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Re: Build with me ;)

PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 3:24 pm
by Xanayoshi
XP is great for PCSX2. For emulation purposes, a hacked PSP 1001 with no updates is the way to go....just sucks about the magicgate . This is the coolest am hating life, running Crunch super low, Ubuntu minimal builds sound sweet, will definitely check out, though I may have to set up my pi bang first.

Re: Build with me ;)

PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 5:18 pm
by BBOSAK2143
Yes Micro Gnome is big, but have a lot of good programs, what can I say TheeMahn spoiled me with all these goodies and you know I want them!!! Once you had the best, you just can't go back! That is why I am taking my time reading so much, my head is spinning! I was rash about Ubuntu-Builder, is decent as can easily just open it up and close it back up, take things slow make sure all is working! Have to be real real careful with all this! Sometimes things don't get put into packages! Like my missing compiz icon! Some months back when I fooled with a cheapy OS, when downloading extras it included wallpapers, not anymore! I mean I love Gnome, but they do spread pieces out all over the place like bread crumbs. Is making me understand why developers are having a tough time with it! I am only a simpleton(developer amateur) that is why is taking me hours on end to find these missing components!!! You sure, you are using TheeMahn's repo? Should be more togetherness than all these ones am using. You know me, want to learn all the nitty gritty! Also have to find a way to enable shell extensions on classic! Have a real sweet one for that stashed somewhere around here! Besides my own themes there will only be the generic that come with! I have more than enough tools for students to create their own! Size was 1.8 last night but as I said am missing some odds and ends, so am digging them up! Since I am not using TheeMahn's design, is more difficult, but real fun! XAN! Aren't you going to get in on this and have a little fun? I remember XP and PCSX, but unfortunately did not have the processor speed! So came in very slow motion! Far as I know is still a problem on Linux and might not even be capable with 12.10, don't quote me as I can't exactly remember all I read! Will check into those components Micro, see what is going on! Something might be missing. You know me if I can find a way to help will do! As always, you're all the greatest, helped me gain missing pieces in this puzzle have been trying to figure for months!! Without it, I couldn't accomplish half of what is here now! Deepest thanks always!!!

Re: Build with me ;)

PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 6:00 pm
by Micro
It's been awhile Xanayoshi, glad to see you back on here. BBoss, Mate will run anything. It's the old Gnome 2 that I always loved from the beginning, where modifying and changing the desktop is easy and hassle free. New desktops limit this for the average user to make appealing and leave no room for them to make errors. Hence all the damn workarounds to customize your distro. I hate the direction Ubuntu and Gnome went towards. But probably the only way to get it out there to the public. To me it's a mobile geared OS and they forgot about the Desktop userbase that made it what it is. Sure Unity is great. But only for a netbook phone and tablet. Not a desktop or server. You wont find it on any Serious Linux Desktop Enterprise OS or Server. This is my opinion, so take no offense, as many Ultimate Edition and OZ users love Unity.

Re: Build with me ;)

PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 1:04 am
by pam
I kind of made a BIG mistake mentioning pcsx2......
have been playing with it for 2 weeks and now my research says its worthless on 64 bit systems.....You require a 32 bit os to run pcsx2 plugins. This is confirmed by people running games on 32 bit ubuntu's.

Even chrooting to a 32 bit enviroment jumbled my system's innards...

Im pretty much sure it will run without a hitch on a 32 bit system.

A binary package with all plugins is available from the the site.....but the plugins wont work on 64bit.

Worked flawlessly on windows 8 running fine.

For now keeping things straight-forward is could try on a 32 bit build, it should work........anyways making a sane system for now is of utmost importance..

Re: Build with me ;)

PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 9:55 am
by BBOSAK2143
Yes that is what I read! Could have sworn some fix was in the works for 64bit systems by March or April! Just not positive(poor memory!) These homegrown systems of ours are sure fun!!! Right now would say this OS(College Linux) is running more effectively than many of the OS's I have seen and used! Am hoping you didn't forget about the architecture post I did to help Pam. Took me an hour to find that fix! Ubiquity, Ubiquity some programs really look for it! Am starting to think might be a better idea to have it in as one of the first things! See if it isn't installed, the chances are great for when you are installing programs, they search for the machine-id. When there is no id it then searches the host!!! Anyway is still a long road ahead for me! College Linux stays beta, til all is fixed and running smooth! Would not want to send an embarrassment out! Am hoping to honor everyone here with it, when it works properly! As have said, Ultimate is responsible for this OS! Without everyone here, I would have been scrambling for a year or more!!! Thanks always to everyone here, best home away from home anyone can have!!!!

Re: Build with me ;)

PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 8:26 pm
by Xanayoshi
pam wrote:I kind of made a BIG mistake mentioning pcsx2......
have been playing with it for 2 weeks and now my research says its worthless on 64 bit systems.....You require a 32 bit os to run pcsx2 plugins. This is confirmed by people running games on 32 bit ubuntu's.

Even chrooting to a 32 bit enviroment jumbled my system's innards...

Im pretty much sure it will run without a hitch on a 32 bit system.

A binary package with all plugins is available from the the site.....but the plugins wont work on 64bit.

Worked flawlessly on windows 8 running fine.

For now keeping things straight-forward is could try on a 32 bit build, it should work........anyways making a sane system for now is of utmost importance..

I cheated and used WINE. I generally run into more problems with 64 across the board, but being an OS trull, this is hardly problematic.

Re: Build with me ;)

PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 9:04 pm
by BBOSAK2143
Yeah Yeah it's kernel panic time! Thanks for downloading everything and hooking it up, sucker! Guess when all gets hooked and no errors anywhere, that is when it don't run anymore! FSCK? am thinking that is a gentle combo of letters to let you know it is all over with! Hours on end for nothing so much for others to benefit! Getting close to throwing in the towel! I just can't gain knowledge this fast. If I can't fix it within a few days, will be over! Am getting tired of back tracking, then reading information from 2011! I mean, you think with all the change, people would document it? Nope just keep passing off information that is useless!!! I still have the one that ran, and will probably put this version to the side(the one screwed up ext2 filesystem) and go back to the other. It did run, but was missing something! Also builders be wary as the multiple file command does not always download every file! Found that out today. I back tracked and found some missing files that I had already initiated apt-get install, should have installed but didn't! Maybe TheeMahn's repo can pick up those files fast(probably does!) but these ones out here? Nope! Also who knows what you're getting? Do yourselves a favor and don't take the road I am on is very discouraging!!!! Still best of wishes to all and least I have a real OS to use while I do my best to recover this malfunction!!!

Re: Build with me ;)

PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 3:33 am
by pam
ubuntu-builder working just fine.
When i get more time....ill try 32 bit

Re: Build with me ;)

PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 9:07 am
by Micro
Hey pam does the desktop tab and the ubiqity editor work for you? Mine didn't and just wanted to confirm whether it's the software or just the fact that I was running it from Sid and not Ubuntu.

Re: Build with me ;)

PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 9:45 am
by BBOSAK2143
Not sure what happened on that build but think it was some outdated program! Thought I was getting some cursors! No was not it at all! Went back a step and messed with it a bit and is now the beast am running while I write this. It is on another flash drive I just bought yesterday! Since it is lacking some things, I want to understand what is going on. I thought I would get some error message while installing through Unebootin, but nothing. Appears I created a very strange system! Although it does not run through all the processes that it should, it still runs! No password needed just saves on persistance. Why? Beats me! Hit shut down, not red tape taking you back to login, down faster than Ultimate on the hard drive! Very Very weird!!! Makes that other one that is meant for flashdrives look slow and super doggy!!!! Is just unbelievable how fast it can come up! Holds connection very well. Gets in the other system right away. Could I recreate it? Probably not! Is it dangerous! Yes, very dangerous! No machine id or any identification a true hackers delight to mess people over with it! This is not my intention as the normal safeguards are shot and gone! I would not want harm to come from any of the systems I want to create! I want to do good, not bad! Until is remade properly this system will remain in my hands only used to do the job it needs to do. That is to create a nice system for students in school! Anyway have to check things out as am real curious to see what it can do! Really appreciate all your help and will let you know what is going on with this strange system!