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How do I know if the ISO I downloaded is good or corrupted?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 10:10 am
by TheeMahn
The built in disk checker will fail with each release as the md5sum.txt file is updated on the disk before being built, I believe this to be a bug in Reconstructor, the software that built Ultimate Editions. There is a file created in the root of the CD / DVD called md5sum.txt that contains invalid CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) info. Enough of the details that will probably go over most peoples head and onto what we are here for
How do I know if the ISO I downloaded is good or corrupted?

A tool md5sum is included in all versions of Ultimate Edition; there is also a windows version for those who are looking to get Billy from $MS off their back ;)

In *nix open a terminal cd to the folder / directory containing the downloaded iso in this example we are going to check Ultimate Edition 1.6 Gamers Edition (unreleased to this point), however you will need to replace the number based on the page that you downloaded it from...
Code: Select all
theemahn@SledgeHammer:~$ cd /media/BigBitch/ISOS/Ultimate/
theemahn@SledgeHammer:/media/BigBitch/ISOS/Ultimate$ ls -l
total 4590208
-rwxrwxrwx 1 theemahn theemahn 4700372992 2007-11-07 20:54 ubuntu-ultimate-1.6-gamers.iso
theemahn@SledgeHammer:/media/BigBitch/ISOS/Ultimate$ md5sum ubuntu-ultimate-1.6-gamers.iso

It should return the following Alpha-Numeric value:
Code: Select all
40f27ced961650eefa5505e24df8254a  ubuntu-ultimate-1.6-gamers.iso

If just one number / letter is off you have a corrupted download and should be re-downloaded.

for versions other then 1.6 please review your particular distro here. The md5sum info is available on each page for each distro, thats all there is to it.

I hope I have helped at least one person ;)
