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12 Backup guide

The Ultimate Guide for the rest of us

12 Backup guide

Postby LeadFingers » Thu Apr 03, 2008 6:25 am

One of the major differences between M$ and Linux way of thinking is how they handle a reinstall.

With Windows the chances were pretty good you were going to be reinstalling the same version every 6 months or so, just to keep it working properly. For this set-up, Disk imaging or a Ghost was your daddy.

With Linux, the developers know you could run it for years without reinstalling and it would still be stable, but would prolly like to install a newer release every 6 months or so.
For this set-up we have an entirely different set of tools.

Migration assistant:
Want a newer release, but want to keep all your settings for your favorite apps.
The migration assistant in Ultimate Edition will do this for you as part of the default install.
All you have to do is choose Yes when that part of the install comes up.

Simple Backup Config:
A simple little app that Ultimate Edition installs by default.
System/Administration/Simple Backup Config
When opened it will ask for your password

____________________The three basic settings_____________________
1) Use recommended backup settings
Do standard backups
Defaults: daily incremental and weekly full backups to /var/backup
of all user files. /etc... /usr/local... and /var
Multimedia files, temporary files, and files larger than 100 Mb are excluded

2) Use custom backup settings
Do backups according to the settings on the include page of Simple backup config

3) Manual backups only

Select which of the three options you want, and move on to the next page.
the include page.
If you want something to be in included in the custom or manual backup, select Add File,or Add Directory, and navigate to it

The exclude page operates the same way.

The Destination page is where you can set the location of where your system stores the backups.
to change the location, hit the arrow and select a preset location, or select Other and navigate to where you want them placed. you even have a choice of using a remote location, like a FTP site or a different computer.

The Time page is where you set the time/times you want to do a standard backup

The purging page is where you set the age and condition of backups you keep.

To use these backups we use Simple Backup restore...
System/Administration/Simple backup restore
Again when opened it will ask for your password

Point it to where you have your backups
Hit apply
in the window below, select the files & folders to restore,
Then select either Restore or Restore as.

________________________FireFox Bookmarks Backup__________________________

To Export your bookmarks in Firefox...
open FireFox
from the Menu... Bookmarks/Organize Bookmarks...
This opens your Bookmarks Manager
select... File/Export
Type in the name you want (adding a date is a good idea)
point to where you want it stored
Hit Save
Close out the bookmarks manager

_______________________Thunderbird Contacts Backup_________________________

Open Thunderbird
Hit the Address book icon
Select... Tools/Export
Type in the name (adding a date is a good idea)
point it to where you want it stored
hit Save
Close out the Address book

If Simple backup is not flexible enough for you or you need something more powerful...

To create a Live DVD of your OS use Remastersys. ... emastersys

Foxfire extensions: (Copied from a post by jfg69)
You can even back these files up and store them on the web or a Gmail account and always have access to them.
FEBE backs up extensions and themes into installable files.

and its companion, CLEO
which puts them all into a single complete installer file.
(good to synch themes and add-ons between different comps or when you bork your install and need to start fresh)

A small but powerful script QuickStart
Description, Download & How to

Always copy your backups to a CD or DVD when you reinstall or install a newer release.
1st Box: Ultimate Edition 2.0 x64/ 1.8 x64
2nd Box: XP (dusty)
3rd Box: Stable Media box Ultimate Edition 1.8 x64 with XBMC

The Oxen are slow but the Earth is patient ~Chuen~
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U.E. God
U.E. God
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Joined: Fri Nov 23, 2007 1:46 am
Location: Salem Oregon
Age: 63
Operating System: Ultimate Edition 3.1 64 BIT

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