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Raspberry PI and Ultimate Edition

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Raspberry PI and Ultimate Edition

Postby TheeMahn » Thu Jul 28, 2016 2:01 pm

Many will think an introduction is unnecessary, I am fairly well known in the Linux community. We get new users all the time, so I do deem it necessary to introduce myself. I am Glenn Cady better known via my nickname "TheeMahn" on the Internet. I have been writing software in excess of 30 years steadily approaching 35 years. While it may appear to the untrained eye I have earned the nickname, many things happen behind the scenes that most users are not aware of. I would like to take the time to make apparent.

Ultimate Edition as a whole has tons of beta testers (local and worldwide), moderators and administrators that not only test the Operating Systems that I build or that software I have written builds for them. They additionally test software I have written and take the time to answer your questions while I am busy programming and do so for free. I do want to give the Ultimate Edition community kudos, for allowing me to do my job.

I hate having to do this... CYOA. I'd say the chance of this going sour is close to ZERO. As we all know loading custom O/S's in a device is a risky process. We are not responsible if you brick your device while following these procedures although the chances are very low or null. We can't even guarantee you that this tutorial will work on your device unless it meets required conditions like version,model number,region or specific country etc.

Flashing roms,kernels and recoveries too is a highly risky job. All the posts which guide to install/flash are meant only for a particular device flashing these on other models or devices will surely brick it and at this stage we are not at all responsible as we didn't guide you to do so.

I take ZERO responsibility for any data loss or hardware loss proceed at your own risk.

And finally, Happy flashing!

What is a Raspberry PI?:
Rapberry PI 3 Class B+

That tiny board is a quad core Arm Based PC. in specific:
802.11n WiFi, Bluetooth 4.0, and a quad-core 64-bit ARM Cortex A53 running at 1.2 GHz. It’s a usable desktop computer. Available now at the usual Pi retailers for $35, I paid $38 for mine. They are really fun to toy around with. I also purchased a 32GB Samsung EVO+ the fastest "hard drive" it will take from what I have researched for $11. I have successfully built Ultimate Edition 5.0 using mate as a DE with KODI and does well at streaming movies through the air from the JackHammer (my main rig).

I am ordering a 8TB single drive NAS (Network Attached Storage) tomorrow to replace a 6TB Seagate, I have 2 of them currently. The one that failed on me after 1 yr and 4 months (warrantee was 1yr). Seagate sucks. They have taken my software to aid their cause. The NAS will be Western Digital will be enroute & 3 years warrantee, Your data is more important then the warantee. What will transpire is I will take that Seagate 6TB drive throw it into the freezer for 15 minutes and unload it's data to the WD NAS. I knew about it before they ever wrote the article. I will get at least a portion, if not all my information back. Sorry for blowing off steam, but that at the time was about $600 in hard disks and utilizing my software and not so much as a thanks, how would you feel? I will openly write software for Western Digital for free to sink them. The moral of the story is... I am the last one you want to piss in my Weeties. I promise you verification..

I have thought about setting the Raspberry PI up as a NAS. The Raspberry PI 3 does have 4 USB ports and I do have 4 USB cases that will hold up to a 6TB drive & a bunch of hard disks I am not currently using Ultimate Edition NAS ;) I have a dual Esata 8 bay raid tower 32 TB max, why don't I use it? Does no good. when I reboot in building Operating Systems the entire house shuts down. Within a minute the wife is here asking why she can not watch the movie she was watching. The 8TB NAS will fix that.

Unused Hard disks.

Without a doubt I would have to hard wire it to Gigabit. I doubt it has the balls to feed the entire house. I have a pretty heavy setup household wise. I may look into it or least try. The smallest drive in that drawer is 2TB minus the 1 TB laptop drive, most are 3TB.

EDIT 08/23/16: 8TB NAS has been here, guess what the 6 TB drive I dumped into the freezer, had no problems. I have it jacked into the back of the 8TB NAS and working fine, the NAS runs Debian (I have ripped apart the firmware using bin walker & will work through custom when I burn the 4 burners I have hot) So in essence I have a 14TB NAS accessible from anywhere in the world. The transition from 14.04 to 16.04 made it unreadable (used a live Ultimate Edition 4.2 and realized there was nothing wrong with it, the NAS did not complain as well). Bonus: I can set up accounts on it and beta testers can test as I build. I am sorry I do not have Gigabit upstream bandwidth right now. I do have a 300 Megabit cable modem capabile of 8 channel upstreams however my provider does not support it YET!!! $10 off my cable bill each month. When they do get to my area and they will I am set same price, they are currently upgrading my entire state.

It get's much worse, or better depending on your perception. I could put a USB 3 HUB (I have 3 of them) in-between it and stack in 3 more hard disks ;)
8TB WD MyCloud NAS and 6TB XFS Formatted external USB 6TB drive. I have already modified.

Find a NAS with 0% CPU usage, I killed all the hoggs and left only what was necessary.

Around 80 Megabytes a sec via avg 110 MB/s peak. I did order CAT7 cable to remove any chance of a bottle neck.

I hope you guys are ok with me blowing off steam. I have an AC adapter capable of 1.7 Gigabits through the air AC wireless and a "3.2 Gigabit" through the air capable router by the same company Netgear. I just trough across the room the wifi adapter not the router. When it worked worked well, better then any adapter I have ever seen. The wife does not like cables strewn throughout the house & I do not like to wait for squat. A win 10 upgrade rendered it useless, do I blame Netgear or Microsoft? I am not a betting man, but I bet Micro$oft. I mean useless not picked up in Linux as well. I will touch bases with this again on a heavy level. I will blog about it. I do blow off steam on a consistent and constant level, I may bring up the 6TB issues as well It does make me feel better to get it off my chest.

Source code:
This is far from a final product, I thought I would be nice to share source code with you as I fix the kinks in what will be introduced to tmosb (TheeMahn's O/S builder. Tmosb currently extracts such images including Raspberian:
Extraction of Raspberry images in tmosb.

This is not to be taken lightly, building is much more complex then extracting. Did you read the Disclaimer?
Welcome aboard PI

Adding mate desktop to chroot in ARM. Yes, I am running Ultimate Edition 5.1 x64

Code: Select all

# you need at least
# apt-get install binfmt-support qemu qemu-user-static debootstrap kpartx lvm2 dosfstools




mydate=$(date +%Y%m%d)

if [[ "$deb_local_mirror" == "" ]]; then


if [[ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]]; then
  echo "this tool must be run as root"
  exit 1;

if [[ "$device" == "" ]]; then
  echo "no block device given, just creating an image"
  mkdir -p "$buildenv"
  dd if=/dev/zero of="$image" bs=1MB count=3200
  device=$(losetup -f --show "$image")
  echo "image $image created and mounted as $device"
  dd if=/dev/zero of=$device bs=512 count=1

if ! [[ -b "$device" ]]; then
  echo "$device is not a block device"
  exit 1;

fdisk $device << EOF



if [[ "$image" != "" ]]; then
  losetup -d "$device"
  device=$(kpartx -va $image | sed -E 's/.*(loop[0-9])p.*/\1/g' | head -1)
  if ! [ -b ${device}1 ]; then
    if ! [ -b ${bootp} ]; then
      echo "uh, oh, something went wrong, can't find bootpartition neither as ${device}1 nor as ${device}p1, exiting."
      exit 1
mkfs.vfat $bootp
mkfs.ext4 $rootp

mkdir -p $rootfs

mount $rootp $rootfs

cd "$rootfs" || exit 1;
if ! [[ -f "${rootfs}/usr/bin/qemu-arm-static" ]]; then
   echo "Qemu support & debootstrap Stage 1: debootstrap --arch=$ARCH --verbose --foreign $deb_release $rootfs in $PWD"
   debootstrap --arch=$ARCH --verbose --foreign $deb_release $rootfs
   echo "Debootstrap Stage 1 process has previously completed."
if ! [[ -f "${rootfs}/usr/bin/qemu-arm-static" ]]; then
   #debootstrap --foreign --arch=$ARCH $deb_release $rootfs $deb_local_mirror
   echo "Copying qemu arm support. For stage 2"
   cp /usr/bin/qemu-arm-static "${rootfs}/usr/bin/"
   if [[ -f "/usr/bin/qemu-arm-static" ]]; then
      cp /usr/bin/qemu-arm-static "${rootfs}/usr/bin/"
      echo "qemu arm support is not installed.  Exiting."
      exit 1;
if [[ -f "${rootfs}/usr/bin/qemu-arm-static" && -d "${rootfs}/debootstrap" ]]; then
   LANG=C chroot $rootfs /debootstrap/debootstrap --second-stage
   echo "Debootstrap Stage 2 process has previously completed."
if [[ -f "$CURRENT/ultimate-edition-5.0-lite-core-files.deb" && -d "${rootfs}/tmp/" ]]; then
   echo "Copying core files to chroot."
   cp "$CURRENT/ultimate-edition-5.0-lite-core-files.deb" ${rootfs}/tmp/
   echo "Copying tmmount"
   cp /usr/share/ultimate_edition/tmmount "${rootfs}/tmp/"
   #echo "Injecting virtualization work-around, we will undo this later."
   #echo "#${rootfs}/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/" > /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/
   echo "Injecting virtualization work-around, we will undo this later."
   echo "#${rootfs}/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/" > /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/
mount $bootp $bootfs
echo "Injecting virtualization work-around, we will undo this later."
echo "#${rootfs}/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/" > /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/
echo "Injecting sources."
#deb xenial-backports main restricted universe multiverse
if [[ "$ARCH" == "armhf" || "$ARCH" == "armel" || "$ARCH" == "powerpc" ]]; then
   echo "Injecting $DEFAULTREPO of $CODEBASE $ARCH into sources list..."
   echo "###### $UOS Repos" > "${rootfs}/etc/apt/sources.list"
   echo "deb $DEFAULTREPO $CODEBASE main restricted universe multiverse" >> "${rootfs}/etc/apt/sources.list"
   echo "# deb-src $DEFAULTREPO $CODEBASE main restricted universe multiverse" >> "${rootfs}/etc/apt/sources.list"
   echo "" >> "${rootfs}/etc/apt/sources.list"
   echo "###### $UOS Update Repos" >> "${rootfs}/etc/apt/sources.list"
   echo "deb $DEFAULTREPO $CODEBASE-security main restricted universe multiverse" >> "${rootfs}/etc/apt/sources.list"
   echo "deb $DEFAULTREPO $CODEBASE-updates main restricted universe multiverse" >> "${rootfs}/etc/apt/sources.list"
   echo "deb $DEFAULTREPO $CODEBASE-proposed main restricted universe multiverse" >> "${rootfs}/etc/apt/sources.list"
   echo "deb $DEFAULTREPO $CODEBASE-backports main restricted universe multiverse" >> "${rootfs}/etc/apt/sources.list"
   echo "# deb-src $DEFAULTREPO $CODEBASE-security main restricted universe multiverse" >> "${rootfs}/etc/apt/sources.list"
   echo "# deb-src $DEFAULTREPO $CODEBASE-updates main restricted universe multiverse" >> "${rootfs}/etc/apt/sources.list"
   echo "# deb-src $DEFAULTREPO $CODEBASE-proposed main restricted universe multiverse" >> "${rootfs}/etc/apt/sources.list"
   echo "# deb-src $DEFAULTREPO $CODEBASE-backports main restricted universe multiverse" >> "${rootfs}/etc/apt/sources.list"
   echo "" >> "${rootfs}/etc/apt/sources.list"

echo "dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=ttyAMA0,115200 kgdboc=ttyAMA0,115200 console=tty1 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootfstype=ext4 rootwait" > boot/cmdline.txt

echo "proc            /proc           proc    defaults        0       0
/dev/mmcblk0p1  /boot           vfat    defaults        0       0
" > etc/fstab

echo "ultimate" > etc/hostname

echo "auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
" > etc/network/interfaces

echo "vchiq
" >> etc/modules

echo "console-common   console-data/keymap/policy   select   Select keymap from full list
console-common   console-data/keymap/full   select   de-latin1-nodeadkeys
" > debconf.set

echo '#!/bin/bash
if [[ -f /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ ]]; then
echo "Rectifing PI based work-around."
echo "#/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/" > /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/
echo "no /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ found."
debconf-set-selections /debconf.set
rm -f /debconf.set
apt-get update
apt-get -f -y dist-upgrade
apt-get -y install git-core binutils ca-certificates curl wget
wget -O /usr/bin/rpi-update
chmod +x /usr/bin/rpi-update
#mkdir -p /lib/modules/3.1.9+
touch /boot/start.elf
cd /tmp/
dpkg -i ultimate-edition-5.0-lite-core-files.deb
apt-get -y install locales console-common ntp openssh-server less vim aptitude
echo \"root:raspberry\" | chpasswd
apt-get dist-upgrade
#rm -f /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
rm -f third-stage
' > third-stage
chmod +x third-stage
sudo proot -q qemu-arm -S $rootfs -b $bootfs:/boot ./third-stage
echo "#!/bin/bash
aptitude update
aptitude clean
apt-get clean
rm -f cleanup
echo "Undoing virtualization work-around."
   echo "${rootfs}/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/" > /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/

" > cleanup
chmod +x cleanup
LANG=C chroot $rootfs /cleanup
sudo proot -q qemu-arm -S $rootfs -b $bootfs:/boot /bin/bash
echo "#!/bin/bash
apt-get autoclean
apt-get clean
echo "Undoing virtualization work-around."
   echo "${rootfs}/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/" > /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/
rm -f cleanup
" > cleanup
chmod +x cleanup
sudo proot -q qemu-arm -S $rootfs -b $bootfs:/boot ./cleanup
#proot $rootfs /tmp/tmmount --force -r

umount $bootp
umount $rootp
if [ "$image" != "" ]; then
  kpartx -d $image
  echo "created image $image"
echo "compressing ..."
tar -czvf $image.tar.gz $image

Nighthawk X6 R8000 AC wireless router
Jackhammer current feeds the entire house, components can be read from my sig. (or can it)
Bedroom: Quad core Atom Baytrail running Windows 10 on a 28" higher then HD screen, USB hub, USB AC 1200 wireless adapter
Woman room: Quad core android currently (a mainboard is in route) A Solid PC with 3D Nand SSD is coming, already ordered.
Downstairs: 3D TV on a 8 core Andoer, Arm based, Bluray that is application & INTERNET friendly.
Mancave: You never know what is rolling here,

Multiple units utilizing INTERNET independently
Home of Ultimate Edition. Got a question? Please review the F.A.Q. Browse the How to section.

Main O/S: Builder of O/S Guess.
Mainboard: ASUS Hero VI (AM4)
CPU: AMD 1700X water cooled (Deepcool Captain Genome Cooling tower)
Ram: 16 GB GSkill Trident RGB Series Dual Channel DDR4 3200
Video: MSI RX470 8GB Gaming card.
Hard Disks: MASSIVE on the network.(10 Gigabit, 48 port, multiple servers)
Monitors: Dual 4K 43" LG, 4K Samsung 28"
750 Watt modular PSU (Rosswell)
1100 Watt Amp & 4 X 600 Watt speakers

Servers in the basement.
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Re: Raspberry PI and Ultimate Edition

Postby BBOSAK2143 » Sat Jul 30, 2016 2:35 pm

I am going to have to get one of those Raspberry PI's some time, sound very interesting. Money is still a little tight, but not terrible so am sure can spare some soon to get into it. Absolutely side with you about Seagate. One I bought for the Laptop is shot already, while the original Hitachi that came with it is still fine. Seagate makes some real junk and hope you put them in their place. If anyone can do that, I am positive would be you. Always is a treasure to hear what you are up to. No one else out here does half of what you accomplish. Was a little bummed when that Seagate started making that familiar trashed ratcheting sound when booting up, since I did have some info on it I wanted. Oh well, is the way it goes and am quite used to it. So least what you have stated has made my day. Knowing someone is going to get back at them is great. Best wishes to you always, glad work is going so well for you.
Firm believer in Asus, Linux and Technology
"Art is to be enjoyed by all that enjoy it"
Asus M5A97 Plus motherboard
AMD FX 4350 Processor
Asus R7250 2GD5 graphics card
16gig DDR3-1333
2TB Hitachi Hard Drive
24in Asus VE248 LED Monitor
OS=My 8th OS Star Trek(Ubuntu 16.04)
Desktops=Gnome 3.20 and LXDE
Warp Speed!
ASUS Laptop R503U
AMD E2-1800
ATI HD7340
4gig Memory
500gig Hitachi HD
OS= Win7 SP1/8th OS Star Trek(Ubuntu 16.04)
Desktops Gnome 3.20 and LXDE
2nd 500gig Seagate HD R.I.P
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U.E. God
U.E. God
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Location: Mount Pleasant, Tennessee
Age: 61
Operating System: Ultimate Edition 3.5 64 BIT

Re: Raspberry PI and Ultimate Edition

Postby TheeMahn » Mon Aug 08, 2016 11:46 pm

BBOSAK2143 wrote:I am going to have to get one of those Raspberry PI's some time, sound very interesting. Money is still a little tight, but not terrible so am sure can spare some soon to get into it. Absolutely side with you about Seagate. One I bought for the Laptop is shot already, while the original Hitachi that came with it is still fine. Seagate makes some real junk and hope you put them in their place. If anyone can do that, I am positive would be you. Always is a treasure to hear what you are up to. No one else out here does half of what you accomplish. Was a little bummed when that Seagate started making that familiar trashed ratcheting sound when booting up, since I did have some info on it I wanted. Oh well, is the way it goes and am quite used to it. So least what you have stated has made my day. Knowing someone is going to get back at them is great. Best wishes to you always, glad work is going so well for you.

I have followed through so far brother:
14TB online

I did say I was going to order a 8TB NAS, plugged a 6TB into it and writing software for NAS detection.

Just because you do not see, does not mean it does not exist.

I will stoke the NAS environment. A one stop shop when I am done. The PI I am moments from allowing me to dig in and re-work their entire environment.

I have built the PI mate based O/S as well. I have alot going on. Wait until the storm hits. It is all over, but the crying.

Moneywise, I paid $38 & the $11 on the PI side. I have a Quad Core Intel Junkinator in our bedroom with crap Internet wireless G or N both are crap paid for a wireless AC adapter. The problem begins it is running WinBlows 10. The wife does not like wires in the house. Now that I think about that I can feed Gigabit under the floor I am going to put in tomorrow. I have 3 rooms and a set of steps to work and finish by Monday. About 500 square foot of floor to put in. I will cat 6 that $#!%.
Home of Ultimate Edition. Got a question? Please review the F.A.Q. Browse the How to section.

Main O/S: Builder of O/S Guess.
Mainboard: ASUS Hero VI (AM4)
CPU: AMD 1700X water cooled (Deepcool Captain Genome Cooling tower)
Ram: 16 GB GSkill Trident RGB Series Dual Channel DDR4 3200
Video: MSI RX470 8GB Gaming card.
Hard Disks: MASSIVE on the network.(10 Gigabit, 48 port, multiple servers)
Monitors: Dual 4K 43" LG, 4K Samsung 28"
750 Watt modular PSU (Rosswell)
1100 Watt Amp & 4 X 600 Watt speakers

Servers in the basement.
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Posts: 4201
Joined: Fri Oct 12, 2007 10:02 am
Location: U.S.A.
Age: 53
Operating System: Ultimate Edition Developer

Re: Raspberry PI and Ultimate Edition

Postby chris47 » Tue Aug 09, 2016 7:02 pm

BBOSAK2143 wrote:I am going to have to get one of those Raspberry PI's some time, sound very interesting. Money is still a little tight, but not terrible so am sure can spare some soon to get into it. Absolutely side with you about Seagate. One I bought for the Laptop is shot already, while the original Hitachi that came with it is still fine. Seagate makes some real junk and hope you put them in their place. If anyone can do that, I am positive would be you. Always is a treasure to hear what you are up to. No one else out here does half of what you accomplish. Was a little bummed when that Seagate started making that familiar trashed ratcheting sound when booting up, since I did have some info on it I wanted. Oh well, is the way it goes and am quite used to it. So least what you have stated has made my day. Knowing someone is going to get back at them is great. Best wishes to you always, glad work is going so well for you.

That's weird, but not unexpected.. I have a 2TB Segate and have had it for at least 3yr and still going strong.. Hell I can't tell you how many times I have wiped, formated and reinstalled Ultimate Edition, and Win7 on this thing...

Thee, I have since finding this site, and Ultimate Edition OS a few yrs ago, I have become more knowledgeable then in the past, when I tried Ubuntu, Red Hat, Susse and others... Keep up the good work, and maybe someday, the only Linux distro people will want to use is yours...
MB-ASUS Sabertooth FX 990 Rev 2.0
CPU- AMD FX 6200 X6 3.8Ghz Black Edition
RAM- 8Gig 2x4 Corsair XMS 3 1600 C9
Video-ASUS Nvidia GTX 550ti Fermi
HD Segate 2T 7400RPm
HD- WD Raptor 10,000 RPm 150Gig
Monitor-Asus 23.6
PSU- Antec Earth Watts 650
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Operating System: Ultimate Edition 3.3 64 BIT

Re: Raspberry PI and Ultimate Edition

Postby Micro » Wed Aug 10, 2016 2:44 pm

I used to work with this guy who had a Pi that was controlling a card that could open any hotel/motel room door. It would also control the coffee machine access to his department. lol Those things are neat, although I find the odroids, not as commoon as Pi's, a much better machine for the cost:

Uncommon for me to hear the bad experiences with Seagate drives, I have 6 of them running strong for over 5 yrs now. And actually, a week ago, just had a new HP Laptop Hitachi drive crap out on me after 1 yr. Lifecycle of this type of hardware should be about 3-5 yrs. Plus oddly enough I have worked with a Hitachi Storage Array and those drives exceeded their lifecycle time and time again. But what i can tell you is that Western Digital drives are at the bottom of my list for sure...

Thee - Any thoughts on using btrfs for the file-system as it fits right into the NAS schema of storage versatility and requires less ram than ZFS, making it more suitable for lower resource machines?
Thermaltake Series Core X9 SPCC E-ATX Cube Case
CORSAIR Vengeance LPX 64GB Quad Channel DDR4
EVGA 120-G1-0750-XR 80 PLUS GOLD 750W PSU
APC BR1300G Back-UPS Pro 780W/1300VA UPS
ASRock X99 Extreme4 LGA X99 Motherboard
OC-Intel Core i7-5820K @ 4.1GHz × 12
Corsair H100i V2 CPU Cooler. 240mm
Kernel Linux 4.6.4-1-ARCH x86_64
MATE Desktop Environment 1.12.1
OS - SAMSUNG 950 PRO M.2 512GB
NVIDIA GeForce GTX750 Ti
ViewSonic PJD7820HD
OS - Filesystem F2FS
Arch Linux
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Re: Raspberry PI and Ultimate Edition

Postby BBOSAK2143 » Thu Aug 18, 2016 10:12 am

I do have a Seagate in the desktop which is fine and bought before the one in the laptop. Pretty much stating the fact that the original Hitachi is just fine and that one came with the laptop, the other i purchased to have for an alternate setup on the laptop. Both of the drives have been formatted and reload same amount of times. Well, the purchase one(Seagate 500gig) is dead as it did that ratcheting sound on the boot and familiar BIOS message no drive found. Yes, I saw this with Western Digital also a few years back in the 20gig days. Last 500gig Western is still in this desktop used for storage mainly.

Yes, I know the Raspberry's are low price, just a little tight as had to dish out cash for a riding lawnmower this year. The 7 days a week also reduced to 4 and 5 so that is killing things also. Such is life always fun to scrape any money together. Am confident will happen soon and will be able to get into all this. Fall and Winter coming will be on the computer much more as usual. I have a new build of 14.06 LTS loaded very well and this is the best one yet I have done. I did pattern it against that 14.10 LXDE one I built last year which was fairly close to this one in dependability. Not perfect yet, but you know I will keep working to make them better and better. I did also wind up running Gnome 3.18, but just the Flashback desktop as was all I ever used anyway. Still, more than ever I use LXDE, since that desktop can take a beating and keep running. Gnome has never been durable and recent development is making it even more of a pansy.

I have been feeling a little more confident about working on systems and plan to try my luck with Android this winter and be working with this Raspberry stuff. The world of Linux is just still the greatest adventure in computers to me. Plus as I continually say, we have TheeMahn who genuinely cares about making things work correctly for Linux and our enjoyment. That dedication alone is enough to keep anyone continually interested in Linux.
Firm believer in Asus, Linux and Technology
"Art is to be enjoyed by all that enjoy it"
Asus M5A97 Plus motherboard
AMD FX 4350 Processor
Asus R7250 2GD5 graphics card
16gig DDR3-1333
2TB Hitachi Hard Drive
24in Asus VE248 LED Monitor
OS=My 8th OS Star Trek(Ubuntu 16.04)
Desktops=Gnome 3.20 and LXDE
Warp Speed!
ASUS Laptop R503U
AMD E2-1800
ATI HD7340
4gig Memory
500gig Hitachi HD
OS= Win7 SP1/8th OS Star Trek(Ubuntu 16.04)
Desktops Gnome 3.20 and LXDE
2nd 500gig Seagate HD R.I.P
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U.E. God
U.E. God
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Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 7:56 pm
Location: Mount Pleasant, Tennessee
Age: 61
Operating System: Ultimate Edition 3.5 64 BIT

Re: Raspberry PI and Ultimate Edition

Postby TheeMahn » Tue Aug 23, 2016 10:09 pm

Gentlemen, as far as the hard disk. False warnings we will call it. Imagine losing 6TB of info. I now keep a bunch in the drawer for redundancy. It is a bitch to keep up with 12TB of data as you make it. I have lost 3TB of data in the past and very deter-mental. Losing movies, don't give much of a damn. Source code is a ball busting experience. I have a stack of devices on my desk I need to work through. I have well over 30 TB of data in house, devices out the rump that seem to count on data in house even though I have high speed Internet per-say. In my house, no-one streams an occasional youtube video.

I use the internet, they used to yank on the JackHammer like it is an endless supply of information. I have pushed 90% to the NAS and has since rendered me able to reboot as I build without anybody complaining. As I fix / load more devices I look for bandwidth consumption and have to setup a second NAS. My router supports it as well, however via USB 2.0 once again a bottle neck. How many devices does it take to saturate AC wireless? They make better then my router, no matter how fast the router saturation comes from the CPU and storage in house. I wish I would have built the house and installed 10 Gigabit throughout the house with a receptacle in each and every room. We do not have cable TV and have absolutely no need for it, Netflix, Hulu all crap. The wife has become accustomed to it. The house is full of such devices. Flick a program on one, go downstairs and flick it on another TV, it does not stop, lets also watch this in the kitchen. Not understanding it is pulling from the same NAS. Let me pull up the phone....

I am fairly certain I have the fastest WD MyCloud NAS on the planet, or very close to that. After I work though the stack of devices I have on my computer table. I will try and write it back to the community or write an Ultimate Edition for it. There is zero firmware you can click the browse button select the file. I hope to change that.
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Main O/S: Builder of O/S Guess.
Mainboard: ASUS Hero VI (AM4)
CPU: AMD 1700X water cooled (Deepcool Captain Genome Cooling tower)
Ram: 16 GB GSkill Trident RGB Series Dual Channel DDR4 3200
Video: MSI RX470 8GB Gaming card.
Hard Disks: MASSIVE on the network.(10 Gigabit, 48 port, multiple servers)
Monitors: Dual 4K 43" LG, 4K Samsung 28"
750 Watt modular PSU (Rosswell)
1100 Watt Amp & 4 X 600 Watt speakers

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Re: Raspberry PI and Ultimate Edition

Postby TheeMahn » Tue Aug 23, 2016 10:50 pm

BBOSAK2143 wrote:I am going to have to get one of those Raspberry PI's some time, sound very interesting. Money is still a little tight, but not terrible so am sure can spare some soon to get into it. Absolutely side with you about Seagate. One I bought for the Laptop is shot already, while the original Hitachi that came with it is still fine. Seagate makes some real junk and hope you put them in their place. If anyone can do that, I am positive would be you. Always is a treasure to hear what you are up to. No one else out here does half of what you accomplish. Was a little bummed when that Seagate started making that familiar trashed ratcheting sound when booting up, since I did have some info on it I wanted. Oh well, is the way it goes and am quite used to it. So least what you have stated has made my day. Knowing someone is going to get back at them is great. Best wishes to you always, glad work is going so well for you.

Ubuntu actually made me feel it had failed to the point it was clicking. I am not going to help Seagate, they made their bed. I would have been OK with them if they would have at least said thanks. I appreciate you nominatiting my accomplishments, however I do have a crapperload of things to do in house before I progress. I laid floor in 3 rooms of 4 and have a set of stairs to finish. Took me roughly a month to do that, funny I laid floor and toe molding on the stairs in one day by myself. Trim mold is not my cup of Tea. I do do things outside of Ultimate Edition & work a 10hr day job with 3 job titles on top of that, they need to give me 3 paychecks ;) This Thursday I take over for the floor manager above Supervisor which I have done that title multiple times. This will be my first time in that position. Can you guess how much I make an hour? I will queue you in there are guys on the floor that make more then me. Do 3 jobs, same pay the company does like most companies, do you know why, because they can. Honestly, I need to get another job. I need to convince myself. Start out 80 or 100K a year. Tolerable then.
Home of Ultimate Edition. Got a question? Please review the F.A.Q. Browse the How to section.

Main O/S: Builder of O/S Guess.
Mainboard: ASUS Hero VI (AM4)
CPU: AMD 1700X water cooled (Deepcool Captain Genome Cooling tower)
Ram: 16 GB GSkill Trident RGB Series Dual Channel DDR4 3200
Video: MSI RX470 8GB Gaming card.
Hard Disks: MASSIVE on the network.(10 Gigabit, 48 port, multiple servers)
Monitors: Dual 4K 43" LG, 4K Samsung 28"
750 Watt modular PSU (Rosswell)
1100 Watt Amp & 4 X 600 Watt speakers

Servers in the basement.
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Re: Raspberry PI and Ultimate Edition

Postby JohnTN » Mon Sep 05, 2016 1:35 pm

So is the intent to release a Rpi Ultimate Edition based Mate OS at some point? I am trying to keep up :)
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Re: Raspberry PI and Ultimate Edition

Postby JohnTN » Mon Oct 10, 2016 5:20 pm

So I guess it's just Pi in the sky??
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