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Re: Ultimate Edition Theme Pack...

PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 10:57 pm
by moshe
Thee, Thanks for the wonderful work on the theme pack. Like Baph, I am not the artistic type (more the dark theme type as it fits my old line of work) I am working to get my system set up in an attempt to look as good as some of the screen shots I see here. Probably never happen but I can hope. :lol: I am continually impressed by the number of variables I can change to get just the right look.BTW, you guys (and girls) are killin me with the cool avatars. How do I go about creating one? As I said, I am not the artistic type. Any suggestions or guidance will be appreciated. Thanks again for the best distro ever...... Moshe 8-)

Re: Ultimate Edition Theme Pack...

PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 3:12 am
by tuxsax
Hey moshe,
I've just was asking on another post about the same thing, cowboy gave me this link:
There's a PDF that spider wrote that gives you some basics about working with Xara.
Hope this helps,

Re: Ultimate Edition Theme Pack...

PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 6:36 pm
by TheeMahn
moshe wrote:Thee, Thanks for the wonderful work on the theme pack. Like Baph, I am not the artistic type (more the dark theme type as it fits my old line of work) I am working to get my system set up in an attempt to look as good as some of the screen shots I see here. Probably never happen but I can hope. :lol: I am continually impressed by the number of variables I can change to get just the right look.BTW, you guys (and girls) are killin me with the cool avatars. How do I go about creating one? As I said, I am not the artistic type. Any suggestions or guidance will be appreciated. Thanks again for the best distro ever...... Moshe 8-)

Cowboy made my current avatar (many others as well), I am sure if you asked him nicely he would oblige, he is no joke when he sets to work.

I got a choice, you may not depending on his workload...

Re: Ultimate Edition Theme Pack...

PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 7:56 pm
by Zero Prime
Agreed, Cowboy is da man in the art department.

Re: Ultimate Edition Theme Pack...

PostPosted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 12:29 am
by TheeMahn
I do not want him overwhelmed, he has a OS to think about ;) Well I can not make your desktop wallpaper etc. Because I am busy making blah blah's avatar ;) Where are you when I am sitting over here making Ultimate Edition 2.0? Just messing with you brother.

How about we do this, make me a wallpaper, zero I know your themes ability (you send me a theme), send me a 2.0 theme and if cowboy can find the time send me a "wallpaper" that deserves to be on everyones desktop. We are a team right? Cab take over my repo, oops now I am getting nasty ;)

I would love to have just one job, making a distro is not enough? Theme pack, Ultamatix, shall I continue? Yes, I am somewhat upset the load keeps getting larger. Do I bring it on myself? Sure in programming I have a much larger picture in what I "really" want to accomplish.


Re: Ultimate Edition Theme Pack...

PostPosted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 12:06 am
by ixnod
WHOAH!! Thee....

I am still on 1.9 U.E !! Impressing my buntu newbs with its coolness. Now, with the theme pack, I have to download and play with that in a few weeks. I don't want to sound mean or anything, but please slow down a bit. It's hard trying to keep up with your awesomeness.

been seeding 1.9 for a bit now still showing some good leachers.

Re: Ultimate Edition Theme Pack...

PostPosted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 5:08 pm
by TheeMahn
ixnod wrote:WHOAH!! Thee....

I am still on 1.9 U.E !! Impressing my buntu newbs with its coolness. Now, with the theme pack, I have to download and play with that in a few weeks. I don't want to sound mean or anything, but please slow down a bit. It's hard trying to keep up with your awesomeness.

been seeding 1.9 for a bit now still showing some good leachers.

Thanks, I have a -5 edition that has KDE customizations, after checking out intrepid, I will have to remove a few of them as they now have some of the kde themes in intrepids repo (this will cause a broken package, yes I pay attention to these things)



Re: Ultimate Edition Theme Pack...

PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 12:49 pm
by cowboy
Boy did I miss this thread ..installed the Ultimate Edition themes from Ultamatix last night in 1.8 64 bit..ran into a problem on a reboot..back to the key-board not working and also lost the new cursor...this is the message I am getting running the boot in recovery mode...have ran sudo clean and autoremove..still getting this..any thoughts?

Re: Ultimate Edition Theme Pack...

PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 5:28 pm
by DaddyX3
cowboy wrote:..any thoughts?

Rarely .... but when it happens, I impress the hell outta myself ;) :lol:
Did you put in the "Recovery Disc" :?:
We all have to learn to master the 'remastersys. What does you sig say .... "Back up your Data" :o
I wonder when remastersys will have blu-ray compatibility .... that would be nice huh?
Honestly, I don't know what to tell ya cowboy, I couldn't help you the first time you had issues with your keyboard, but it sure does sound like the theme pack kinda screwed ya!!! :o

Re: Ultimate Edition Theme Pack...

PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 5:51 pm
by cowboy
Lol... ;) lost data...just finishing up a new install...everything downloaded..real sweet...
rats..... :x