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Re: Seeking best information on GTKRC

PostPosted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 2:34 pm
by BBOSAK2143
Got me there!!! So many words typing and going through figures, something would take a dive! Never mean no harm on him?(not sure do not know if him/her?) Have made that mistake before and do not want to repeat as I do not want people upset with me all the time! KillHelloKitty is just someone to be admired and revered and feel the about the same as I do about TheeMahn. These people work their behinds off just so we can have something great to look at! Is the reason I push so hard as to keep these great works moving forward! Will never be as great as either, but one has to have goals and something to push towards. Least I have the greatest examples to push towards! If everyone just did the basic and never moved forward, what would we have? Would be boring, and never want to see that happen! I put a quickie theme up the other day after I got the gtkrc straightened out. Kind of thought of "Breakin Bad" when I named it. Called it "BeiTanBro" See in Breakin Bad a company was named after initials of two founders and minusing Walter White's name, turning it Gray! I simply did the first part only added 3 digits of the 3 colors! Is a sort of cry to see if someone who is an ace at gtkrc's can give advice! Of course, so far no one has said anything about the gtkrc so on that one am out of luck, still! Am working away on Black_Beauty_III which so far is a bit or a turn around from its predecessor. More complicated, more actions something that is way out there somewhere! Of course from 1 to 2 was quite a difference! Seems when I do another version, always never looks the same! Hate being boring on themes! Sure some need to stay around, but others not really! Probably will be the last version of this theme as I do get tired of the same name, also! Would put some pics up but is in the repair shop right now! Hoping within a few days will come back out. Still, all insight to the way a proper gtkrc file is written will be greatly appreciated!!! Thanks be back in a while.

Re: Seeking best information on GTKRC

PostPosted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 12:33 am
by pam
gtkrc alone does nothing. It depends on other things for correct functioning.
Xanayoshi's link on theming tutorial explains what you can do with it.

The compositor is one thing that gtkrc depends on. There are many you can use. Ubuntu structure in that department is fragmented. Again flashback is Not a full desktop environment...metacity is yet to be ported to gtk3 and whether or not gtk.css or gtkrc will dominate.

ubuntu 13.04 will have nothing in common with 14.04.

The compositor itself depends on ...simply put .... your graphics drivers. ... ting-gtkrc

Re: Seeking best information on GTKRC

PostPosted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 9:06 am
by BBOSAK2143
Yes, correct gtkrc alone does nothing! Still is an integral file that others depend on. Information is lacking as how to set up that file, correctly. See in a theme everything has to go hand in hand and work together. Once something is trying to turn something on, while the other is turning it off, we then see conflicts! I am now also seeing the benefits of running less files within a theme. I know will probably get an argument of this one, but for now am doing it. I basically took the gtk3.0 folder and wiped half of it out, by consolidating. I find it strange to have one small file to simply point to another. Is my findings that when there are several files, the program takes more time to load. Basically, the theme is a pretty much a program, correct? So I renamed gtk.main.css to gtk.css dumped the original gtk.css since it only points to gtk.main.css. Next, I put all widget assets in with widgets. I then combined all applications from apps folder to form a new files ironically called gnome-applications.css. Kind of a theory on that one, so had to make a go of it! Basically now what the theme consists of is gtk2.0/gtkrc , gtk3.0/gnome-applications.css,gtk.css,gtk.widgets.css, settings.ini, assets folder, then we have metacity. Kind of nice as has been a real drag to keep flipping through many files to find different settings. Least for me seems simpler and thus far seems a bit easier to load. Have also noticed some improvements on timing. Me and my backdrop stuff! Just can't help but want to fade things out as was meant to by that. Of course for it to work properly, has to load properly and fast. Thus far this is doing that! I have been through many articles on sites pertaining to the gtkrc but no one basically says exactly how it is written. Was to Xan's link and was the same I visited a few days back which more less shows what should be in Gnome itself. So, yes am having a little time making sure the gtkrc is correct. I want this final version of Black Beauty to really be great. First was so, so way too many problems. Second was decent, but once again too many problems. So this one I want as close to error free as possible, so am spending tons of time on it. No more fade to red text, as is too aggravating. Amber is there. Many alpha's replace shade's in the appropriate places so some things are not overbearing and sort of hide in the background. Still would like to go transparent, but without correct wording in every file, is not possible. Is all a real project, but I need the experience and know how or I will never get anywhere! Have learned quite a bit on all this but still much further to go. Will say am done when I could write one totally myself! For now will keep working with the bits and pieces I have to make something sweet!

Re: Seeking best information on GTKRC

PostPosted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 10:55 am
by pam
BBoss, i found something that maybe of worth to you for developing themes with more variance... ... -1-basics/
The above link is a 4 part tutorial for making gtk3 themes. It deals with how to build a theme and its correct function depending on the engine. Read the comments section for any heads up. ... escription
GtkCssProvider — CSS-like styling for widgets. Change the attributes for your taste and manipulate till you get a really cool widget. ... yleContext
Migrating and porting theme engines--from 2.x to 3.x (source: the gtk3 reference manual)

(205.5 KiB) Downloaded 601 times

The GTK3 reference manual downloadable pdf. ... -with-css/
Styling GTK with css. ... CSS#p72088
styling versus theming (source: the gtkforums)

THe widget factory does not support gtk3, you need to use awf-- A Widget Factory....
install in ubuntu by :
Code: Select all
 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:valere-monseur/version

Code: Select all
sudo apt-get update && apt-get install awf

So what is awf:
You can also compile it from source, in ubuntu just install from the above commands.

When you make a gtk3, what should you do or go about it...the below doc also explains how to use awf: ... theme.html

Re: Seeking best information on GTKRC

PostPosted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 11:25 am
by BBOSAK2143
Thank you thank you!!! As always great, great links! You know on the funny side of things, I did kind of like coloring those png files! As everyone knows have 10 cats. Now I used to love building car models and painting all the little details. Now with these cats, they will simply get on the shelf and knock them down. Then not only that, sure they look nice, but they gather dust. Painting is messy as always manage to drop that little dot somewhere where it does not belong. Now on the computer, I get the same effect of painting something real tiny, but no spillage. Then if it comes out like trash, simply delete and start over. Can't do that with those models!!! Also is sweet because I can use those effects have created daily and will not gather dust by no means! Still, I will push forward to accomplish more by wording. Knowing the measurements and how things should be laid out, I feel is highly important. Why? For anyone that wants to put anything on the desktop, whether it be a theme or a program has to be precise in measurements and how things look. If a program looks like a trainwreck, chances are no one will understand its function and may not even engage correctly! I learned this a bit from my java class. I did fair in displaying some things, but needed work. Now am working on it! So I really appreciate all the help you give me all the time. I just hope you will never take anything I say negatively. Also feel bad I did not catch Xan's joke! He has the best sense of humor and knows how to use it the best have ever seen! I was pushing hard with a few things here and lost sight of that! I now feel terrible as everyone here is great and to get anyone mad is never my intention in the least! Always thanks am going to love this studying!!!

Re: Seeking best information on GTKRC

PostPosted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 2:25 pm
by BBOSAK2143
Pam had no luck on getting awf. Either repo is down or something with my OS! As I usually do not have problems with any repos believe the first mentioned. As I usually get Ubuntu assemblies, which am touch an go with anyway, I'm just not sure if the archlinux would assemble on a ubuntu? Yes never asked that question as usually all assembly required programs are listed as ubuntu! Received an email as I generally do from a group on Gnome-Looks(Anti-Spam) read it then visited themes. I was kind of shocked at 2 that are considered as themes. Now generally, I thought a theme would need coloring, least not be looking like something created with java, right? These 2 themes one called zikiwi and other zukwito I can see absolutely no color changes. Well, maybe only one in the corner a user black window, but other than that between the 2 they look like nothing has been done at all??? Well, am back to reading, got one crazy flaw in this theme, if I can wip that would be great! So far no luck on a third step with chrome scrollbar. Goes from normal, prelight, normal. Now we all know should be normal, prolight, and active! Guess Chrome forgot the active part! So far nothing will cue that in, that I have written. Poor writing I guess???

Re: Seeking best information on GTKRC

PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 1:47 am
by pam
Any major theme developments is beyond gtkrc.
CSS will be used everywhere in gnome configurations in the coming future.

you can install awf by compiling as below:
As usual download the zip from github...
Install dependencies..
Code: Select all
sudo apt-get install libgtk-3-0

Code: Select all
sudo apt-get install libgtk-3-dev

Code: Select all
sudo apt-get update

Code: Select all
sudo apt-get install libgtk-3-dev

Next go into your extracted awf directory from the terminal and type the following as root:
Code: Select all

Code: Select all

Code: Select all

Code: Select all
make install

run awf by pressing ALT+F2 and type either 'awf-gtk3' or 'awf-gtk2' depending on which you want.
BTW chrome scrollbar has an extension for color change and can be downloaded from chrome store.