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Two important warnings for US members - lobby now!

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Two important warnings for US members - lobby now!

Postby swarfendor437 » Sat Nov 18, 2017 4:21 pm

These have appeared in my inbox this week from

Message 1:


The Trump administration is on the verge of having the power to monitor the Internet and read your emails permanently extended. We *need* to stop them before it’s too late.

Tell key lawmakers today: End the US government’s warrantless Internet surveillance powers.

Take Action

Trump and the rest of the U.S. government get much of their Internet surveillance powers from Section 702 of the FISA Amendments Act, and that law is coming up for reauthorization by Congress in less than two months. Section 702 lets the government collect and search the emails, photos, and other private information of innocent people without cause—the kind of surveillance that takes away everyone's freedom to be themselves.

And remember, Trump may be in charge of these surveillance programs now, but if they are made permanent, any future President can use—or abuse—them. This isn’t about whether you support or oppose President Trump—this is about taking back our privacy and security from a corrupted federal government that has violated our basic rights for far too long.

Take action now to demand Congress ends Section 702, the biggest mass surveillance law in the U.S.

Take Action

This is going to be an epic fight. Private contractors like Booz Allen, Lockheed Martin, and Leidos have been getting rich from mass surveillance,[1] and they are lobbying hard to make sure Section 702 is renewed. With these special interests involved, and the fear campaigns they run, ending surveillance under Section 702 won’t be easy.

This month we lost one of our last chances to secure meaningful reforms against the government’s powers. The House Judiciary Committee approved the USA Liberty Act--the bill that reforms and reauthorizes Section 702—WITHOUT a critical amendment that fixed the “backdoor search” loophole.[2]

Now we have no choice but to tell lawmakers to vote against the USA Liberty Act, and oppose outright the reauthorization of Section 702.

This whole system of mass surveillance has been built and supported by corruption, and the only way to break the cycle of corruption is for regular people to speak out loudly. The intelligence contractors may have the money and the insider connections, but they don’t have the most important thing that politicians need—popular public support.

Add your name to our petition demanding an end to Section 702. If Congress hears from us in droves, we can stop Trump's unchecked surveillance powers.

Thanks for taking action,

-Evan at FFTF


[1] Vice: ... rveillance
[2] ZDNet: ... e-reforms/

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Message 2:


It’s official: top Verizon lawyer turned FCC Chairman Ajit Pai has scheduled the vote to overturn net neutrality on December 14.[1] Now is our last chance to stop them from killing the Internet as we know it.

We have just one month left to mobilize the grassroots backlash needed to flip key members of Congress and get them to stop the FCC from moving forward with the vote. This has happened before. It is possible for Congress to stop this rogue FCC from gutting consumer and free speech protections at the behest of big telecom companies.

We’re hearing again and again that the calls. Are. Working. But we need more of them to get to the level of “pandemonium” required to get the necessary members of Congress to step in and stop the FCC.

Our 1-click call tool is connecting hundreds of thousands of phone calls with senators and representatives. As we approach the vote, we need to drive more calls every day, which means we need to raise more funds to cover the costs of connecting the calls (they add up!).

Yes, I'll chip in to keep the phones in DC ringing and connect constituent calls for net neutrality.

It’s worth understanding the strategy here. Congress is supposed to provide oversight for the FCC, so we need to make clear to Congress that it’s their responsibility to stop the FCC from advancing a plan that hurts everyone—from average Internet users to small businesses to gamers to app developers to librarians to human rights activists.

Even worse, it’s clear that telecom giants are hoping that if they can get the rules repealed at the FCC, they can exploit the situation to make sure NO real net neutrality legislation passes in Congress. That’s why it’s so important that we defend the Title II based rules we have now, ones that millions of people fought for in 2015.

We need to make Ajit Pai’s attack on net neutrality Congress’ biggest problem in the weeks before the vote—and reinforce it with an increased flood of phone calls straight from constituents in lawmakers’ own backyards.

Our momentum is growing as the vote approaches: some of the most popular websites in the world are running our action alerts to help connect more net neutrality supporters with decision makers at this crucial moment. And we’re planning more protests online and off as we count down to the final minutes when we can get Congress to move.

Will you chip in to help increase the number of calls we can connect before the FCC vote?

Yes, I’ll chip in.

Donate Now

For the future,

Holmes at FFTF


[1] Bloomberg: ... ember-vote

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