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PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 8:15 pm
by BBOSAK2143
Am scouring the net to learn on this subject when I bet someone over here knows where I can get information???? Really want to know how to do all this and if it takes til my dying day to create something special, so be it!!!! Seriously, I just am not getting enough information on this subject and will greatly appreciate a decent link! Thanks in advance!!!!!

Re: Ubiquity?

PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 9:22 pm
by BBOSAK2143
Sorry about this and hope it gets tossed! Should have remembered apt-get gets everything!!!! Hey what can I say, has been a long day and some nights just am not thinking so well at times! Sorry for the mental lapse, am hoping to get testing on my OS soon and have just been pushing it too hard! So I apologize for my strange behavior in the past few days of muffing questions and posts! I love it here, feels like home as have said!!! There is no way I can ever make an OS better than Ultimate but just am dying to learn as much as I can to make a decent one! It also might inspire a "Real Developer" to take on this topic. People always reflect on students not in college, which is still important, but need to look past since it is our future! My experience here at Ultimate has me fired up to this as I see the results of great education here!!!! Everyone on this staff and Developer prove education is a total asset! I want to see this go on forever and ensure our students will succeed! I will continually hail Ultimate as the best learning experience anyone can have. Also the greatest staff and developer!!!!

Re: Ubiquity?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 12:45 am
by pam

Re: Ubiquity?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 2:25 am
by pch.shot

Re: Ubiquity?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 8:30 pm
by BBOSAK2143
I can't keep all this straight for nothing!!!! I forgot it was the XML stuff! All this Gnome stuff is overwhelming also! Going to have to pull the CP apart too! All this cat hair must be heating it up! Starts crashin when it gets to that point. Seen that for the past week! Just been so excited to do this OS, keep putting it off! Keep saving to flash drive for now until is completed in case! I deserve a crash on Ultimate, but am more than lucky TheeMahn built this thing like a Sherman Tank!!!! Don't want to mention names, but another OS would have been down in minutes with my mistakes!!! Also saw an article I laughed at! Was someone lost in space saying Ultimatix was junk!!! Was from a few years ago, so bet he is eating those words!!!! Try finding all these effects anywhere? Good luck!!! Relaxed a bit today, but will work hard tomorrow as need that system completed soon. Will be back to school not this week, but following Thursday! Be back to the ground floor again! TheeMahn: I will thank you forever for that great gift of learning, build with me!!! There is no madness to your methods, and I wish others could follow it! It is the right way, not the wrong way! Sheer brilliance, total inspiration that is you!!! One day, I just hope I could be a quarter as good as you are!!! It is the greatest thing in the world to get closer to a goal you have sought for 10 years! There is just no way to thank you enough!!! It is just beyond belief, great fun and enjoyable! The best learning experience I have ever had! I owe you more than a beer, for it!!!! Am just going for an AAS and at my age, am not so sure I will get the chance to go to school more! Least I have gotten a taste of it and I love the taste!!!! Also have to get some cash coming in, before I could attend more school after the state is finished with me! Anyway as have always been so suckered in by Gnome, my whole system revolves around it! Yes, Cinnamon is there, looks and works great! So far all programs are working properly as they should. Is still a little on the ugly side as I don't have the wallpapers in yet! Is awesome though is like filling a home up with what you need!!! Am just hoping I will make it good enough to help others!!! Thanks everyone, I love it here! This is always going to be home to me. Just let me know if I am aggravating or a pain! I only want to give back for all, everyone here has done for me!!!

Re: Ubiquity?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 7:18 am
by pch.shot
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