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Re: Ultimate Edition Script (Ultamatix)

PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 1:57 pm
by climby
Alright everyone this is going to be a long post. Sorry for not updating yesterday but I have been busy distro testing and trying to find ways around the original problem. What I'm trying to say is the days of just recompiling Ultamatix for certain distributions might be over. Here is what I've discovered so far.

As you may or may not know the makers of distributions such as Linux Mint recently have edited some linux configuration files branding the OS to their distribution. This however has caused problems with certain programs, for example Ultamatix. Ultamatix and other programs call for a file lsb-release. This file its located in /etc and is accessed by the command lsb_release. This is used to gather not only the LSB modules, but also information such as the distro's Distributor ID, Description, Release & Codename. This can be displayed by running the command 'lsb_release -a' in the terminal. This is the output for Ubuntu Jaunty:

Code: Select all
maikeru@maikeru-desktop:~$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 9.04
Release: 9.04
Codename: jaunty

If you were to run any distro and edit lsb-release to that information, Ultamatix would then start up, detect you were running jaunty and load regardless of what distro you were running. This however can be unsafe if the distro you are using isn't based on jaunty. This is because it will load a list of supported jaunty packages and could break or not install if ran on non-jaunty based distro. Most apt-based errors in Ultamatix are caused by a repository that is down, a broken package, or the package you were trying to install wasn't in any of the repository's. This being said, if you were running a hardy based distro you would just change any instance of 9.04 to 8.04 and jaunty to hardy, same rule applies for intrepid.

I am recently running SimplyMEPIS, you may have heard of it as it is a fairly popular distro on distrowatch #12 currently. The first time I tried the latest 1.8.8 it failed.
SimplyMEPIS failure.

However, I then tried changing lsb-release to lenny's info since it is a lenny based distro. Once I did that, I tried firing up Ultamatix and worked, I even tried installing 4 random packages (2 sucessful, 2 unsucessful due to the package not being available in my repository's.)
Success with edited lsb-release

Package Installation 2 working with 2 failing (Repository Errors not Ultamatix)

This was easy enough to fix by adding more repository's.
The lsb-release info for lenny if anyone is interested:

Code: Select all
maikeru@maikeru-desktop:~$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Debian
Description:    Debian GNU/Linux 5.0
Release:        Debian 5.0
Codename:       lenny

I then tried Mint 5 Elyssa which is based on hardy (LTS for both Ubuntu and Mint). That distro worked fine with the publicly available Ultamatix 1.8.0-7. As you can see the Ultimate Edition Theme Pack 2.4 was being used and working. Just recently did Linux Mint decide to edit their lsb-release in Gloria to their own information.
Mint 5 Elyssa LTS working with Ultamatix 1.8.0-7 with Ultimate Edition 2.4 Theme Activated

I personally don't see what benefit a distributor could get out of this and it only makes matters worse for installing applications. If your going to use the base distro's repository's and software than please give them credit and leave the lsb-release info alone. Luckily, TheeMahn has kept this unmodified in Ultimate Edition, and this is why we hardly ever run into problems if ever running Ubuntu packages on Ultimate Edition. I do believe TheeMahn thought about this when he tried creating "Jaunty Jaguar" and I'm so glad he didn't. If I'm wrong about any of this please correct me.

I'm not that great with programming yet, especially linux and python but if there was some way to run a script that would edit such info then I don't think it would be necessary for TheeMahn to have to recompile a new Ultamatix for every debian-based distro and this way he could relax a little more. I don't know if TheeMahn or anyone else knew about all of this or what but it sure has helped me get Ultamatix working no matter what debian-based distro so far.

I've got one more distro I'm personally going to test and I'll add info afterwards to this post via editing. That distro would be a Debian Sid-based distro called Sidux. I have also sparked interest in a MEPIS based distro called antiX SimplyMEPIS that is based on lenny with testing and sid repository's already included. After I test that I'm going to go back to most likely Ultimate Edition 2.3 and take a break. I might do some VM testing in my spare time but as far as I'm concerned I've fixed the problem since I know how to edit this now.

Awaiting a response as to what the future will hold. Its going to be an endless road ahead if you just recompile making special scripts for every debian-based OS. That is until you draw the line and end it yourself, TheeMahn. Much respect either way and I'm very thankful for my Ultimate Edition beta testing account. I'm glad I could be of some help and I hope this helps.


Re: Ultimate Edition Script (Ultamatix)

PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 4:32 pm
by DarkChild
Nice research & job done here. I see that we have persons here with dev potential!!

Re: Ultimate Edition Script (Ultamatix)

PostPosted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 10:43 am
by TheeMahn
climby wrote:Alright everyone this is going to be a long post. Sorry for not updating yesterday but I have been busy distro testing and trying to find ways around the original problem. What I'm trying to say is the days of just recompiling Ultamatix for certain distributions might be over. Here is what I've discovered so far.

As you may or may not know the makers of distributions such as Linux Mint recently have edited some linux configuration files branding the OS to their distribution. This however has caused problems with certain programs, for example Ultamatix. Ultamatix and other programs call for a file lsb-release. This file its located in /etc and is accessed by the command lsb_release. This is used to gather not only the LSB modules, but also information such as the distro's Distributor ID, Description, Release & Codename. This can be displayed by running the command 'lsb_release -a' in the terminal. This is the output for Ubuntu Jaunty:

Code: Select all
maikeru@maikeru-desktop:~$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 9.04
Release: 9.04
Codename: jaunty

If you were to run any distro and edit lsb-release to that information, Ultamatix would then start up, detect you were running jaunty and load regardless of what distro you were running. This however can be unsafe if the distro you are using isn't based on jaunty. This is because it will load a list of supported jaunty packages and could break or not install if ran on non-jaunty based distro. Most apt-based errors in Ultamatix are caused by a repository that is down, a broken package, or the package you were trying to install wasn't in any of the repository's. This being said, if you were running a hardy based distro you would just change any instance of 9.04 to 8.04 and jaunty to hardy, same rule applies for intrepid.

I am recently running SimplyMEPIS, you may have heard of it as it is a fairly popular distro on distrowatch #12 currently. The first time I tried the latest 1.8.8 it failed.
The attachment mepis8lenny1.png is no longer available

However, I then tried changing lsb-release to lenny's info since it is a lenny based distro. Once I did that, I tried firing up Ultamatix and worked, I even tried installing 4 random packages (2 sucessful, 2 unsucessful due to the package not being available in my repository's.)
The attachment mepis8lenny1.png is no longer available

The attachment mepis8lenny1.png is no longer available

This was easy enough to fix by adding more repository's.
The lsb-release info for lenny if anyone is interested:

Code: Select all
maikeru@maikeru-desktop:~$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Debian
Description:    Debian GNU/Linux 5.0
Release:        Debian 5.0
Codename:       lenny

I then tried Mint 5 Elyssa which is based on hardy (LTS for both Ubuntu and Mint). That distro worked fine with the publicly available Ultamatix 1.8.0-7. As you can see the Ultimate Edition Theme Pack 2.4 was being used and working. Just recently did Linux Mint decide to edit their lsb-release in Gloria to their own information.
The attachment mepis8lenny1.png is no longer available

I personally don't see what benefit a distributor could get out of this and it only makes matters worse for installing applications. If your going to use the base distro's repository's and software than please give them credit and leave the lsb-release info alone. Luckily, TheeMahn has kept this unmodified in Ultimate Edition, and this is why we hardly ever run into problems if ever running Ubuntu packages on Ultimate Edition. I do believe TheeMahn thought about this when he tried creating "Jaunty Jaguar" and I'm so glad he didn't. If I'm wrong about any of this please correct me.

I'm not that great with programming yet, especially linux and python but if there was some way to run a script that would edit such info then I don't think it would be necessary for TheeMahn to have to recompile a new Ultamatix for every debian-based distro and this way he could relax a little more. I don't know if TheeMahn or anyone else knew about all of this or what but it sure has helped me get Ultamatix working no matter what debian-based distro so far.

I've got one more distro I'm personally going to test and I'll add info afterwards to this post via editing. That distro would be a Debian Sid-based distro called Sidux. I have also sparked interest in a MEPIS based distro called antiX SimplyMEPIS that is based on lenny with testing and sid repository's already included. After I test that I'm going to go back to most likely Ultimate Edition 2.3 and take a break. I might do some VM testing in my spare time but as far as I'm concerned I've fixed the problem since I know how to edit this now.

Awaiting a response as to what the future will hold. Its going to be an endless road ahead if you just recompile making special scripts for every debian-based OS. That is until you draw the line and end it yourself, TheeMahn. Much respect either way and I'm very thankful for my Ultimate Edition beta testing account. I'm glad I could be of some help and I hope this helps.


For all the testing, something I never seem to have time for. No I think I am done if the distro is not already listed I am not going to add it. I will show you where I am going to take ultamatix I will drop a new one for you to test today, I already have code in it that is not "being used" Synaptic as a frontend ie this means if you select 100 apps you want to install it will ask you if you are sure and take care of business. I won't enable that portion today, but I will release internally a new one today tell me if you can see what I added... For example look in your /usr/lib/ultamatix/ you will see a not one piece of that code is used yet.

Well, yes you are correct, I did make a "Jaunty Jaguar" the ol lady is still running it. It has serious issues with repositories. Once I seen the issues I scrapped the idea of editing the lsb-release & started a fresh re-build. It was never publicly released & was only internally tested. It is not worth it to edit it just to get it to say Ultimate Edition nor Jaunty Jaguar. My priority is the end user, not my own ego ;)

I did however edit the user agent, I want Distrowatch for example to know you are running Ultimate Edition...
Mine reports: Your User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009070811 Ultimate Edition/2.3 (jaunty) Firefox/3.0.12

Give me a few and I will drop a fresh build.

How about a bit of a spoiler:
Cinelerra is simply awesome

Get it done & smp (symmetric multiprocessing) at that ;)

Have Cinelerra

Yes, I took full care of the repo, including gpg keys:
Cinelerra Repository

But what if I don't have a quad core?
Code: Select all
function cinelerrainstall {
#Repository check begin
if test -f /etc/apt/sources.list.d/akirad.sources.list
echo "Cinelerra Repository already in list."
echo "Adding Cinelerra Repository."
sudo echo "deb akirad-jaunty main#Cinelerra Repo" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/akirad.list && wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add - && sudo apt-get update
#Achitecture specific
if [ "$architecture" = "x86_64" ]; then
echo "Adding 64 bit version"
if !    sudo apt-get install --assume-yes --force-yes cinelerracv-smp
   AX_fatal "An apt-based error occurred and installation was unsuccessful";
#32 bit code
echo "Adding 32 bit version"
if !    sudo apt-get install --assume-yes --force-yes cinelerracv
   AX_fatal "An apt-based error occurred and installation was unsuccessful";

Will upload it to the beta testers repo shortly, I am just warming up ;)

Thanks again,


Re: Ultimate Edition Script (Ultamatix)

PostPosted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 7:37 pm
by climby
Alright, it's me again back with another update. Currently on Debian Squeeze Core (Testing) [thanks to drama] with a working Ultamatix and have also got it working on Sidux/Sid (Unstable). You might be thinking that this is just a confirming post, but this is much more. Debian handles lsb-release a bit differently than Ubuntu and I'm going to explain. I will be using the new Ultamatix uploaded earlier this afternoon by TheeMahn in the Ultimate Edition Testers Repository.

As far as what is new with the latest Ultamatix I haven't gotten around to messing with it much. My main priority was to get it working for Debian users of Testing and Unstable. It's another way of tricking python into thinking your running lenny. As far as I know and with my current experiences this seems to be safe considering lenny is containing of stable packages anyways, and you will be using your testing/unstable repo's to install most of the software anyways. This being said I will now go on and explain the differences as well as the solution.

Normal Debian installs don't come with python pre-installed. When you attempt to install Ultamatix and then run apt-get or aptitude to fix the missing dependencies it will install python then. As stated in my previous post you can edit the lsb-release file in /etc to trick python into being installed on whatever you configure. The debian packages however do not include a lsb-release in /etc and there for you have to make one yourself. This took me awhile to figure out but once I made a file, pasted the information into that file and made that file executable then the output of lsb_release -a changed to what I had input. I took screen shots to better describe this information.
Debian Squeeze no lsb-release in /etc

Debian Squeeze with lsb-release in /etc

Debian Sidux/Sid no lsb-release in /etc

Debian Sidux/Sid with lsb-release in /etc

If any testers running squeeze or sid wants to test this out I will provide the lsb-release file I used with these two successful installations below. The information I used is as posted below.

Code: Select all

lsb-release squeeze-sid.tar.gz
lsb-release for debian squeeze/sid
Extract to /etc
(204 Bytes) Downloaded 556 times

Compressed as .tar.gz MD5SUM=d91fa26f0704ed6795d86a65283ee1d9

NOTE: MD5SUM is of the archive and NOT the file. File MD5SUM=b2e89441b718379a5ce8c39450fa5839

Be sure that if you are making your own file, to make this file executable. This is only intended for pure Debian repository-based distros. Ubuntu-based distros should be edited with the release of which the distro is based on. Jaunty, Intrepid, Hardy, etc. See my previous posts in this topic for more details.

Something else I need to mention. I found that I had to install the package python-apt before Ultamatix could operate. So if you are trying to run Ultamatix on your Debian installation be sure to check that this package is installed and that apt and apt-utils are up-to-date.

Lastly, Ive got to say as far as pure Debian-based distros are concerned I'm done for awhile. I prefer the simplicity of Ubuntu-based distros and test so much that a fully configured Debian distro such as I am running now would be of no use to me. It has its pros and cons and its definitely the best move towards a rock solid stable environment (lenny). Thanks again, TheeMahn for replying and continuing your efforts towards making Ultimate Edition and Ultamatix a more simpler, friendlier, and universal environment.

Code: Select all
What is with the new Ultimate Edition 2.4 theme pack. Like I noticed the checkered/rope style menus for black and blue changed to pure black menu's with slightly different coloring. I noticed the same thing in your screen shots too, TheeMahn and was just wondering why. I'm not to judge I like both styles. I'm just saying I prefer the older pack available on the Ultimate Edition Testers Repo rather than the one on the public jaunty repo.

Re: Ultimate Edition Script (Ultamatix)

PostPosted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 8:59 am
by TheeMahn
climby wrote:Alright, it's me again back with another update. Currently on Debian Squeeze Core (Testing) [thanks to drama] with a working Ultamatix and have also got it working on Sidux/Sid (Unstable). You might be thinking that this is just a confirming post, but this is much more. Debian handles lsb-release a bit differently than Ubuntu and I'm going to explain. I will be using the new Ultamatix uploaded earlier this afternoon by TheeMahn in the Ultimate Edition Testers Repository.

As far as what is new with the latest Ultamatix I haven't gotten around to messing with it much. My main priority was to get it working for Debian users of Testing and Unstable. It's another way of tricking python into thinking your running lenny. As far as I know and with my current experiences this seems to be safe considering lenny is containing of stable packages anyways, and you will be using your testing/unstable repo's to install most of the software anyways. This being said I will now go on and explain the differences as well as the solution.

Normal Debian installs don't come with python pre-installed. When you attempt to install Ultamatix and then run apt-get or aptitude to fix the missing dependencies it will install python then. As stated in my previous post you can edit the lsb-release file in /etc to trick python into being installed on whatever you configure. The debian packages however do not include a lsb-release in /etc and there for you have to make one yourself. This took me awhile to figure out but once I made a file, pasted the information into that file and made that file executable then the output of lsb_release -a changed to what I had input. I took screen shots to better describe this information.
The attachment debiansqueeze.png is no longer available

The attachment debiansqueeze.png is no longer available

The attachment debiansqueeze.png is no longer available

The attachment debiansqueeze.png is no longer available

If any testers running squeeze or sid wants to test this out I will provide the lsb-release file I used with these two successful installations below. The information I used is as posted below.

Code: Select all

The attachment debiansqueeze.png is no longer available

Compressed as .tar.gz MD5SUM=d91fa26f0704ed6795d86a65283ee1d9

NOTE: MD5SUM is of the archive and NOT the file. File MD5SUM=b2e89441b718379a5ce8c39450fa5839

Be sure that if you are making your own file, to make this file executable. This is only intended for pure Debian repository-based distros. Ubuntu-based distros should be edited with the release of which the distro is based on. Jaunty, Intrepid, Hardy, etc. See my previous posts in this topic for more details.

Something else I need to mention. I found that I had to install the package python-apt before Ultamatix could operate. So if you are trying to run Ultamatix on your Debian installation be sure to check that this package is installed and that apt and apt-utils are up-to-date.

Lastly, Ive got to say as far as pure Debian-based distros are concerned I'm done for awhile. I prefer the simplicity of Ubuntu-based distros and test so much that a fully configured Debian distro such as I am running now would be of no use to me. It has its pros and cons and its definitely the best move towards a rock solid stable environment (lenny). Thanks again, TheeMahn for replying and continuing your efforts towards making Ultimate Edition and Ultamatix a more simpler, friendlier, and universal environment.

Code: Select all
What is with the new Ultimate Edition 2.4 theme pack. Like I noticed the checkered/rope style menus for black and blue changed to pure black menu's with slightly different coloring. I noticed the same thing in your screen shots too, TheeMahn and was just wondering why. I'm not to judge I like both styles. I'm just saying I prefer the older pack available on the Ultimate Edition Testers Repo rather than the one on the public jaunty repo.

Let me tell you why I changed the theme pack for Ultimate Edition 2.4. Complaints on gnome look and giving me a bad rating (I am done testing with them). I could make a perfect theme and would have to start with a 30% rating and have to work my way back up to 50% I started with. The individuals that gave me a bad rating are now done. It is now high gloss black, I have left the red, blue and green alone the default has changed. I have not even began to write the firefox extention for it to make it just that a perfect theme.

The current Ultimate Edition 2.4 theme is perfect as long as the program "complies" to GTK standards, let me give you an example of one that does not comply:
Compiz config with 2.4 theme

Lets try the Ultimate Edition 2.2 theme:
22 theme.png
Hmm, I can barley read it...

Lets try the 2.0 theme:
Well look at that, they must assume every user in the nix world uses a light theme. You don't hard code colors into your app unless you are going to set the fore color, the back color and the font color.

Believe me I know, Look at Ultamatix... I hard coded the colors fonts and backcolor in the bottom box in the main window. I do not care what theme you use you will be able to read it.

To all devs ether comply or hard code. It does piss me off programmers assume the end user will be using a light theme. Firefox is no exception, this is why I have to waste my time to make firefox look right by writing an extension. Extra work for me that I should not have to do.

Light or dark it should be just readable...
I doubt they even test different themes..

Just my 2 cents,


Re: Ultimate Edition Script (Ultamatix)

PostPosted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 7:12 pm
by climby
I understand how you feel about the themes and people complaining and all. I prefer the old default black theme for 2.4 and it seems a little easier to read the preferences menu to me. Well, it has some white in it. I just like how the original defaults interface complies more with that of the blue green and red. As far as programs and interface goes I agree on your statement with the hard coding colours completely. Yes, I also dislike the American way of spelling colours even if I am American. :P Same rule applies really, if it doesn't comply it shouldn't apply.
Original 2.4 Default Black Interface
Compiz Fusion Preferences Menu.

Something I also should mention that I've never gotten Open Office's tool-bar icons working with any other Ultimate Edition theme except for 2.4. It wouldn't show the icons but instead would show worded menus such as "Open" "Save" etc. This never really bothered me as I've always took a liking to AbiWord for basic word processing which has always worked well with its tool-bar icons.
Open Office tool-bar icons working
Ultimate Edition 2.4 theme pack

I'm just glad I get the privilege to test out these goodies then I can just lock/pin the package of whatever I prefer to use. I'll be starting my first school semester this Friday. What does this mean? It simply means I'll have less time to test out these goodies and further advance support in the development of Ultamatix. Fortunately I'm around a lot of computers so my knowledge will do anything but wither away.

I intent to get myself well familiarised with not only Linux, but Windows and BSD. Ultimate Edition is of course my linux distribution of choice. Windows 7 has done nothing but help Micro$oft as much as I love to criticize them. Billy is a big sponsor of me getting my free college education through high school and I pay him back with beta testing. I hope to achieve similar results here to pay back my debt to TheeMahn making Ubuntu linux that much usable and simpler. If your wondering my BSD distro of choice its currently PC-BSD. I refuse to buy a mac.

On this note I see some VM testing and some exciting long weekends ahead. I would like to direct the topic back to it's original subject, Ultamatix. I have installed the latest build on my current Ultimate Edition 2.3 setup. I tried the Cinelerra install through the new Ultamatix and was impressed. I love how Ultamatix automates not only the program installation but also the included repository + keyring setups. I could see this taking Ultamatix a long way with more programs and repository's being integrated. Similar to what Ubuntu Tweak does except Ubuntu Tweak doesn't install it for you. ;)

Ultamatix could be the elite package manager we have always wanted before you know it. Love it or hate it, its a known fact that TheeMahn and all the people (Admins, Beta Testers, Etc.) have helped improve Ultamatix and it has gotten nothing but better. It's not even comparable to Automatix any more. Automatix is a joke compared to the new and improved Ultamatix. TheeMahn has achieved his goal and is working to extend it not only to satisfy his needs but the needs of the community as well. It certainly has came along way and its been worth it in my honest opinion.

Re: Ultimate Edition Script (Ultamatix)

PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 10:47 pm
by TheeMahn
You are the tip of the iceburg in cinelerra & thanks for all you have done. I am certain many here would love to say the same. I think you are awesome. You were btw my #1 tester, yes I can see it all. you are welcome to test period. I am sorry if I upset other individuals. I am making websites turn into 1, watch me. 8 will be one. Millions at a time, hear me now. Probably best I shut my mouth. It will get worse.

There is heavy coming, if you goto where do you land? I said 8 right, or was it 7? Millions ? a day in the park? How many websites do I have? You do know in google I am #1...

I am ultimate... Even above $M$. Don't they make a Vista Ultimate Edition? Difference between the 2 Mine will always be free; Petabytes at a time. I will see to it.


Re: Ultimate Edition Script (Ultamatix)

PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 4:13 am
by maxmojo53
Hello everybody,

I understand that Ultamatix with Mint support was released to admin back in July. Has it since been released to the public? Or perhaps support has now been built in. I'm running 2.3 so I'm cool, but I'm trying to show a Mint fanboy some of what he's missing.


Re: Ultimate Edition Script (Ultamatix)

PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 11:04 pm
by TheeMahn
maxmojo53 wrote:Hello everybody,

I understand that Ultamatix with Mint support was released to admin back in July. Has it since been released to the public? Or perhaps support has now been built in. I'm running 2.3 so I'm cool, but I'm trying to show a Mint fanboy some of what he's missing.


I believe I responded to a PM from you. You are on the ball ;) Actually to now make it public knowledge I released a -8 release to admin /beta testers again today changelog:
ultamatix-1.8.8 unstable; urgency=low

* Changed version numbering to comply with debian standards
* Added support for Linux Mint Gloria - thanks beta testers
* Added support for Debian Lenny
* Added Ultimate Edition 2.4 theme pack - beta this is for testing purposes it will set gdm etc.
* Added Ultimate Edition 2.3 theme pack (striped setting GDM etc from the deb)
* Added Cinelerra advanced video editor
* Added Play on Linux
* Added Entagged advanced MP3 tagger
* Added Gmount ISO CD / DVD mounter
* Added Fslint duplicate file finder
* Fixed Flashplayer functionality
* Added Hardware section, who knows where I will go with this
* Added Ultimate G15 Toys for © Logitech G15 and G19 Keyboards many written / compiled by me
* Started writing code to totally replace bash portion and set solid python, using synaptec as the frontend.

Ultamatix will remain at -8 even when it goes public. Ultimate Edition 2.3 Gamers is also there for testing / mirroring / release. For that matter there is a Ultimate G15 toys package there as well. I did not want that public knowledge until it has seen the rigours of testing as Ultamatix sees.

What is Ultimate G15 toys?

You may wonder what Play on Linux is all about & also included in Ultimate Edition 2.3 Gamers...
Play on linux

I will not at current time list the slew of games built in to Ultimate Edition 2.3 Gamers, nor Play on linux ;)

I also want to make people aware, when I do unleash Ultamatix -8 release it will require no interaction on your end if you are using our repository, it will be automatically upgraded.

The theme pack has changed it is not linked in the repo nor is it linked through ultamatix, I have added a new theme called "Razor", thanks slingshotsuicide it is not default, but very pretty, it is in the pubic section if you wish to check it out of course subject to change. I also released a Ultimate Edition 2.4 x86 beta to my Admin / mods today.


Re: Ultimate Edition Script (Ultamatix)

PostPosted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 10:34 pm
by rdg123
So after reading around a little bit (new to Ultimate Edition and ultamatix) i'm still not sure about one thing. I know that Ultamatix is a script installer but does it depend on Ultimate Edition or does it turn a regular install of Karmic to a Ultimate Edition version with all of those beautiful eye candies? :mrgreen: i guess basically the question I am getting at is: Can i just run Ultamatix and I will have Ultimate Edition when it is done?

Thank You,