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3.0.1 faults

Help & support for Ultimate Edtion 3.0

3.0.1 faults

Postby dougal » Wed Mar 14, 2012 3:52 pm

I have installed 3.0.1 and so far have found a couple of small things. No idea why they happened but, they did.

1. Coming back to the Desktop from screensaver I found my Top Panel missing. Had to go commando and reboot.
2. Finally got to the desktop (things seem slow) and no wireless. I mean nothing, silcho. No wireless detected whatsoever. Rebooted and same thing, no wireless.

I rebooted into 2.6.5 got my wireless back and regained sanity. Version 3.0 had faults for me and now 3.0.1 has too. I will be patient and wait for 3.2 to come along. Thee is promising it to be back on track and the best thing yet so happy days...
One thing I did like is the great default screensaver. ;)

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Re: 3.0.1 faults

Postby Billie Cowie » Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:33 pm

Hi Dougal,
there's something screwey here.
I have 3.0.1 on my laptop and have both wired and wireless connection. I have just got a new Quad-core Desktop yet I only have AutoEtho enabled.I also have Dream Multimedia2 on both systems and it's the same situation. I have both wired & wireless on my laptop but only Wired on my Desktop.
It seems to be something not enabled/configured correctly.I looked at network settings ( under preferences ) as I remember playing around with a few things when I first installed 3.0.1 on my laptop, but I have been asleep since then and can't remember what I did to get it working,and copying the info into the Desktop Computers network settings window didn't work either.
There is WiFi Radar under Internet apps and RutiltWLAN Manager , the former I can't seem to get working and the latter gives me this error-code when I try to access it- "Critical error: Can't find any wireless network interface. Code: -3"
Any helpful suggestions guys?

P.S. I had a problem with the top panel but I think it was something I did in Ubuntu-Tweak that caused it. When I went back and undid all the changes I made in Ubuntu-Tweak it came back. Perhaps that's coincidence but I have my top panel back.3.0.1 certainly doesn't work like previous U.E's though. Never had a problem with wireless before now!
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Re: 3.0.1 faults

Postby Admin-Amir » Thu Mar 15, 2012 6:11 am

Hello Billie/Dougal ppl.

3 steps to take care of to get the solution for the eth1.

1- Enable the wireless network in the Edit connection.
2 -configure the eth1 with the MAC Address that you will see when you click tab in the right box.
like in the image here.

3 -Now,
here is something that you did not think about here on the issue.
you can add - Jupiter to your system.
Jupiter will get you to Enable all the connection to work for you on the system.

jupiter.png (40.43 KiB) Viewed 6999 times

How to add it?

Code: Select all
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/jupiter

Code: Select all
sudo apt-get update

Code: Select all
sudo apt-get install jupiter

if you have eee then :

Code: Select all
sudo apt-get install jupiter-support-eee

you need to restart your system so Jupiter effects your system After reboot.

And just for the Tip here Billie - You did not talk about the :
reboot in.
software that let you reboot to other system/OR/other kernel with click. ;) :D

Re: 3.0.1 faults

Postby Billie Cowie » Thu Mar 15, 2012 10:11 am

Hello again, Admin-Amir,
did as you suggested , that is , I entered my Mac hardware address but no joy.
Wirelesss is still disabled. It doesn't matter much as I am stilll connected via AutoEtho on my Desktop.
My Laptop has wireless and wired enabled so that's o.K. and I don't really need wireless on my desktop. I was more interested in trying to find out why it wasn't working.
In Network settings Wired is set to Loopback by default -I tried changing to Ethernet but it still reverts to loopback, so multicast is not enabled.I don't know if that makes a difference.
Tried using other interfaces too, Unity,etc, same situation.I can edit connections but nothing I do seems to enable wireless connection, although the Wireless Network name is available in the settings box, nothing appears on the desktop.
Looked in boot-up manager and everything seems o.k. too
I have added Jupiter to 3.0.1 and it was already installed in Dream Multimedia2 but nothing appears for internet connection.
Am I missing something here?
Like I said I don't need wireless on my Desktop, anyway. I was more concerned about trying to find a solution for Dougal.I am only trying to learn a little more about Linux.
The problem is a new one for me and I think directly related to the new Unity/Gnome interfaces perhaps?
I have played around with other distros and several of them seem to set-up internet connections in different ways and often don't ask for the same information, so it can get irritating at times. It's the laptop connection I find most confusing.If my laptop uses the same OS' why can I get wireless on my laptop and not the desktop?
The laptop gives me all the wireless connections available including BTfon but the Desktop gives me only Wired connection.
Nothing changes when I edit network connections and network manager only displays Wired Connection1.
Any other ideas? :vil2_reflechir
All that I am or seem is but a dream within a dream.
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Re: 3.0.1 faults

Postby Admin-Amir » Thu Mar 15, 2012 12:19 pm

Hello Billie.

well I look on your replay and you 100% right there.
it looks like the wireless did not get the Drivers install in Advance.
That can happens if you from the start close the wireless option in the Build of the systems.

At ammeter of facts I say this is the issue that you all have here.
if Jockey +Non-free firmware+restricted packages+manage firmware = 4 packages:
firmware-tools-GUI+common+cli+extract+firmware tools++ndiswrapper+Additional Drivers install the card Driver.
Hope that will give you some solution for this issue.
And yes the main package that will get your card will be - iwlwifi.
OR ... re-iwlwifi
hope that will get your all Drivers fix the network issue.

After you have install them all restart your machine and see if you have your wireless up. ;)

Re: 3.0.1 faults

Postby dougal » Sat Mar 17, 2012 3:54 pm

Billie - I was going to suggest it was a matter of missing drivers for your wireless card. It is most likely that your laptop doesn't use the same driver as the desktop machine but, both drivers are probably already installed for your laptop as nearl all laptops have wireless already buit-in so OSes will have the drivers for them.
The wireless cards for desktop machines seem to be fundamentally different and need different drivers.
I am annoyed that the wireless plug-in USB devices that I bought are both not seen by the system straight off.
Xubuntu could run with either of them by finding and using the Windows Wireless Drivers program in the Admin menu so it does look like Amir is correct and they have been missed or the function to enabled them has been missed from 3.0.1.
Amir - I have removed 3.0.1 from my system again for the moment. Have installed 2.6 on this slightly old desktop machine and am going through the process of extracting the Windows driver in VirtualBox. Have to use VirtualBox because Wine won't finish installing the Windows driver disk for the Wireless device, typical.
One of those times when I hate to admit to needing Windows, oh wait a minute though!!! I could use ISOMagic or something similar to open up the Windows disk for the device and copy the .inf file that way, I think.
Aaargh!!! I'm in the wrong system for doing all this. Installed 2.9 Lite today to play with but, missing too many packages and have problems with it now missing one package that is holding everything up. So, going to reboot into 2.6 to get things done. Back later.

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Re: 3.0.1 faults

Postby dougal » Sat Mar 17, 2012 4:47 pm

Was giving myself more work than I needed to. Didn't remember that the Windows drivers were already available in another directory that is referenced off the .exe file. Headache...

Right so, I have copied all the drivers over and still none of them seem to work with the Ralink device. That's strange!
I have Ultimate Edition 2.6 installed on the desktop and it is updating at this moment.
I am thinking I am missing a library somewhere. NDISwrapper is installed and I can see and use the option for Windows Wireless Drivers.
I am going to try another wireless device in a wee while if this one fails.
Will keep you guys posted.

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Re: 3.0.1 faults

Postby dougal » Sun Mar 18, 2012 5:26 am

Well I tried entering the Mac address to the Wireless too but, it still didn't allow me to use Wireless.
I installed everything from Synaptic I could see that might have been relevant to Wireless and still nothing.
I tried a different Wireless device as I said earlier with every driver I could find related to it from the supplied CD. I know both devices work because they both worked through Ultimate Edition 2.9. The older one worked by selecting Windows Wireless Drivers from the Admin menu and the newer one worked out of the box without having to search for a driver but, I believe this is because it uses the same driver as the older device anyway.

I re-installed Ultimate Edition 2.9 to this Desktop machine I've been fighting with and it works without me having to find a driver!!!

So Ultimate Edition 3.0.1 and 2.6 are both defective in my humble opinion when it comes to setting up Wireless devices.

Now that I have 2.9 back - how can I get rid of the 'Partial Upgrade only' when it comes to the Upgrade Manager installing updates. I know that going for the full blown upgrade of the kernel ruins 2.9 so, how has that been overcome in 3.0? Can I get rid of the message that Update Manager shows?

Thanks again for your attempt to help Amir and good luck Billie on finding a solution to the wireless problem you are having. It might just be that the wireless card you have does not have the correct driver being employed to get it working. Options without going through all the techie stuff might be to either try another device or install a version of Ultimate Edition that works with it like 2.9 perhaps.

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