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New hardware enters the mix

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 10:07 am
by TheeMahn
I enjoy adding new hardware otherwise unworking to the mix in this case I bought a RocketRaid 640 4 X Sata III controller for only one reason, raw speed with 2 X 90 GB SSD's attatched freeing up main board resorces at the same time, I guess 2 reasons ;) to allow me to re-attach my sata burner and a open port for another sata device. Esentially I could attach 2 more devices to the Rocket raid. Further education in saturation of bandwidth a no no as well as suiting my porpose of purchase.

Find any O/S and yes that other O/S does not know what it is our does ;)

I currently have it in a PCI Express X4 slot, I wonder if a X16 slot would yield higher results, I have 2 X 16 will investigate, when I initally got it to bring it up only 700MB/s, just one drive does 550MB/s on the mainboard. Saturation of the bus?

Newegg has poor reviews not because of speed, but does not work. Give me some time on this will take a minute. Rest assured I will have it totally rocking. it is capable of 2GB a sec. We already know each drive is capable of 550MB a sec. so 1.1GB a sec is the numbers I should be seeing.

Just so there is understanding, Ubuntu will not know what it is Debian etc. Live. The screenie is me installing 3.5. None know what it is off the rip. Sure you can install a driver and get it working, well now I want to install on it, can't install on it if it does not know what it is.

I just got it working, I am hoping to take down Goliath's nasty numbers, when I reboot I will know If I have him, or if there is point in persuing the 16X.
Well now:
Initial to kde, dropped for gnome.

Still way under par. Investigation begins.

Alot of CPU Usage lets bring my chip up to his. brb.

Wow, I must b dumb? I see like 5 or 10 secs of my PC doing jack squat. He has hit the desktop in 8 secs. I will find my issue. No it is not the other 10 hard disks ;) I pulled them to see. I am thinking recognition of a piece of hardware in my PC. Time will tell as I drill down though each one. Look at it this way as I find out will implement it to further the end result and that is Goliath crying ;) Do you think I will optimize his machine, knowing what I will learn?

He is a sharp learner, I bet I dont have to tell him squat and he hits the desktop in 6 seconds, just by watching. I will take the time to unbiasedly say it is his mainboard at this point, however his USB 3 has never worked as well as his sound. I gave him a sound card to retify his sound issues. USB 3 has never been rectified. He does have a new revised mainboard in route. ASUS support is top notch. No, I do not work for them.