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Re: Build with me ;)

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 10:10 am
by BBOSAK2143
No problem at all am glad can finally give something back for the tons of info you gave me!!!! Working on mine, is fun! TheeMahn would probably have something like I am thinking about up and going in an hour or two! Me, is going to be a bit! Have to go over things and make sure all works! So far checks good but is only a little over half way there! Wine install is coming today along with some other goodies! Will be my first adventure into Ubiquity also. Kind of dreading it now as am not 100% clear on it! Found some awesome links!!! Very grateful TheeMahn picked a Ubuntu that has unlimited possibilities!!!! Sure beats the from scratch idea! Probably take me a year or two on that one!!! Anyway will also let you know if I find anymore hassles so will help!!! Best of wishes, hope your New Year's was great! Please post a pic as am dying to see how it looks!!! When mine is more to look at will post. For now is on the ghastly and mundane side. No themes or wallpapers installed yet!!! This is fun though! Once again, I can't thank TheeMahn enough!!!! I have been dying to do something like this for years and now, thanks to him had a great push to advance me into this!!!! TheeMahn, I hope you make more cash than Gates and all these others put together! You deserve it! Pure brilliance and absolute sacrifice to help others to the utmost!!! Your forum has taught me more in 6 months than I learned in 3 years!!!! That fact needs to be added to your victories!!!! Well, back to assembly after another reply. Take care and always the best for everyone here!!! The greatest people on this earth!!!!

Re: Build with me ;)

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 7:20 pm
by Micro
I may have to quit my job now. Very grateful this post is starting to open a new demension for me.

Re: Build with me ;)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 1:01 am
by BBOSAK2143
Dimension of sight and sound? Like Twilight Zone? Yeah is a good description where I am headed with mine! TheeMahn has his up and about and mine is sitting and spinning! Ahh the joys of dependencies!!!! I feel like a child trying to put his parents car back together!!!! Got the initrd file back up, but boots and spins. Might be this recovery program, I put in but not 100% sure! Adding a few things in synaptic and will give a shot tomorrow! Has some nice features if it will stop spinning and get to the desktop!!! Should have went with TheeMahn's and dumped UB, but just had to give it a try! Maybe will be sorry or maybe will work. Just have to see! Meanwhile am learning still!!! Will gladly share!!!! Is possible synaptic is a good friend after all!!! Might have misjudged it. Got me out of the initrd jam! Course is possible it go me there in the 1st place!!!! Hope TheeMahn is getting a good laugh at this! He's got years on this and is purely brilliant! Bet he can name every piece in his OS by heart!!! I am just someone seeking knowledge and a challenge! Once again is why I love it here so much!!!! I just had to be a little stubborn with Gnome and go that route! Am certain most of their errors have been corrected and should sustain a decent desktop! That is provided I get there!!!! OS is at 2 gigs and still is ugly! Well if I can get it going tomorrow maybe by the weekend can pretty it up a bit!!! Ugly wallpaper on Gnome 3.6!!!!

Re: Build with me ;)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 8:45 am
by synrgy87
Micro wrote:I may have to quit my job now. Very grateful this post is starting to open a new demension for me.

aah yes transdimensional travel does take up alot of time. <BREW>

Re: Build with me ;)

PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 9:16 pm
by Micro
Finally had some time to play. Purged .17 kernel and added 3.5.0-21. Added 3.6 Plymouth and Theme and cursors, plus Liquorix 3.7 and tvtime. Didnt edit ubiqity, will do later. Couldnt ustomize default desktop either, but will look into it later. ISO is totaling 1.4GB. Having issues with extras and some packages during build:
---Well after installed in vmware package issues installed np. Mate didn't configure properly, but since i use it on Sid I know exactly what to install. 3.6 theme looks good. Need Icon set and backgrounds, but I think most of my issues come from using Ubuntu Builder on my Sid box. Neways need to purge uxterm and dconf and a few others from build as Mate already has equal packages available. Btw this is my first ubuntu build and I appreciate Thee for the insite. Will be installing on spare desktop, and that will become my Ubuntu Build Machine. On to building a Debian Sid Ultimate Edition Themed DIstro with Mate, exactly like my main Box. Which I believe to be a much better base and from experience a ton less issues like all my ubuntu based machines. Plus who needs all these damn ppa's when Sid already has the latest software ;) The key in a rolling release is to pic good software, then no worries for breakage. But then again, thats how i fill my Anyone else finish an ISO? Looking for some more input. Dedicate Liquorix to pam on my build also.

Re: Build with me ;)

PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 7:15 am
by pch.shot
Hey Micro, Sky FM are looking for web developers:
Just wait for the ad. Enjoy the music while you wait.

Re: Build with me ;)

PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 8:43 am
by pam
WOW!! Micro ...just WOW! still stuck here with a broken system after installing pcsx2.........must have it ready by weeks end...


Re: Build with me ;)

PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 9:04 am
by Micro
I had several issues but was relentless on getting something going. Mini remix kept breaking, so first thing i did after importing iso was to run dist-upgrade, then start adding repos. That helped. Will let ubuntu builder add Mate next time and add extra packages for mate myself. Also couldnt set a default desktop with the builder, kept saying, "couldn't start gnome." Think my local OS was causing that. Ubiqity editor didn't work either. Actually i might look into adding these manually. Just don't understand why I kept getting package errors as listed above, when after I virtually installed it, I could add all the packages without any issue. So I just ripped them out before i built the ISO, no biggie, not like they were critical. Also couldn't get Liquorix to be the default kernel, casper vmlinuz errors even when purging old kernel. But repo was there and took 2 minutes to install from synaptic after installed. No biggie, but I may have a work around for that too. Like i said before it has opened a new world for me now. I will try to not neglect the kids and wife, lol...

Re: Build with me ;)

PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 9:52 am
by BBOSAK2143
Awesome Micro! Is weird, mine weighs more than future Ultimate now? Is weird since I didn't even put the minor stuff in! Estimated size is going to be a little over 2 gigs but is stuffed pretty good! Not super keen on that bottom bar for usage, but looks nice! Didn't know PSCX 2 was good to go yet? Thought there was some issues on it. Read up about 2 months ago, but I can't quite remember what was wrong with it! It was my understanding that it was supposed to get fixed up soon, but am deeply sorry I can't remember all the details! Little embarrassed on mine right now, as I fell into the batteries not included department!!!! So have to round up these pieces and then get it together! As is stands now though, is decent! The proper coloring is perfectly implemented with Gnome. Of course what better window manager to read it, then the one that was intended for! Not going to fight the battle of the window managers! Just don't have that kind of knowledge yet! For me there's just no place like Gnome!!! Of course provided there are KDE utilities!!!! Still can't thank everyone enough, have been dying to do all this and it would have never been possible without all your help!!!! Best wishes to everyone here and all their loved ones, you're all the creme of society and what makes life great!

Re: Build with me ;)

PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 12:57 pm
by Micro
Good stuff BBoss. Your iso is bigger due to Gnome would be my guess. Did you use mini-remix? I almost scratched it at one time as i am not as verse with ubuntu as I am with Debian. But eventually forced myself to keep it to eliminate unnecessary packages as i wanted a full Mate Env anyways. Didin't even mess with pcsx2 pam. Going to rebuild and remove k3b and anything k from build also plus stip a few redundant apps and sound and video apps as the list is too much for my liking. Cinellera gave me issues and had to remove a lib file to correct also. 3.6 Plymouth and Theme looks awesome. I may take the week off from building. The family didn't get any attention from me all day yesterday. lol.