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HOW TO compile the kernel

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HOW TO compile the kernel

Postby Admin-Amir » Fri Aug 28, 2009 12:04 pm

HOW TO compile the kernel?

Download the latest source code of the kernel can be downloaded here vanilla.

Code: Select all
cd /usr/src

Code: Select all
sudo apt-get install linux-source-$(uname -r)

Code: Select all
cd linux-source-$(uname -r)

Now Step 1: configuration

Well there's all sorts of tools but if you are already on the console then the end
Configure Mac can do but then answer the many questions and all sorts of tools
Have a good visual tool based on terminal configuration ncurses package should then be installed to work with ... You can check installed libncurses5 ... I think that's the name of the package:
"make menuconfig"

You can use the other already made changes and add it goes like this:
Or it is located in / proc / config.gz but it ubuntu So that in / boot
Then copy it to the place we're in.

Code: Select all
sudo cp /boot/config-$(uname -r) .config

Every time I records the uname-r kernel version this number.

Now we run:
Code: Select all
sudo make menuconfig

Down can load our file configoration. Config

Now you can make changes to what starred Mkomfl into the kernel source code
What is selected in kernel module M Mkomfl
And whatever Mkomfl not marked at all.

Step 0.5
Paste the patch's
patch's kernel with the extension of pfile.patch infect code like this:
Spread 'should be in compiling the library or elsewhere;

Code: Select all
sudo patch -p1 < pfile.patch

Bz2 extension instance

Code: Select all
bzcat file.patch.bz2 | patch -p1

There are all sorts of tools that whoever deals with it regularly saving time should recognise some commands.
For instance you could deploy the bzip file with another command, then you can use that allows
All these operations into one command.

Do not forget to check Distribute Jim appropriate kernel version which infect them ...
Otherwise Hkimfol can be detained in the middle with all sorts of strange error messages ...
If anyone knows how to turn off this option will continue despite the mistakes Hkimfol ignoring several versions tell me.

Step 2 - Update Makefile file
Yes it has to Ubuntu and any distributions. Ubuntu has a package called Linux-restricted-module
She has invented its own version number ... To screen card drivers and all those working Snkmfl new kernel without having to compile this package again (only to change her name and number version of the kernel we want to suppose that does not exist reservoirs) date in November 2008 can open the file Makefile and add sub-version is the number The next version after version 2.6.20-22 kernel Suppose
So 22 is the sub version of this. Must write the sub version of the kernel for Komfl Linux-restricted-module. Line where it says EXTRAVERSION =
Then EXTRAVERSION = 22 for example.
Example when it is necessary:
Suppose I installed the 2.6.27 kernel and it does not exist and reservoirs of ubuntu configuration file located at the Boot and kernel 2.6.16-22. Restricted Mkomfl module for this kernel
So he also works for 2.6.27 to get him the number 22 comes after the kernel version number of the previous value of extraversion

Cleaning of make ...
Well you make not just doing the usual way because it's Ubuntu idea is to create a Debian kernel package
Setup Manager automatically installs like any software package in ubuntu.
The idea is to create a distribution that matches the installation package will be installed automatically with the Package Manager.
To create the installation package of the kernel this way Ubuntu should download the package kernel-package.
She brings the tool that does make the road creates the possibility to create an installation package of creating kernel.

Well I wrote this whole story comes down to rows:

Code: Select all
sudo apt-get install kernel-package

Tools in question:

Code: Select all
sudo make-kpkg clean

Step 4 - Hkimfol

Summarize it this way:

Code: Select all
sudo make-kpkg --initrd --append-to-version=-SomeStringsHere kernel-image kernel-headers

It's a library off .. / DEB packages for the version you install both a click
If you already terminal then to the end:
It saves just edit the grub and add the link

Code: Select all
sudo dpgk -i linux-image-???-SomeStringHere.deb

Thanks to:

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