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Cant get document scanner to work

Help & support for Ultimate Edition 5.1

Cant get document scanner to work

Postby camman2000 » Mon Jan 22, 2018 12:06 am

Hi I need so assistance I have a cannon printer scanner pixima ts6060
using ultimate 5.1 upgraded
on Tower AMD
Processor: 2x AMD Athl II X2 270
I have the printer working ok (wireless) but can not get the scanner to work
I have tried installing scangear program package from cannon
xsane scanner not recognising scanner
any advice on what to do?
Netbook Presario CQ42
Processor: Intel Celeron 1.9 GHz
Hard Drive 250 GB
OS Ultimate Edition 3.8 and Win7 Ultimate Edition
Tower AMD
Processor: 2x AMD Athl(TheeMahn) II X2 270
Hard Drive 250 GB
OS Sparky Linux (Window Manager Enlightenment) and Win7 Ultimate Edition
U.E. Newbie
U.E. Newbie
Posts: 4
Joined: Thu Dec 20, 2007 6:29 pm
Operating System: Ultimate Edition 2.5 64 BIT

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