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Re: Screwed up 53Gb of my HD

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 2:19 pm
by Cell

I'm assuming you had an encrypted disk right?or a partition?I've been lurking around but still haven't found anything.

Re: Screwed up 53Gb of my HD

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 2:48 pm
by Admin-Amir

Re: Screwed up 53Gb of my HD

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 5:01 pm
by Uffe
Cell wrote:Uffe,

I'm assuming you had an encrypted disk right?or a partition?I've been lurking around but still haven't found anything.

No, I have never set anything op to be encrypted, that's why I think it is so strange. Somehow it has something to do with my Ultimate Edition 2.4 installation and Grub 2.
I installed on a new 160Gb HD
Skærmbillede--dev-sdb - GParted.png

and used the swap-partition on /dev/sda

I also tried "Recovery mode" and that's even stranger.

Here my keyboard is useless, only thing that work is "Ctrl+Alt-Del" for reboot.

But on the bright side, my keyboard has begone working again under shot down, so when I reach the point where it freeze "shot down" I now kan press "Ctrl+Alt-Del" and then turn off the power just before it reboots - Not ideal :( but works.

I don't know what to do with this, because to my knowledge I haven't lost any data and have not set anything op to be encrypted. I believe - but are not certain - that is has something to do with Grub, witch BTW, I also have reinstalled with synaptic. That did not help either.
The issue does not exist in any of my other OS'es

Re: Screwed up 53Gb of my HD

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 5:15 pm
by Admin-Amir

please take A look on this page it maybe got something to do with this issue: ... -data-safe

you say that no Data was lost right,well here you do not lose the Data and it is encryption under ext4.
you do not remember if you have use encryption?

some info for you uffe on the issue : ... ost8191211

Re: Screwed up 53Gb of my HD

PostPosted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 3:41 am
by 5hady
copy your important stuff, then DBAN the whole drive?

Re: Screwed up 53Gb of my HD

PostPosted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 9:32 am
by Uffe
I know it's not a fix for it, and it did not change anything on the shut-down issue in Ultimate Edition 2.4, but after installing Ultimate Edition 2.5 where Mint used to be, the slowness in Grub disappeared and I don't have the shut-down issue there either.