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HOW TO protect against deleting files.

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HOW TO protect against deleting files.

Postby Admin-Amir » Fri Aug 28, 2009 12:17 pm

Deletion rm command will be replaced by a system with safe-rm.
Users who try to delete a protected file or folder can not delete them an alert message is displayed on the screen.
To determine a list of folders / files at operating system globally or per user.
Deletion rm command will be replaced by a system with safe-rm.
Users who try to delete a protected file or folder can not delete them an alert message is displayed on the screen.

To determine a list of folders / files at operating system globally or per user.

Installing safe-rm is the most simple installation. A single file which replaces the original rm command.

1. Download the package - tar of safe-rm link below:

2. Is the location of a file (command rm) command with which the following way:
which rm
Path we received (eg bin / rm /) will treat without command rm itself, so in our case the path is bin / Oniitzg it down some - for simplicity

3. Nfros the file - tar file containing the safe-rm user root (or using sudu) copy the above file location required
Code: Select all
sudo cp safe-rm / /.

4. Now we keep the original backup file rm:
Code: Select all
sudo mv / / rm / / rm.original

5. Change the file name can be safe-rm runtime permissions for all users:
Code: Select all
sudo mv / / safe-rm / / rm

Code: Select all
sudo chmod a x / / rm

Actions we implemented the system will use - safe-rm instead of rm. Now you can use - safe-rm in normal reading to - rm when deleting files / folders securely knowing you can not make, error, damage the operating system.

Thanks to Miki Barzily.
From -

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