can boot up can log out do most of the functions, but no control over changing window managers etc! I thing what happened is I should have disabled some of the repos, but now that I know will do that, some files that were obtained from Ubuntu Quantal repos were stripped, so that leaves me stripped of a proper running OS! Hence what I have been saying about TheeMahn. He is a genius. Why? Takes over a repo, fixes it up to produce the proper files that are untainted! They do what they were meant to do! For most of us on the other side of that repo, either we fix those files ourselves, or just build one from the ground up!!!! Not fun! I can now understand why all these OS's I tried were so faulty and unresponsive! I see some of those same flaws on this one!!! Anyway still am happy for all I learned while off from school! Now if I can just pass this final semester and continue learning on the side, maybe will get a decent career! As said, will probably redo and see what it should really be like! I think I am on to something, but not 100% sure. Still for a first shot anything that runs(boots up) is not terrible! I can name a few OS's mine is working as, but is not nice. I am not going to point fingers at no one, nobody and nothing! I am just looking for ways to improve this system and will fight for it! Has to be good for everyone! Well is back to the drawing board so take care and thanks always! Is great as always to be on here, cause this is where the best OS and people exist!