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Can't get sound out of TVcard (as-good-as solved)

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Re: Can't get sound out of TVcard (half-solved)

Postby Uffe » Mon Jan 05, 2009 4:31 pm

LeadFingers wrote:I presume you have a TVtime launcher either on your desktop or your panel, have you tried to add that code to the launcher?
Right click on the TVtime launcher
select properties
if on the panel... add the code in the command box after TVtime
if on the desktop... select the launcher tab... add the code in the command box after TVtime
if that doesn't work like you want it, you can always create a new launcher and add that code to the command line. Sorry I don't remember how make a code start every boot, something about edit fstab is as far as I get.

Thank you for the answer, but sadly enough it don't work. On the other hand, I learned something new again - thats positive :)
I have a wild guess on what's wrong: Could it be that "tvtime" and the command string after have to be separated by some command sign for "enter" and again "enter" after the command string ?

How do one write "enter" in a command, is there a code or sign for that ? ( I have used more than an hour googleling for that - with no luck ) :( :(

Or is the solution to it this:
writing a script, save it and let the launcher tab point this instead ?

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Re: Can't get sound out of TVcard (half-solved)

Postby Uffe » Tue Jan 06, 2009 11:42 am

This guide combined with some of all the other bits and pieces I have found in my search and this important tip from LeadFingers
Right click on the TVtime launcher
select properties
if on the desktop... select the launcher tab... add the code in the command box after TVtime

That didn't work but it was the trigger for :idea: instead I wrote this in the command box:
Code: Select all

made a file in gedit with the name "./" witch contains this:
Code: Select all
tvtime -m &

sleep 4

arecord -D hw:1,0 -c 2 -r 32000 -f S16_LE -t wav | aplay - &

Is the correct way to do this - I don't know - but it works !

Now it's only a little bit out of sync, but somewhere in my search I found a solution for that too, but where ???
Anyway, thanks for helping me on the way. :)

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Re: Can't get sound out of TVcard (as-good-as solved)

Postby Uffe » Sun Jul 19, 2009 8:02 am

Well, I know it's quite an old tread, but occasionaly - when it bother me too much that the sound isn't in sync - I have been looking for some way to fix it.
I finally found it.
When using the script above and changing the last line to
Code: Select all
sox --buffer 2048 -r 32000 -t alsa hw:1,0 -t alsa hw:0,0

sound works perfect.
I just have one problem left: When closing TVtime sox still runs and it can block sound from other things. Is there any way of fixing that, so sox close with TVtime - besides making a new script for closing TVtime :?:

Ubuntu minimal w/ Mate desktop 64bit
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