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Upgrading Ultimate Edition 2.4-[SOLVED]

PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 3:05 pm
by Wolfcrf
Hi! I'm new to Linux and Ultimate Edition.
I'm using Ultimate Edition 2.4 for about a week, and it's awesome, congratz!
But when I got to this forum I read that there's already Ultimate Edition 2.5 and 2.6 is coming.

My question is:
How do I upgrade? Does it make it auto? Or do I have to download the newer version and install it?
Will I loose any data on upgrading?

Re: Upgrading Ultimate Edition 2.4

PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 3:12 pm
by Admin-Amir
Hello Wolfcrf & welcome to the U.E Forum. ;)

Hi! I'm new to Linux and Ultimate Edition.
I'm using Ultimate Edition 2.4 for about a week, and it's awesome, congratz!
But when I got to this forum I read that there's already Ultimate Edition 2.5 and 2.6 is coming.

My question is:
How do I upgrade? Does it make it auto? Or do I have to download the newer version and install it?
Will I loose any data on upgrading?
Hi! I'm new to Linux and Ultimate Edition.
I'm using Ultimate Edition 2.4 for about a week, and it's awesome, congratz!
But when I got to this forum I read that there's already Ultimate Edition 2.5 and 2.6 is coming.

My question is:
How do I upgrade? Does it make it auto? Or do I have to download the newer version and install it?
Will I loose any data on upgrading?

we do not Recommending to make Upgrade from one system to the newer system.
we Recommend to Download the new system and install the system.
And yes the 2.6 coming very soon (2 weeks).
So just hang in there for the next 2 weeks and get the new system Download & have fun with the new system.
Welcome to U.E Forum.

Re: Upgrading Ultimate Edition 2.4

PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 3:17 pm
by Wolfcrf
Ok, I'll wait, thanks!
*But will I loose the apps I'm running now?
*And one last question: when I'll instalL Ultimate Edition 2.6 will it ask to remove Ultimate Edition 2.4 or I'll have to delete it manually?

Re: Upgrading Ultimate Edition 2.4

PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 4:01 pm
by Admin-Amir
Hello Wolfcrf.

For your first Question about the apps well you will have them on the 2.6 as well and more.
For your second Question,well you have 2 ways to get the process going.
1- you can Delete your 2.4 in the process of the installation.
2- you can use Parted Magic to Delete your HDD and to start fresh installation.
For me the best way is the second option to do.
No worry you have allot of new software coming on the new Release.
Please look in the How To section (Guides section) and you will have all the answers ready there.

Re: Upgrading Ultimate Edition 2.4

PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 4:08 pm
by Wolfcrf
Thanks a lot for the info!

Re: Upgrading Ultimate Edition 2.4-[SOLVED]

PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 7:59 pm
by Admin-Amir
You welcome Wolfcrf.